github aniyomiorg/aniyomi-preview r6678
Aniyomi Preview r6678

latest releases: r8037, r8034, r8019...
16 months ago




Variant SHA-256
Universal 59f52c3cb691dde70f405acfad95691a15629589af59ad46f7b1ca31450214d1
arm64-v8a ac7b22d34c9851983a5f6a7c2e252ab159c7de330c6e6fd69f8e643e12ff7435
armeabi-v7a 06b9de4776f111375bfbc2d2e049a8f9b38e727fecce613bf1038ac5957584aa
x86 851fccbde2b069bfe3e9f87b80f18f0642ef6818cccd1c7bfe10e8df94a5fab1
x86_64 1c4952c064b797796f8e9415cc0032603e460c094802791c15ac11103a9c8cb0

⬇️ Which APK do I download? ⬇️

If you have a fairly modern smartphone, you generally want to get arm64-v8a. Try armeabi-v7a for older devices. If you are unsure or require compatibility then the universal APK (the biggest in size) will work everywhere.

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