github aniyomiorg/aniyomi-preview r6670
Aniyomi Preview r6670

latest releases: r8019, r7814, r7809...
14 months ago




Variant SHA-256
Universal f32e4a5a47b7c675cf56eeb7cf370f848696d53a2e52e78358029c269f146dae
arm64-v8a f08ba908894e655ac2f62938a4a17feeff44422b58ead751fb14a7421227f34d
armeabi-v7a 53c4782595dc59b6ddb1002a7b377d2fa6e8d6083d7ab34a69d5450b600929e7
x86 183394f9730cb03a2e5532251e8b63a19d722bc34b417ccb540093338c6c08dd
x86_64 b869f8a6bedc221d28cd4a700fed9f008e0080de2d0bf4ede5f8036260ef748a

⬇️ Which APK do I download? ⬇️

If you have a fairly modern smartphone, you generally want to get arm64-v8a. Try armeabi-v7a for older devices. If you are unsure or require compatibility then the universal APK (the biggest in size) will work everywhere.

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