github aniyomiorg/aniyomi-preview r6668
Aniyomi Preview r6668

latest releases: r8037, r8034, r8019...
17 months ago




Variant SHA-256
Universal 4fdd8b3bfbb18f449d55ee77b400a928fc3bd2a55ef58c3a49757255516c2d7a
arm64-v8a 44fdf5050da6163ee1827abbc05d2d2a66b484d521eb047159bc9e8b89e826a2
armeabi-v7a 65fed6ce3f0c26331429d380da72661c83d01682eb188715159ead3d3c3376d3
x86 60b26e8dfd22d24cad7e276085652fa90667ba971b7b58a75c98ddc2f81eafc0
x86_64 1a6ff8c2607feface556ea4a43b7044beb3480a2caf06a29aa6c3b140a08482d

⬇️ Which APK do I download? ⬇️

If you have a fairly modern smartphone, you generally want to get arm64-v8a. Try armeabi-v7a for older devices. If you are unsure or require compatibility then the universal APK (the biggest in size) will work everywhere.

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