github ampproject/amphtml 2204160405000

latest releases: 2502032353000, 2501142147000, 2501101900000...
pre-release2 years ago



npm packages @ 1.2204160405.0

  • 8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
  • 993fd47 - 📖 Update readme for `bento-date-display` and `bento-date-countdown`
  • 8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
  • 993fd47 - 📖 Update readme for `bento-date-display` and `bento-date-countdown`
  • 8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • 814ca78 - ✨ Bento `amp-image-slider`
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • 9a372aa - ✅ add bento-timeago preact/react e2e test. resolves #37923
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • 8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • 8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • 8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • 3b08d78 - Upgrade to mustache 4.2.2 for Bento components
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
  • f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…

Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-picker, amp-gist, amp-list, bento-dailymotion, bento-imgur, bento-reddit, bento-social-share

Changes by component

ads (3)12ba200 - ✨ amp-ad doubleclick & adsense: Add new UACH signals to ad requests
54dac51 - ✨ add itemExcludedUrls param
cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-a4a (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-access (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-accordion (1)8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
amp-ad-exit (1)5a52919 - ✨ Add UACH signals to amp-ad-exit.
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1)a26d517 - 🧪 Experiment: story auto advance and new cta button
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (1)a26d517 - 🧪 Experiment: story auto advance and new cta button
amp-ad-network-fake-impl (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-ad-network-smartadserver-impl (2)5030f09 - ✨[amp-ad smartadserver] Implements postMessage listener
ca2a14a - 🐛[amp-ad smartadserver] Removes duplicate calls
amp-analytics (2)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
f9d1969 - ✨ Lotame - adding TCF consent to amp-analytics and amp-ad requests
amp-audio (2)8ae5d1a - ✨ Bento `amp-audio`
9b20e07 - Enable server-side rendering for amp-audio
amp-base-carousel (1)5ef7fdc - ✅ Add tests for base-carousel Resolves #37891
amp-bind (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-cache-url (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-date-countdown (2)8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
993fd47 - 📖 Update readme for `bento-date-display` and `bento-date-countdown`
amp-date-display (2)8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
993fd47 - 📖 Update readme for `bento-date-display` and `bento-date-countdown`
amp-date-picker (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-embedly-card (2)8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-fit-text (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-form (2)6d0150b - 📖 Remove template under
for email
f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-fx-collection (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-geo (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-iframe (2)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-image-slider (1)814ca78 - ✨ Bento `amp-image-slider`
amp-inline-gallery (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-inputmask (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-install-serviceworker (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-lightbox-gallery (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-link-rewriter (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-mathml (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-mraid (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-mustache (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-recaptcha-input (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-script (2)04c8d46 - amp-script: callFunction should handle when workerDom failed to init
cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-selector (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-sidebar (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-story (30)049447a - move json file url calculation to extension-script.js
0a4434e - ✅ amp-story-shopping validation test to be re-added before launch
11fb260 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Triggers paywall during amp-story navigation in amp-story
176da67 - 🚀 [Story performance] Fix CLS caused from AMP runtime CSS showing story before amp-story.css
1e2e804 - ✨ [Story localization] Transform usages of localization service to async [part 1]
2091f72 - amp-story comment typo fix
20aeec0 - 🖍 [Page Attachments] Add the 'Read more' string for translation
20d4566 - embed the supported languages for amp-story
2503528 - ♻️ [Amp story shopping] Change "vendor" to "brand"
