- lightspeed/gen: adjust the error box style for Dark mode (#1884) @goneri
- AAP-41894: lightspeed/roleGen: Delay the collection check (#1880) @goneri
- bump primevue to 4.3.2 (#1882) @goneri
- Lightspeed/roleGen: miscellaneous minor changes (#1881) @goneri
- lightspeed: remove experimental flag for roleExp/Gen (#1877) @goneri
- Minimal Fixes for Playbook project and Execution-environment webview (#1867) @tanwigeetika1618
- Add support to scaffold generic module plugins in the plugin webview (#1873) @shvenkat-rh
- README: updated Lightspeed Getting Started link (#1872) @jperezdealgaba
- Add support for lightspeed role explanation (#1866) @mabashian
- lightspeed/roleGen: enable Telemetry (#1865) @goneri
- AAP-40492: prompt history for playbook generation (#1850) @goneri
- test-launcher.sh: reset the VSCode settings between tests (#1863) @goneri
- downgrade primevue until issue 7294 is fixed (#1862) @goneri
- Update devfile and devcontainer webviews to use vscode-elements (#1860) @tanwigeetika1618
- Removed Redundant Comments for Clarity (#1854) @shvenkat-rh
- roleGen: report backend errors in the interface (#1848) @goneri
- roleGen: Harmonizing Color Schemes and dark-mode support (#1846) @goneri
- AAP-40492: implement the prompt history for the role generation (#1840) @goneri
- Lightspeed: update ligtspeed api paths version to v1 (#1803) @ldjebran
- Remove Lightspeed Enabled setting (#1797) @mabashian
- Update plugin webview: Sort and capitalise pluginType dropdown entries (#1804) @shatakshiiii
- AAP-39941: Migrate the role generation away from webpack (#1818) @goneri
- webpack: ensure server.js is properly bundled (#1892) @goneri
- AAP-42164: lightspeedl: roleGen: properly pass the role name key (#1888) @goneri
- primevue 4.3.1 with a patch for 7294 (#1871) @goneri
- examples: fix the collection name (#1869) @goneri
- Test for Bug Fixes for Collection/Playbook project webview and Collection Plugin webview (#1813) @tanwigeetika1618
- roleGen: properly reset the outline when they are changed manually (#1847) @goneri
- roleGen: remove some traces (#1839) @goneri
- Correct image name for environment walkthrough in .vscodeignore (#1844) @alisonlhart
- Correct devcontainer webview description (#1843) @alisonlhart
- Use . instead of source for sourcing scripts (#1833) @ssbarnea