github ampproject/amphtml 2301031703000

latest releases: 2410292120000, 2410250306000, 2410161801000...
pre-release23 months ago



npm packages @ 1.2301031703.0

Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

Changes by component

ads (1)910a4ee - ✨Jx changed cookie name
amp-story (2)0b38ceb - 🐛 Fix xdomain ad not clickable
0daa515 - increase the rewind delay to 100ms
amp-story-auto-ads (1)0b38ceb - 🐛 Fix xdomain ad not clickable
amp-story-page-attachment (1)141a8e1 - theres clipping specifically on iOS devices so we need to increase the line height
build-system (1)e3ba25e - Skip validator-cpp tests for now
package updates (0)
src (0)
third_party (0)
validator (0)

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