github ampproject/amphtml 2203041950000

latest releases: 2410292120000, 2410250306000, 2410161801000...
pre-release2 years ago



npm packages @ 1.2203041950.0

  • 4e4f428 - ♻️ Migrate stories 30..34 to controls
  • 4e4f428 - ♻️ Migrate stories 30..34 to controls
  • 483540b - ✨ [bento-list] Implemented bento-list component
  • 265e0b0 - ♻️ Migrate gallery 35..39 to controls
  • 5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
  • 5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
  • 8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
  • 5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
  • 8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
  • 5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
  • 5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
  • 6dd691b - ✨ Create implementation of ``
  • 8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
  • 8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
  • 8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory

Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-date-countdown, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-gist, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-timeago, amp-wordpress-embed, bento-accordion, bento-brightcove, bento-dailymotion, bento-jwplayer, bento-video, bento-video-iframe, bento-vimeo, bento-youtube

Changes by component

ads (1)8db1437 - ✨ [amp-ad broadstreetads] Replaced default value for initUrl
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1)3bcb983 - 🗑 [story-ads] Cleanup auto progress experiment
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (1)3bcb983 - 🗑 [story-ads] Cleanup auto progress experiment
amp-auto-ads (1)2cf22a1 - Adsense to disable anchor ads if detected non-amp adsbygoogle tag
amp-autocomplete (1)483540b - ✨ [bento-list] Implemented bento-list component
amp-base-carousel (1)5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
amp-date-display (1)4e4f428 - ♻️ Migrate stories 30..34 to controls
amp-facebook (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
amp-geo (3)6c954fd - add ISOSubdivision support to docs
8b1516c - ✨ Add subdivisions support to amp geo
f459124 - 🐛 Fix clearing subdivisions in override mode
amp-iframe (1)4e4f428 - ♻️ Migrate stories 30..34 to controls
amp-image-slider (1)4e4f428 - ♻️ Migrate stories 30..34 to controls
amp-inline-gallery (2)265e0b0 - ♻️ Migrate gallery 35..39 to controls
5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
amp-instagram (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
amp-lightbox (2)265e0b0 - ♻️ Migrate gallery 35..39 to controls
5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
amp-lightbox-gallery (2)265e0b0 - ♻️ Migrate gallery 35..39 to controls
5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
amp-list (1)483540b - ✨ [bento-list] Implemented bento-list component
amp-render (1)483540b - ✨ [bento-list] Implemented bento-list component
amp-social-share (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
amp-soundcloud (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
amp-story (3)3bcb983 - 🗑 [story-ads] Cleanup auto progress experiment
478a786 - 🐛 [story] fix spacing when pause button is hidden
48ea12f - ✨ [amp-story] Enables volume=0 and sets noaudio to be an alias for volume=0
amp-story-auto-ads (1)3bcb983 - 🗑 [story-ads] Cleanup auto progress experiment
amp-story-shopping (6)5340c7f - 🌐 🖍 [Amp story shopping] Border radius on single image in RTL
92cfd7b - ✨ [amp story shopping] newline support in productData
94048f9 - ✨ [amp story shopping] Optionally render rating
c980308 - Fixes amp-story-shopping shopping tag not showing up on refresh when using remote data
d0f22f1 - ✨ 🖍 [amp story shopping] Display in desktop supports-landscape
f68b181 - ✨ [Amp story shopping] Open or close defaults for product details section
amp-stream-gallery (2)265e0b0 - ♻️ Migrate gallery 35..39 to controls
5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
amp-twitter (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
amp-video (1)48ea12f - ✨ [amp-story] Enables volume=0 and sets noaudio to be an alias for volume=0
bento-base-carousel (1)5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
bento-facebook (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
bento-inline-gallery (1)5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
bento-instagram (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
bento-lightbox (1)5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
bento-lightbox-gallery (1)5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
bento-reddit (2)6dd691b - ✨ Create implementation of ``
fa0da0b - 🚮 [`bento-reddit`] Remove accidental entry to OWNERS
bento-social-share (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
bento-soundcloud (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
bento-twitter (1)8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
build-system (13)0d73bc8 - 🐛 🏗 ✅ Fix bug in npm publish flow
1fc7ff4 - Add a custom-config.json to the automated releases that uses as the default runtime CDN
265e0b0 - ♻️ Migrate gallery 35..39 to controls
483540b - ✨ [bento-list] Implemented bento-list component
487f3c6 - 🏗 Enable @bentoproject/core dependency for npm bento standalone extensions
4e4f428 - ♻️ Migrate stories 30..34 to controls
5631d48 - 🏗 Begin publishing @bentoproject/core
5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
6dd691b - ✨ Create implementation of ``
7550e18 - 🏗 🐛 Fix bento peer dependency remapping on Windows
8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
bc12be2 - 🏗 🐛 Fix issue with bento dependency remapping for peers
fe2bbd0 - 🏗 ♻️ Refactor creation of build artifact directories
package updates (0)
src (9)02e5f5f - ♿ MediaNet : Adding parameters to the MediaNet callout URL.
3bcb983 - 🗑 [story-ads] Cleanup auto progress experiment
483540b - ✨ [bento-list] Implemented bento-list component
4f3adc5 - move bento-ce.js into Bento Runtime/Core
5631d48 - 🏗 Begin publishing @bentoproject/core
5d52f0f - ♻️ 🏗 Move carousel related Bento components to `src/bento`
6dd691b - ✨ Create implementation of ``
8efb3bd - ♻️ 🏗 Move Bento components related to social media sites to the `src/bento` directory
fa0da0b - 🚮 [`bento-reddit`] Remove accidental entry to OWNERS
third_party (1)66c8923 - SwG Release
validator (1)dfffac1 - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser

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