github ant-design/ant-design-mobile v5.37.0

latest release: v5.37.1
5 days ago


  • ConfigProvider: Add an icons configuration to support global definition for all components that have icon configuration. #6587
  • Card: Add border and padding related CSS variables for custom styling. #6583

Bug Fixes

  • NumberKeyboard: Fix an issue on iOS where accidental touches at the edge of the screen would cause abnormal deletion behavior. #6651


  • ConfigProvider: 添加 icons 配置以支持全局定义所有拥有图标配置的组件。#6587
  • Card: 添加 borderpadding 相关 CSS 变量以供自定义样式。#6583


  • NumberKeyboard: 修复 IOS 下当手指在屏幕边缘操作时,误触会导致删除异常的问题。#6651

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