github ampproject/amphtml 2206071918001

latest releases: 2405022220000, 2405070521000, 2404230718000...
pre-release23 months ago

🌸 Cherry-picked release 🌸

2206071918000 was patched and published as 2206071918001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



npm packages @ 1.2206071918.1

Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-date-display, amp-date-picker, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-iframe, amp-image-slider, amp-list, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-autocomplete, bento-base-carousel, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-facebook, bento-imgur, bento-inline-gallery, bento-instagram, bento-jwplayer, bento-lightbox, bento-lightbox-gallery, bento-mega-menu, bento-mustache, bento-reddit, bento-social-share, bento-soundcloud, bento-twitter, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

Changes by component

ads (0)
amp-apester-media (1)f30e742 - Apester add rtc config to ads
amp-story (4)ccbc0a7 - ✨ [Story Preview] Configure story pages to auto advance when they load in preview mode
df13785 - 🖍 [Story Preview] Prevent story previews from displaying with the desktop UI in the mobile SERP
ec386c0 - 🐛 [Story video] Prerendered video unmounted fails to play
f200c81 - ✨ [Story Preview] Handle page advancement logic when transitioning from the `preview` state to `visible`, and create the new 'previewSecondsPerPage' param
amp-story-subscriptions (1)df13785 - 🖍 [Story Preview] Prevent story previews from displaying with the desktop UI in the mobile SERP
build-system (0)
package updates (0)
src (1)df13785 - 🖍 [Story Preview] Prevent story previews from displaying with the desktop UI in the mobile SERP
third_party (1)0d436ee - SwG Release
validator (0)

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