github ant-design/ant-design-mobile v5.33.1

latest releases: v5.37.1, v5.37.0, v5.36.1...
9 months ago


  • ImageViewer: Add semantic classNames for mask and body. (#6407)
  • Popover: Prevent event interactive when animating. (#6416)
  • CalendarPicker: support getContainer. (#6460)

Bug Fixes

  • Switch: Fix the width flick even when checkedText & uncheckedText is the same. (#6421)
  • VirtualInput: Fix long press the button on the popup panel will make the panel un-closable. (#6477)
  • NumberKeyboard: Fix title node always render even when title is empty. (#6475)
  • CascaderView: Fix onChange not correct for some special case. (#6444)


  • ImageViewer: 更新语义化 classNames 支持,添加 maskbody。(#6407)
  • Popover: 在动画过渡时阻止点击交互事件。(#6416)
  • CalendarPicker: 支持传递 getContainer 属性。(#6460)


  • Switch: 修复在 checkedTextuncheckedText 相同时,切换状态宽度会抖动的问题。(#6421)
  • VirtualInput: 修复弹出面板长按后,面板无法关闭的问题。(#6477)
  • NumberKeyboard: 修复 title 为空时,title 节点仍然会渲染的问题。(#6475)
  • CascaderView: 修复在一些特殊情况下 onChange 返回值内容不正确的问题。(#6444)

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