github anoma/anoma-archive v0.5.0
Anoma 0.5.0

latest releases: v0.6.1, v0.6.0
2 years ago

Anoma 0.5.0 is a regularly scheduled minor release.


  • WASM: Fix WASM cache exponential backoff
  • Ledger: Temporarily downgrade back to wasmer v1.0.2 until
    the leak that is affecting Linux
    is found and fixed. (#870)
  • Ledger: Upgrade to wasmer v2.2.0 and fix memory leak
    caused by a circular reference in the WASM memory
  • Change the validity predicate main entry-point function to receive
    changed_keys and verifiers arguments in a deterministic order.
  • Dependency: Backport libp2p-noise patch that fixes a compilation
    issue from libp2p/rust-libp2p#2264
  • Wasm: Re-add accidentaly removed tx_ibc WASM and vm_env::ibc module
  • Ledger & Matchmaker: In "dev" chain with "dev" build, load WASM directly from
    the root wasm directory. (#933)
  • Ledger: Decode signed data in IBC VPs
  • Ledger: Fixed handling of the Tendermint mode global argument.
  • Ledger: Set IBC event besides tx_result
  • Ledger: Fix IBC ClientReader functions
  • Ledger: Set 0 as IBC height revision number
  • Ledger: Fix the path via ABCI query


  • Move cron pipeline script externally, fix cron scripts dependencies
  • Fix cron scripts execution (#912)
  • Build docs without attempting to merge master


  • Added specifications for ledger, RPC, default transactions
    and encoding, which is partially derived from code.


  • Added IBC transaction (#411)

  • Ledger: Added validity predicate whitelist configurable for a network to limit which validity predicates are permitted (#875)

  • Ledger: Added transaction whitelist configurable for a network to limit which transactions are permitted (#876)

  • Added transactions and vp to create and mint nfts.

  • Supports a new type of transaction intended to be sent by validators, so called protocol transactions.

    • New transaction type
    • Generation of keys for validators to sign protocol txs
    • A service to broadcast protocol txs from the ledger
    • Improved client tx broadcasting



  • Added a common signing schemes interface to ease additions/removals of signing
    schemes to the ledger. (#225)
  • Canonicalize all wallet aliases to lowercase in the CLI.
  • Ledger: Handle spurious errors on user initiated shutdown.
  • Dependency: Replace ed22519-dalek with ed22519-consensus.
  • Network config: Make the WASM checksums optional in network source, as it is
    filled in by init-network utils command.
  • Network config: The WASM dir were moved inside chain directories.
  • Ledger: added support for transactions to write temporary data that
    can be read by any VP that is checking the validity of the transaction.
    This is being used in IBC native VP for fungible token transfer.
  • Ledger: Update tendermint-rs and ibc-rs
  • Ledger: Sign transaction hash of bytes instead of the bytes themselves.
  • Update the Rust toolchain to 1.58.1.
  • Implemented BorshSchema for ledger's the public types.
  • Updated the tx result from an undecryptable tx to give an error code and message stating message was not decryptable
  • Ledger: Update ibc-rs to v0.12.0
  • WASM: Use tx/VP specific preludes.
  • WASM: Split up tx and VP modules into files.

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