github ampproject/amphtml 2110152252000

latest releases: 2406281604000, 2406271903000, 2406262239000...
pre-release2 years ago



npm packages @ 1.2110152252.0

  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • 30886d6 - bento iframe: small test improvement
  • df11f9e - bento unit tests: flush all hooks/renders after each test run
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • 6a9bfde - [bento-lightbox] add readme
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • 3021ed0 - Rename `Selector` and `Option` to `BentoSelector` and `BentoSelectorOption`.
  • 97ddf74 - 📖 `bento-selector` Create the documentation.
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 21f4f26 - 📖 `bento-selector` update documentation regarding events
  • 0e1956c - 📖 Update `bento-selector`
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • 8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
  • d9ce4f9 - 📖 [bento-timeago] add readme
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • c7379fd - 📖 Remove unnecessary frontmatter from the bento facebook
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • bc632c7 - 📖 `bento-lightbox-gallery` documentation
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
  • ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files

Packages not changed: amp-jwplayer

Changes by component

ads (2)303ee1a - ✨ Add new adnetwork Sabavision.
9c15058 - Andbeyond ad vendor
amp-3d-gltf (1)e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-a4a (3)1832801 - ✨ Add Mediasquare to RTC callout-vendors for amp-ad
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-accordion (2)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-ad (6)303ee1a - ✨ Add new adnetwork Sabavision.
79ce7e8 - Do not disable clicking for 3p sticky ads
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
9c15058 - Andbeyond ad vendor
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
amp-ad-network-dianomi-impl (1)6ecca1b - ✨ Update to Dianomi ad network implementation
amp-analytics (3)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
b05d6a2 - ✨UpScore Analytics: additional tracked variables & trigger on element click
amp-anim (1)e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-animation (1)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
amp-apester-media (1)e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-audio (1)1033a9b - 🐛 Fix `amp-audio` visual parity on safari browser
amp-auto-ads (2)8c4a9ff - Change auto ads from amp-sticky-ad to use amp-ad sticky
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
amp-base-carousel (2)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-brightcove (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-byside-content (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-carousel (2)a4b8baf - use tsc typechecking for carousel 0.1
e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-consent (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-date-countdown (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-date-display (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-delight-player (1)e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-embedly-card (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-facebook (2)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
c7379fd - 📖 Remove unnecessary frontmatter from the bento facebook
amp-fit-text (2)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-form (2)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-iframe (4)30886d6 - bento iframe: small test improvement
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
df11f9e - bento unit tests: flush all hooks/renders after each test run
amp-image-slider (2)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-inline-gallery (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-instagram (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-lightbox (3)6a9bfde - [bento-lightbox] add readme
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-lightbox-gallery (2)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
bc632c7 - 📖 `bento-lightbox-gallery` documentation
amp-list (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-mathml (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-pan-zoom (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-pinterest (1)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
amp-playbuzz (1)e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-render (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-script (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-selector (6)0e1956c - 📖 Update `bento-selector`
21f4f26 - 📖 `bento-selector` update documentation regarding events
3021ed0 - Rename `Selector` and `Option` to `BentoSelector` and `BentoSelectorOption`.
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
97ddf74 - 📖 `bento-selector` Create the documentation.
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-sidebar (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-social-share (2)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-soundcloud (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-story (7)30be4d5 - 🐛 Page-attachment dev document fix
67edb06 - 🖍 [story desktop panel] make aspect ratio match `2021-background` for short viewports
6b53dc6 - 🚀 [Story performance] Move aspect-ratio logic to CSS for styling
73201d9 - 🐛 [Story loading] Send storyContentLoaded during prerendering
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
e5464d3 - 🐛 [story-ads] Fix yellow chip in `supports-landscape` mode.
amp-story-auto-ads (2)1fb1ab4 - 🐛 [story-ads] Fix ad badge placement in landscape mode
d3062e7 - 🐛 [story-ads] Move click listener to`` and use `target="blank"`
amp-story-interactive (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-story-panning-media (1)e9596ec - 🐛 [Amp story panning media] Set width and height of amp img element
amp-stream-gallery (2)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-subscriptions-google (1)dae0371 - SwG Release
amp-timeago (4)8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
d9ce4f9 - 📖 [bento-timeago] add readme
e1acc2c - unobserveIntersection: fix typo
amp-twitter (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-video (5)5fed125 - 🐛 Stop appending "; codecs=h264" to the type attribute of H.264/AVC video sources
65e02ac - ✅ Update test-video-cache.js with VP9 codec values that are known to be playable
76b78e1 - 🐛 Only create poster element when attribute is provided
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
e81e81c - ❄️ ✅ Increase timeout for test-amp-video-analytics test
amp-video-iframe (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-vimeo (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-wordpress-embed (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
amp-youtube (1)ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
build-system (11)06f0de0 - 🏗 Use `external_id` field when filtering out Cut Nightly job
272d342 - 🏗 Output distinct `bento-*.js`
487f550 - 🏗 Filter out the Cut Nightly job from itself
596fe2d - 🏗 Bento output name, bento-css test target
759e265 - 🏗 Share utility to convert `amp-` names to `bento-`
7cf3fed - Remove responsive implemented via aspect-ratio
9843ab6 - 🏗 Output `bento-*.css`
a4b8baf - use tsc typechecking for carousel 0.1
ae9ca1b - ✅ ♻️ Merge test helpers files
bada26e - 🏗 Upload release builds to GCloud
c44857a - 🧪 Demote amp-sticky-ad-to-amp-ad-v3 experiment
package updates (0)
src (7)1832801 - ✨ Add Mediasquare to RTC callout-vendors for amp-ad
2577c01 - Remove `className` property from `PreactBaseElement`
7cf3fed - Remove responsive implemented via aspect-ratio
8d615b4 - ♻️ core: add getWin to core/window
8e4c993 - 🐛 Record the google fonts exp when flushing CLS score
a4b8baf - use tsc typechecking for carousel 0.1
dbab4bf - 🖍 Sorting ad RTC vendor list
third_party (1)dae0371 - SwG Release
validator (0)

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