github anddea/revanced-integrations v0.153.0

4 days ago

0.153.0 (2024-06-26)

Bug Fixes

  • GmsCore support: Spoof package name (90cd8fd)
  • Hide ads: app crashes in the old client (bf3cdc9)
  • YouTube - Hide feed components: Hide carousel shelf setting does not work (A/B tests) (8bac6f9)
  • YouTube - Hide feed components: Hide expandable chip under videos setting does not work (A/B tests) (f33e4b6)
  • YouTube - Hide feed components: Keyword filter, Hide low views video, Hide recommended videos by views setting does not work (A/B tests) (acaebc0)
  • YouTube - Hide feed components: Some keywords broke interface (c90673c)
  • YouTube - Miniplayer: Hide expand and close buttons setting is not disabled in Modern 1 on YouTube 19.20.35+ (a8ad2aa)
  • YouTube - Player components: Hide Open mix playlist button and Hide Open playlist button did not work (f69091c)
  • YouTube - Return YouTube Dislike: No longer hides glow animation (a80a157)
  • YouTube - Shorts components: Better filtering for disabled comment button (5cd6c0c)
  • YouTube - Shorts components: Improve pattern for disabled comments button (a74fd78)
  • YouTube - Shorts components: More robust pattern for disabled comment button (386ba9b)
  • YouTube - Spoof client: Player gestures not working when spoofing with Android VR client (067f0ec)
  • YouTube - Spoof client: Seekbar thumbnail not shown in Android Testsuite client (0960b91)
  • YouTube - Toolbar components: Add support for Cairo icon (319dc19)
  • YouTube Music: The app crashes on older clients (2a781c4)
  • YouTube/Hide ads: toasts are shown multiple times (f89390f)
  • YouTube/Hide feed components: Hide Visit store button setting does not work (f844ff8)
  • YouTube/Hide feed components: Hide Visit store button setting does not work (a09a33d)
  • YouTube/Hide feed components: community posts are not hidden (64b8814)
  • YouTube/Return YouTube Channel Name: Correctly handle exception (4eeebf4)
  • YouTube/Spoof client: first video is always spoofed as a client of Shorts, Clips (14c22a5)
  • YouTube/Spoof client: restore playback speed menu when spoofing to an iOS, Android TV, Android Testsuite client (fcc7510)
  • YouTube: rename Enable minimized playback patch to Remove background playback restrictions (b3e0c9f)


  • GmsCore support: Add Don't show again option for battery optimization dialog (ecb5836)
  • Hide ads: add Close fullscreen ads settings (2707232)
  • PlayerRoutes: update hardcoded client version (605fdcd)
  • Reddit: Add Hide recommended communities shelf patch (a09af41)
  • YouTube - Description components: Separate the Hide Key concepts section setting from the Hide Chapters section setting (edbf474)
  • YouTube - Miniplayer: Add Enable drag and drop setting (YouTube 19.23.40+) (5d43c29)
  • YouTube - Navigation bar components: Add Enable translucent navigation bar setting (75ba63b)
  • YouTube - Searchbar: Restyle (#17) (cc5e023)
  • YouTube - Seekbar components: Add Enable Cairo seekbar setting (YouTube 19.23.40+) (2e79b43)
  • YouTube - Spoof client: Add Show in Stats for nerds settings (6c5ff0c)
  • YouTube - Spoof client: Selectively spoof client for general video / livestreams / Shorts / fallback (unplayable video) (c8e31ec)
  • YouTube Music: Add Enable Cairo splash animation patch (YouTube Music 7.06.53+) (255e1fc)
  • YouTube Music: change default value (cd072a3)
  • YouTube Music: Remove Replace Cast button patch (f887f24)
  • YouTube/Hide action buttons: add Disable Like and Dislike button glow setting (ffb9a08)
  • YouTube/Hide feed components: separate the Hide low views video settings from Hide recommended videos settings (730c58c)
  • YouTube/Settings: unify toast key format (a3ce453)
  • YouTube/Shorts components: add Hide Super Thanks button settings (6addcae)
  • YouTube: add Enable OPUS codec patch (31578d0)
  • YouTube: add Miniplayer patch (Replaces Enable tablet mini player patch) (465a638)

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