github anonaddy/anonaddy v0.3.0

latest releases: v1.2.0, v1.1.0, v1.0.9...
pre-release3 years ago

In this release the application has been upgraded to Laravel 8.

  • Models are now found under the App\Models namespace in the app/Models directory
  • A migration has been added to update any existing entries in the aliases table with the old aliasable_type value (App\Domain to App\Models\Domain and App\AdditionalUsername to App\Models\AdditionalUsername), make sure you run php artisan migrate after upgrading
  • You should use the phpredis driver instead of predis (for better performance), make sure you have the php-redis module installed. You can check by running php -m
  • You may also wish to add REDIS_CLIENT=phpredis to your .env file

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