28e56e7 - ✨ [amp-animation] Adds a new attr that allows to override pan scaling factor.
32d29a0 - ♻️ Convert cta layer to page outlink
3d45158 - 🚀 [Story performance] Remove CLS from system layer when adding buttons
5a1f20d - ♻️🚀 `amp-story`: Use `Services.urlForDoc` instead of util functions
645899f - ✨ [amp story shopping] Change `productBrand` to `productVendor` and make it optional
6aa9ced - 🚀 [Story localization] Asnyc all remaining usages of localization service [part 2]
918e652 - add rtv path when fetching story languages json
9742652 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Render paywall dialog UI
9fcfb06 - 🐛 [amp-story] Prevent amp-story-page.resume_() from continuing execution when the page is no longer active
a08b918 - 🔥 Fix progress bar overflow mode bug
a26d517 - 🧪 Experiment: story auto advance and new cta button
a61e479 - amp-story-shopping: Shopping analytics with conversion tracking
af077cc - ♻️ Remove unnecessary `.bind/.call(this)`
bccc2a3 - 🐛 [Story analytics] Fix prerender analytics not firing
cb08e42 - ✨ [Story localization] Localize system layer async
cecaafe - ✨ Yellow story ads progress bar for ads
d07210a - ♻️ Refactor unoptimizable uses of `@enum` in `amp-story`
d0dede1 - 🐛 [Story animations] Center vertical panning
e207b99 - 🐛 [Story localization] Fix vsync function returning a value
e75f657 - ♻️ Story: refactor to treat story ad pages as story pages
f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-story-360 (1)1e2e804 - ✨ [Story localization] Transform usages of localization service to async [part 1]
amp-story-auto-ads (6)5a1f20d - ♻️🚀 `amp-story`: Use `Services.urlForDoc` instead of util functions
a26d517 - 🧪 Experiment: story auto advance and new cta button
cb08e42 - ✨ [Story localization] Localize system layer async
d07210a - ♻️ Refactor unoptimizable uses of `@enum` in `amp-story`
e75f657 - ♻️ Story: refactor to treat story ad pages as story pages
f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-story-auto-analytics (1)a61e479 - amp-story-shopping: Shopping analytics with conversion tracking
amp-story-dev-tools (1)cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
amp-story-education (3)0d4a798 - 🚀 [Story performance] Remove FOUT on font loading of amp-story-education
1e2e804 - ✨ [Story localization] Transform usages of localization service to async [part 1]
d07210a - ♻️ Refactor unoptimizable uses of `@enum` in `amp-story`
amp-story-interactive (3)1e2e804 - ✨ [Story localization] Transform usages of localization service to async [part 1]
492c460 - 🐛 [Story interactives] Fix interactive tests after some regression
5a1f20d - ♻️🚀 `amp-story`: Use `Services.urlForDoc` instead of util functions
amp-story-page-attachment (7)5a1f20d - ♻️🚀 `amp-story`: Use `Services.urlForDoc` instead of util functions
6aa9ced - 🚀 [Story localization] Asnyc all remaining usages of localization service [part 2]
73e7602 - ♿ 🐛 [Amp story page attachment] Tab-able inline CTA element
7f1d382 - 📖🐛 [amp story page attachment][amp story page outlink] add path metadata docs
a26d517 - 🧪 Experiment: story auto advance and new cta button
aa8e969 - 🚀 [Page Attachments] Ensure that the page attachment container is not inadvertently rendered by the AMP Resources manager
d07210a - ♻️ Refactor unoptimizable uses of `@enum` in `amp-story`
amp-story-share-menu (3)1e2e804 - ✨ [Story localization] Transform usages of localization service to async [part 1]
6aa9ced - 🚀 [Story localization] Asnyc all remaining usages of localization service [part 2]
d07210a - ♻️ Refactor unoptimizable uses of `@enum` in `amp-story`
amp-story-shopping (9)0a4434e - ✅ amp-story-shopping validation test to be re-added before launch
2503528 - ♻️ [Amp story shopping] Change "vendor" to "brand"
54327a2 - 📖 [amp story shopping] documentation
645899f - ✨ [amp story shopping] Change `productBrand` to `productVendor` and make it optional
6aa9ced - 🚀 [Story localization] Asnyc all remaining usages of localization service [part 2]
a61e479 - amp-story-shopping: Shopping analytics with conversion tracking
c0d7b2c - 📖 amp-story-shopping Added product json schema documentation
c9b09d0 - [amp-story-shopping] Add `productDescription` to all templates and max length
e5cac4a - ✨ JSON validation for amp-story-shopping config
amp-story-subscriptions (3)11fb260 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Triggers paywall during amp-story navigation in amp-story
706a04b - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Handles grant status and show/hide paywall dialog in amp-story-subscriptions
9742652 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Render paywall dialog UI
amp-stream-gallery (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-subscriptions (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-timeago (2)9a372aa - ✅ add bento-timeago preact/react e2e test. resolves #37923
f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
