github ansible-collections/cisco.ios v9.0.0

25 days ago


Release Summary

Starting from this release, the minimum ansible-core version this collection requires is 2.15.0. The last known version compatible with ansible-core<2.15 is v8.0.0.

Major Changes

  • Bumping requires_ansible to >=2.15.0, since previous ansible-core versions are EoL now.

Minor Changes

  • Add ios_vrf_global resource module in favor of ios_vrf module (fixes - #1055)

Deprecated Features

  • ios_bgp_address_family - deprecated attribute password in favour of password_options within neigbhors.
  • ios_bgp_global - deprecated attributes aggregate_address, bestpath, inject_map, ipv4_with_subnet, ipv6_with_subnet, nopeerup_delay, distribute_list, address, tag, ipv6_addresses, password, route_map, route_server_context and scope
  • ios_linkagg - deprecate legacy module ios_linkagg
  • ios_lldp - deprecate legacy module ios_lldp


  • ios_acls - fix incorrect mapping of port 135/udp to msrpc.
  • ios_l3_interfaces - Fix gathering wrong facts for source interface in ipv4.
  • ios_service - Add tcp_small_servers and udp_small_servers attributes, to generate configuration.
  • ios_service - Fix timestamps attribute, to generate right configuration.
  • ios_static_routes - Fix gathering facts by properly distinguising routes.
  • l2_interfaces - If a large number of VLANs are affected, the configuration will now be correctly split into several commands.
  • snmp_server - Fix configuration command for snmp-server host.
  • snmp_server - Fix wrong syntax of snmp-server host command generation.

Documentation Changes

  • logging_global - update documentation for severity attribute within buffered.

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