github ampproject/amphtml 2108280007001

latest releases: 2502032353000, 2501142147000, 2501101900000...
3 years ago

๐ŸŒธ Cherry-picked release ๐ŸŒธ

2108280007000 was patched and published as 2108280007001. Refer to the release calendar for additional channel information.



npm packages @ 1.2108280007.1

  • 15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
  • 15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
  • 07a5ed3 - โœจ `amp-date-display`: Support `timeZoneName` and `timeZoneNameShort`
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
  • 18e55fc - โ™ป๏ธ Bento Selector: Simplify logic
  • 9151bde - ๐Ÿ› Hide placeholder when tweet loads successfully
  • b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports
  • b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports
  • b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports

Packages not changed: amp-instagram, amp-soundcloud, amp-timeago, amp-video-iframe, amp-vimeo, amp-wordpress-embed, amp-youtube

Changes by component

ads (4)39cd030 - amp GAM support added
c43ba12 - โœจ New amp-ad type: avantisvideo
f60679c - โ™ป๏ธ Verizon media yahoo components merge
fccb823 - Add TrafficStars ad network support
amp-3d-gltf (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-3q-player (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-a4a (1)b02764c - โ™ป๏ธ ads-initialIntersection: clean up failed experiment
amp-access (2)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
da7c466 - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update subpackage devDependencies
amp-access-laterpay (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-access-poool (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-access-scroll (2)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
8944c44 - โœจ Action `toggleChecked()`
amp-accordion (3)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-ad (4)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
b02764c - โ™ป๏ธ ads-initialIntersection: clean up failed experiment
c43ba12 - โœจ New amp-ad type: avantisvideo
fccb823 - Add TrafficStars ad network support
amp-ad-custom (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1)b02764c - โ™ป๏ธ ads-initialIntersection: clean up failed experiment
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (1)b02764c - โ™ป๏ธ ads-initialIntersection: clean up failed experiment
amp-addthis (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-analytics (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-anim (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-animation (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-apester-media (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-app-banner (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-audio (2)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
8889d8c - Wrap all play calls in catch handler
amp-auto-ads (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-autocomplete (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-base-carousel (3)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-beopinion (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-bind (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-bodymovin-animation (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-brid-player (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-brightcove (2)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-byside-content (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-cache-url (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-call-tracking (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-carousel (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-connatix-player (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-consent (2)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
ca2d387 - โ„๏ธ Fix check failure
amp-dailymotion (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-date-countdown (2)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-date-display (3)07a5ed3 - โœจ `amp-date-display`: Support `timeZoneName` and `timeZoneNameShort`
15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-date-picker (1)15f658d - Validator rollup 20210819
amp-embedly-card (2)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports
amp-facebook (2)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports
amp-fit-text (2)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-iframe (4)0438e56 - [amp-iframe] Wrap iframe in shadow DOM and ContainWrapper
8889d8c - Wrap all play calls in catch handler
b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports
b69bd53 - [amp-iframe] resize iframe using IntersectionObserver
amp-inline-gallery (2)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-instagram (1)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-lightbox (2)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-lightbox-gallery (2)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-link-rewriter (1)05e5d52 - ๐Ÿ“– AMP Geo for URL Rewriting
amp-render (1)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-selector (2)18e55fc - โ™ป๏ธ Bento Selector: Simplify logic
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-sidebar (1)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
amp-social-share (2)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-soundcloud (1)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-sticky-ad (1)152fa5d - Change amp-sticky-ad-to-amp-ad name to avoid trigging the old experimโ€ฆ
amp-story (7)24174aa - ๐Ÿ›[Amp story] page-attachment and page-outlink docs links fix
34e9004 - ๐Ÿ› [Amp story] Desktop one panel play button
3de45dc - ๐Ÿ› [Amp story] Toggle desktop attribute on tooltip overlay
784577a - ๐Ÿ› Reset page attachment scroll position upon attachment close
8889d8c - Wrap all play calls in catch handler
b6ff6dd - ๐Ÿ›[Amp story] Add position scope to attachment-content wrapper
e1edbde - ๐Ÿ› [Amp story] Catch ScreenOrientation.lock promise
amp-stream-gallery (3)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
c8bbc35 - Add latest to bento_supported_version
amp-timeago (1)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-twitter (3)9151bde - ๐Ÿ› Hide placeholder when tweet loads successfully
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports
amp-video (3)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
8889d8c - Wrap all play calls in catch handler
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-video-docking (1)8889d8c - Wrap all play calls in catch handler
amp-video-iframe (1)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-vimeo (1)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
amp-wordpress-embed (2)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
c8bbc35 - Add latest to bento_supported_version
amp-youtube (1)976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version
build-system (22)0582b9b - Bento component `options` should specify `wrapper` not `wrappers`
07a5ed3 - โœจ `amp-date-display`: Support `timeZoneName` and `timeZoneNameShort`
09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
0b4682b - ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿšฎ Remove all IE11 infrastructure code paths
152fa5d - Change amp-sticky-ad-to-amp-ad name to avoid trigging the old experimโ€ฆ
17a6b51 - build-system: fix infinite loop caused by watching css in npm dist foโ€ฆ
1e13253 - ๐Ÿšฎ Remove IE Support via Polyfills and Conditional Statements
37c76e6 - esbuild experiment fix define_experiment_constant
4e191f0 - Improve AMP_CONFIG handling during build
566c2a1 - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency path-parse to 1.0.7 [SECURITY]
65f922b - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update build-system devDependencies (major)
68b7333 - npm builds should not use `options.wrapper`
6c949f2 - build-system: esbuild for production via EXP_C
84ce446 - Revert "Improve AMP_CONFIG handling during build"
87953f4 - ๐Ÿ› fix type check broken by typescript update
9815953 - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency prismjs to 1.24.0 [SECURITY]
a3dbc3a - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update core devDependencies
ab41a55 - ๐Ÿš€ [Story performance] Set "load first page only" experiment to 50%
b105c05 - Update sourcemap helper according to @jridgewell feedback.
d3031c2 - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency jszip to 3.7.0 [SECURITY]
e2d167b - Disable esbuild experiment
e89c615 - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update build-system devDependencies
package updates (0)
src (9)09a67ef - ๐Ÿ— Create eslint rule for preferred Preact props
1e13253 - ๐Ÿšฎ Remove IE Support via Polyfills and Conditional Statements
3d9a63b - Remove amp-unresolved when extension downloads in R1
8845128 - ie deprecation/bugfix: remove isIe check
8889d8c - Wrap all play calls in catch handler
8944c44 - โœจ Action `toggleChecked()`
9151bde - ๐Ÿ› Hide placeholder when tweet loads successfully
b02764c - โ™ป๏ธ ads-initialIntersection: clean up failed experiment
b29db7c - โ™ป๏ธ remove MessageType re-export and update MessageType imports
third_party (2)6b5c951 - SwG Release
da7c466 - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update subpackage devDependencies
validator (4)115da70 - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update validator devDependencies
6c7658d - Validator roll-up
7b72de1 - Sync for validator cpp engine and cpp htmlparser
976b827 - ExtensionSpec with bento_supported_version

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