github ampproject/amphtml 2202142035000

latest releases: 2410031633000, 2410011615000, 2409271652000...
pre-release2 years ago



npm packages @ 1.2202142035.0

amp-brightcove amp-date-countdown
  • 6f88c91 - ✨ Mustache service for Bento standalone components
  • 6f88c91 - ✨ Mustache service for Bento standalone components
  • 058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
  • 725f474 - 🐛[bento-facebook] Invert error conditions to make sure both errors are thrown appropriately.
amp-gist amp-mathml amp-twitter

Packages not changed: amp-app-banner, amp-base-carousel, amp-dailymotion, amp-embedly-card, amp-fit-text, amp-iframe, amp-inline-gallery, amp-instagram, amp-lightbox, amp-lightbox-gallery, amp-selector, amp-sidebar, amp-social-share, amp-soundcloud, amp-stream-gallery, amp-timeago, amp-video, amp-video-iframe, amp-vimeo, amp-wordpress-embed, amp-youtube

Changes by component

ads (3)61dbf16 - 🐛 Teads Ads: remove prefetch domain from preconnect
6af3625 - ✨ Update Teads ads CDN entry point and prefetch config
8f24c06 - rm: @Suppress checkTypes
amp-accordion (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1)863b55a - 🗑 Remove `story-ad-progress` experiment
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (1)863b55a - 🗑 Remove `story-ad-progress` experiment
amp-analytics (1)11adb54 - Ibeat support for new vct parameter for input
amp-base-carousel (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-brightcove (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-carousel (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-connatix-player (1)ac061f2 - ✨ amp-connatix-player: add support for custom data param
amp-date-countdown (1)6f88c91 - ✨ Mustache service for Bento standalone components
amp-date-display (1)6f88c91 - ✨ Mustache service for Bento standalone components
amp-experiment (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-facebook (2)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
725f474 - 🐛[bento-facebook] Invert error conditions to make sure both errors are thrown appropriately.
amp-facebook-comments (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-facebook-page (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-fit-text (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-font (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-geo (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-gist (1)72a69cf - ✨ Bento amp-gist
amp-google-read-aloud-player (1)e77fabd - ✨ [amp-google-read-aloud-player] Adds the `amp-google-read-aloud-player` extension
amp-inline-gallery (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-mathml (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-mega-menu (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-nested-menu (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-pinterest (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-selector (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-sidebar (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-social-share (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-story (6)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
37aac3c - ♻️ Use GainNode API to update video volume.
615b73c - 🚀 [Story performance] Remove rendering service
d0bf1b6 - ♿ [amp-story] Allow screen reader users to pause auto-advancing stories
dbc28dc - ✨ [amp story shopping] Product description page template (PDP)
dc411f8 - Allow input[type=image].
amp-story-auto-ads (1)863b55a - 🗑 Remove `story-ad-progress` experiment
amp-story-dev-tools (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-story-page-attachment (4)01df8ea - 🏗♻️ Enable `babel-plugin-jsx-style-object` in tests
058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
4944583 - 📖 [Story documentation] Fix page attachment docs location
498f360 - 🐛 [amp story page attachment] fix attribute typo on CTA active toggle
amp-story-player (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-story-shopping (3)01df8ea - 🏗♻️ Enable `babel-plugin-jsx-style-object` in tests
37b830a - 🐛 amp-story-shopping Added correct margins for RTL mode
dbc28dc - ✨ [amp story shopping] Product description page template (PDP)
amp-stream-gallery (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-tiktok (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-twitter (1)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
amp-video (2)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
c8ea23b - 🚀 [Story video] Use the inlined video response instead of issuing an XHR request, for the 1st video of the 1st web story page
build-system (22)01df8ea - 🏗♻️ Enable `babel-plugin-jsx-style-object` in tests
04d031e - 🏗 Use locally built validator during `amp validate-html-fixtures`
0f8357b - 🏗 build and copy story localization strings to dist on `amp build` and `amp dist`
1ba0a82 - ✨🏗 Build and publish @bentoproject/core
1d8443e - 🏗 Remove `extraGlobs` option
2d2e54c - 🏗 Make visual tests depend on module build
42cc51f - 🐛added optional extention matching for dependency remap when bundling
5150ad6 - 🏗 🐛 build-bento should respect no extensions
5244199 - 🏗🐛 Fix non-`dist` build of Bento extensions
72a69cf - ✨ Bento amp-gist
863b55a - 🗑 Remove `story-ad-progress` experiment
9609fe3 - 🏗️ Fix a bug with remapping when dist is run a second time
9866641 - 📦 Update dependency node-fetch to 2.6.7 [SECURITY]
9cfcb2d - 🐛 build and copy if built css doesn't exist
a5b5ef1 - 🏗🐛 Add `src/bento/components` to Storybook React paths
ab769cd - ♻️ Port `src/core/dom/jsx` to TypeScript
b6877bd - 🏗 Use ESM to import peer Bento binaries
cfab8b1 - 🐛 Use `buildBentoExtensionJs` under `src/bento/components`
d8740a4 - 🏗 Cleanup experiment removal branches
e77fabd - ✨ [amp-google-read-aloud-player] Adds the `amp-google-read-aloud-player` extension
f614b36 - Remove Asia/Oceania from design review rotation.
fdb1fec - 🐛 Insert empty newline as first line of minified outputs
package updates (0)
src (12)01df8ea - 🏗♻️ Enable `babel-plugin-jsx-style-object` in tests
058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
1ba0a82 - ✨🏗 Build and publish @bentoproject/core
615b73c - 🚀 [Story performance] Remove rendering service
616859e - R1: schedule amp-bind targets
6f88c91 - ✨ Mustache service for Bento standalone components
863b55a - 🗑 Remove `story-ad-progress` experiment
ab769cd - ♻️ Port `src/core/dom/jsx` to TypeScript
b6877bd - 🏗 Use ESM to import peer Bento binaries
cb2af7d - 🚮Remove unused file in `src/bento`
d476216 - Mark startLayout error as expected
dbc28dc - ✨ [amp story shopping] Product description page template (PDP)
third_party (2)058ef73 - Remove @nocollapse annotation which was closure-specific.
0d7cb42 - SwG Release
validator (3)00241ce - Validator rollup
5f0a1e1 - ✨ Create a cc_binary to update output files
dc411f8 - Allow input[type=image].

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