github ampproject/amphtml 2112102136000

latest releases: 2502242315000, 2502032353000, 2501142147000...
pre-release3 years ago



npm packages @ 1.2112102136.0

  • f7e719e - Implement Children interface in Preact
  • faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
  • faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
  • faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
  • 32f415a - 🐛 Add `hidden` attribute to `bento-lightbox` and `bento-sidebar` to prevent FOUC
  • f7e719e - Implement Children interface in Preact
  • 32f415a - 🐛 Add `hidden` attribute to `bento-lightbox` and `bento-sidebar` to prevent FOUC
  • f7e719e - Implement Children interface in Preact
  • faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`

Packages not changed: amp-accordion, amp-brightcove, amp-embedly-card, amp-facebook, amp-fit-text, amp-inline-gallery, amp-instagram, amp-jwplayer, amp-mathml, amp-selector, amp-social-share, amp-soundcloud, amp-twitter, amp-video, amp-video-iframe, amp-vimeo, amp-wordpress-embed

Changes by component

ads (3)0457155 - 🐛 Add subid support to TrafficStars Ad
0c200f5 - 📖 [smartclip] Extends code sample with `data-block-on-consent`
cddcce6 - 🐛 Add support for Wunderkind full width ads
amp-apester-media (1)90df4c8 - Adding Aniview campaigns manager support
amp-auto-ads (2)027abc6 - Fix the bottom sticky issue: amp-sticky-ad element contains amp-ad sticky
cddcce6 - 🐛 Add support for Wunderkind full width ads
amp-base-carousel (1)f7e719e - Implement Children interface in Preact
amp-carousel (1)6d03180 - Validator rollup
amp-date-countdown (1)faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
amp-date-display (1)faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
amp-iframe (1)faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
amp-lightbox (1)32f415a - 🐛 Add `hidden` attribute to `bento-lightbox` and `bento-sidebar` to prevent FOUC
amp-lightbox-gallery (1)f7e719e - Implement Children interface in Preact
amp-live-list (1)6d03180 - Validator rollup
amp-render (1)faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
amp-sidebar (1)32f415a - 🐛 Add `hidden` attribute to `bento-lightbox` and `bento-sidebar` to prevent FOUC
amp-story (6)3a469c3 - 🚀 [Story performance] Remove extra share CSS styles duplicated
4b8df10 - ♻️ [Story performance] Extract performance service into variable
6d03180 - Validator rollup
788b14d - 🚀 [Story performance] Disable animations on first page if story is transformed
f4f3c9b - ♻️ [Story requests] Change request service into helper functions
f7475a0 - ✨ Added optional product-tag-text for amp story shopping tag
amp-story-captions (1)b65dbd2 - ✨ [amp-story-captions] Support container layout in amp-story-captions component
amp-story-interactive (1)f4f3c9b - ♻️ [Story requests] Change request service into helper functions
amp-story-player (1)6d03180 - Validator rollup
amp-story-shopping (2)f4f3c9b - ♻️ [Story requests] Change request service into helper functions
f7475a0 - ✨ Added optional product-tag-text for amp story shopping tag
amp-stream-gallery (1)f7e719e - Implement Children interface in Preact
amp-timeago (1)faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
amp-video (1)b7b1a9f - ✨ [Story videos] Added ACAO headers
amp-youtube (1)1c2b7ff - 📖 Bento Youtube
build-system (18)074c06d - 🏗 Update Design Review issue template
0c6eee9 - 🐛 fix typo for dir
37c8e7c - 🐛 copy react styles to root of each package before deploying
3e8072d - check if file exist before copying
44ce33a - add --esm and --minified to push build workflow
4df29d5 - build-system: freeze all latestVersions.
58a1c29 - ♻️ Migrate most of #core to pass TS typechecking
5f77fe9 - 🏗🐛 Lazy-load built files in the built-in server's CSS transformer
6268ef3 - 🐛 Include styles.css to npm packages at root
66b45f4 - support skipping transformations
6a80198 - 🚀 [Story performance] Set disabled animation on first page to 1
80b9d6b - ♻️ Enable TS type-checking on #core/assert
80ca53e - Fix forwardRef in react builds
8814a3f - add --esm and --minified options for visual-diff task
b6124cb - ✨ Register toggleTheme API action for dark mode support
c51feb0 - change legacy versions config to a json file
f4f3c9b - ♻️ [Story requests] Change request service into helper functions
faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
package updates (0)
src (9)47f5ee2 - ✨ Add gdpr applies flag to Criteo URL
58a1c29 - ♻️ Migrate most of #core to pass TS typechecking
7645c4e - Fix first visible timestamp and LCPV
80b9d6b - ♻️ Enable TS type-checking on #core/assert
8911eea - Update nonce propagation to retrieve value via property
b6124cb - ✨ Register toggleTheme API action for dark mode support
f4f3c9b - ♻️ [Story requests] Change request service into helper functions
f7e719e - Implement Children interface in Preact
faf69c4 - 🏗 Share dependencies in `bento.js`
third_party (1)4b52cda - SwG Release
validator (4)6d03180 - Validator rollup
7ba03e2 - Validator Rollup
91f1a82 - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser
c45381b - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser

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