github ankidroid/Anki-Android v2.21alpha3
AnkiDroid 2.21alpha3

latest releases: v2.21alpha13, v2.21alpha12, v2.21alpha11...
pre-release2 months ago


Due to a bug in our release process, the files on this release are incorrectly named


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For regular users

Install arm64-v8a below. If it fails to install, use Parallel.A.

Parallel builds install side-by-side with the main APK, allowing you to use different settings and profiles (via the AnkiDroid directory advanced setting and a different AnkiWeb login).

For testers

The builds with full, play and amazon are useful for testing our builds for different app stores:

  • full: F-Droid & GitHub Parallel apks
  • play: Google Play - does not have MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission as it is forbidden by Google, so app data is deleted on uninstall
  • amazon: Amazon - currently same as full, historically removed CAMERA permission

ABI variants

We perform ABI splits to reduce APK size. In rare cases, a phone may not be using the arm64-v8a ABI. You can find your phone's ABI using kamgurgul/cpu-info. If disk space isn't an issue, use the full apk.

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