What's Changed
- Allow configuring port by @andrew-codes in #87
- Flash of unstyled content (search bar) on the browse view by @andrew-codes in #88
- Enable features requiring authentication by @andrew-codes in #89
- Andrew-codes/issue92 by @andrew-codes in #93
- Andrew-codes/issue94 by @andrew-codes in #95
- Andrew codes/issue91 and issue82 by @andrew-codes in #102
- Andrew codes/issue56 by @andrew-codes in #104
- Andrew-codes/issue56 by @andrew-codes in #107
- Andrew-codes/issue106 by @andrew-codes in #108
- Non-touch centric UI / vertical scroll by @andrew-codes in #109
- Scroll is broken on HA iPad app by @andrew-codes in #111
- Non-touch centric UI / vertical scroll by @andrew-codes in #112
- Swiping on iPad can stop user from continuing without being at the end for the game grid by @andrew-codes in #113
- Game grid does not work on all devices/screen resolutions by @andrew-codes in #114
- Add back search capabilities by @andrew-codes in #115
- Andrew-codes/issue116 by @andrew-codes in #123
- Update read me for release by @andrew-codes in #153
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...2.0.0