v0.23.0 (2021-09-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow syft to populate distro data for all types #499
- Add directory source to power-user subcommand #467 (houdini91)
- Updated the distro package to include SLES #489 (Toure)
- Modify CPE vendor candidate generation approach #484 (wagoodman)
Fixed bugs:
- Distro not detected for centos:6 #429
- On a purl a name must be a percent-encoded string #351
- Cataloging root dir takes a very long time #119
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
Docker images
docker pull anchore/syft:v0.23.0
docker pull anchore/syft:v0
docker pull anchore/syft:v0.23