v0.39.3 (2022-02-26)
Added Features
- Allow for CPE strings that can later be sanitized [PR #844] [wagoodman]
- Ability to sign or attest the generated SBOM [Issue #510]
Bug Fixes
- Resolve symlinks when fetching file contents [PR #782] [wagoodman]
- Add exception for handlebars java package to generate nodejs CPE [PR #837] [wagoodman]
- Do not generate empty CPEs for non-compliant CPE fields [PR #850] [spiffcs]
- unable to catalog dpkg package=/var/lib/dpkg/status [Issue #733]
- Deduplicate docker image manifests [Issue #825]
- scan crash with panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 when parsing invalid formatted requirements.txt file [Issue #831]