amp-truncate-text (1)f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-video (2)9bf7cbd - ✨ [video cache] Append captions track from cache response
f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
amp-wordpress-embed (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-accordion (2)8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-base-carousel (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-brightcove (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-facebook (2)8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-inline-gallery (2)8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-instagram (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-jwplayer (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-lightbox (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-lightbox-gallery (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-mustache (1)3b08d78 - Upgrade to mustache 4.2.2 for Bento components
bento-soundcloud (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-twitter (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-video (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-video-iframe (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-vimeo (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
bento-youtube (1)f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
build-system (28)0011e8a - 🏗 Create a GitHub issue when automated GH Actions workflow fail
049447a - move json file url calculation to extension-script.js
04d7c01 - 🏗 Unskip Windows builds in cut-nightly.yml
075aae6 - 🏗🐛 Fix compiling JSON Schema in ES5
08f1b10 - 🏗 Fix Windows path resolution for Bento remap
14ee128 - 🏗🚀 Disable `@babel/plugin-transform-for-of`
15d591e - 🏗🚀 Use `AMP.config.urls` in extensions
1e2e804 - ✨ [Story localization] Transform usages of localization service to async [part 1]
20d4566 - embed the supported languages for amp-story
2520c4c - handle remapping to a node module that is bundled
458d1d5 - ♻️Migrate Stories 62..65 to `args`
58cdf07 - 🏗 Tree-shake included JSON Schema in compiled output
5ef7fdc - ✅ Add tests for base-carousel Resolves #37891
6aa9ced - 🚀 [Story localization] Asnyc all remaining usages of localization service [part 2]
814ca78 - ✨ Bento `amp-image-slider`
8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
886852b - Skip windows build check when cutting nightly
8ae5d1a - ✨ Bento `amp-audio`
9742652 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Render paywall dialog UI
9d10200 - 🐛 stop formatting npm imports as local modules
9f16c21 - 🏗 Compile imported JSON schemas
a61e479 - amp-story-shopping: Shopping analytics with conversion tracking
b135d33 - 🚮 Delete `amp cherry-pick`
c850f97 - ♻️🐛 Remove non-arrow-function Service getter
cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
da680e9 - 🏗 Remove unused CLI arguments related to Closure Compiler
dce11ee - 🏗 Fix Windows path resolution for Bento remap
e3c28bd - 🏗 Allow `bento-mustache` build
package updates (0)
src (28)049447a - move json file url calculation to extension-script.js
15d591e - 🏗🚀 Use `AMP.config.urls` in extensions
20aeec0 - 🖍 [Page Attachments] Add the 'Read more' string for translation
20d4566 - embed the supported languages for amp-story
3b08d78 - Upgrade to mustache 4.2.2 for Bento components
4069d8b - Prevent loading auto lightbox when disabled using data-amp-auto-lightbox-disable attribute
458d1d5 - ♻️Migrate Stories 62..65 to `args`
4a440b6 - inabox-resources: may return undefined by spec.
5a52919 - ✨ Add UACH signals to amp-ad-exit.
6aa9ced - 🚀 [Story localization] Asnyc all remaining usages of localization service [part 2]
8614666 - support --bento_only option in unit tests
87c95b2 - ✨[PubMatic Openwrap] Added curl rtc config in PubMatic openwrap vendor
8ae5d1a - ✨ Bento `amp-audio`
96b2159 - ✨ [Observable] Make observable safe to remove handler while firing.
9742652 - ✨ [AMP Story Paywall] Render paywall dialog UI
9b20e07 - Enable server-side rendering for amp-audio
9c7ad17 - ♻️🚀 Dead-code-eliminate `ShadowCSS.js`
9f16c21 - 🏗 Compile imported JSON schemas
a26d517 - 🧪 Experiment: story auto advance and new cta button
af6fee1 - 🚀 callout vendors update for t13
c850f97 - ♻️🐛 Remove non-arrow-function Service getter
cb08e42 - ✨ [Story localization] Localize system layer async
cb67fc9 - ♻️🏗 Allow dead-code-eliminating `config.urls`
e5cac4a - ✨ JSON validation for amp-story-shopping config
e9c814d - ♻️ Dead-code-eliminate implementations of `matches` and `closest` on ESM
f24834d - ♻️ Use `NodeList.forEach`
f74833d - split out amp-agnostic parts of bento unit tests tests and creates un…
f9d1969 - ✨ Lotame - adding TCF consent to amp-analytics and amp-ad requests
third_party (5)26ab90e - SwG Release
5aa0086 - 🏗 SwG Release
637dc84 - 🚮 Remove UMD wrapper patch for `third_party/mustache`
9c7ad17 - ♻️🚀 Dead-code-eliminate `ShadowCSS.js`
ba3e405 - SwG Release
validator (2)8ae5d1a - ✨ Bento `amp-audio`
9b20e07 - Enable server-side rendering for amp-audio

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