github ampproject/amphtml 2102130314000

latest releases: 2502242315000, 2502032353000, 2501142147000...
pre-release4 years ago
Baseline release: 2102060044001

Raw notes

343652e ๐Ÿ› getUrl fix enabling shadow docs to have access to the article url and name #32188 (#32328)
8da9698 ๐Ÿ— Add a way to run NPM scripts that live outside package.json (via nps) (#32481)
7e90a4f ๐Ÿ“– Fix amp-list event and action documentation (#32482)
4ce4cc7 โœ… [amp-base-carousel] use shared test fixtures where possible (#32467)
d4b0252 ๐Ÿšฎ i2d instagram placeholder implementation (#32325)
9f6af26 ๐Ÿ“– Fix link to csa in document (#32484)
7630b2b ๐Ÿ– [Story devtools] Rename logs and move Page Experience (#32451)
57fdee9 ๐Ÿ“– Fix google ad doc references (#32492)
83d0066 ๐Ÿ— Removes gulp warning non-global installations via npm (#32505)
e28f933 ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿš€ Provide a way to synchronously transform CSS in Babel (#32485)
541c3e2 Ensure that consent-ui correctly resumes loading of sub-resources (#32480)
4a43478 Display-observer: a hidden tab should still be displayable for playback (#32478)
703f113 ๐Ÿ— Fix message in cross-browser-tests.js (#32465)
36a941b ๐Ÿ— Update closure compiler to February's version (#32525)
01abe80 ๐Ÿ— Replace logging in gulp bundle-size with output from filesize (#32479)
fcbbe10 โ™ป๏ธ amp-subscriptions*: Consistently refers to subscription platforms as "platforms" internally (#32522)
e255b6e ๐Ÿ› Make AUTHDATA fall back from subscriptions to access (#32530)
147e1c3 Fix very slow tests due to unsplash response times (#32533)
01fb8ef โœจ[amp-consent] Implement getTCData command for TCF PostMessage API (#32411)
770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
0a3f18a Move ensureLoaded to CustomElement from owners (#32416)
0ea7f1a ๐Ÿ— Fix skip logic for E2E tests on FF / Safari (#32529)
c8663a4 A version of whenContentLoaded without measurements (#32397)
6ae6dbc ๐Ÿ— Replace ansi-colors with kleur/colors (#32539)
a876a6b Fix ad-3p test flakes due to isBuilt stubbing (#32542)
768d5a8 ๐Ÿ›โœ… amp-subscriptions: Fixes a splice bug in Platform Store (#32532)
8a71a5d โœจ [Story autoanalytics] Added repeat: false on story-page-visible (#32296)
0da7540 ๐Ÿ— E2E test improvements (#32527)
327d021 ๐Ÿ— Remove and prevent unused eslint directives (#32538)
0c3ee8e ๐Ÿ— Stop running visual diff tests on Travis (#32546)
d86f7a8 RTV experiment for ini-load signal w/o blocking measurements (#32547)
7d026fe Validator rollup (#32548)
496048b Provide the INI_LOAD_INOB experiment constant for eslint (#32550)
9cf58eb Update experiment-config and experiment-const docs (#32553)
a7b2d69 โ„๏ธ Skip flaky ads tests (#32556)
fd5fb3f โ„๏ธ Skip flaky carousel test (#32557)
2ca31c4 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize (#32471)
b02cf8b Validator rollup (#32555)
c03c2a0 ๐Ÿ— Pin the Chromium version used by visual diff to 78.0.3904.0 (#32554)
19a6038 Sync for validator/cpp/engine (#32561)
aace6d6 ๐Ÿงช Enable experiment to upgrade amp-fit-text 0.1 to 1.0 (#32526)
ff93080 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize from sidebars (#32519)
6025d6f Make createLoaderLogoCallback static (#32534)
0223d02 amp-fit-text: Add cross-version dependencies to source files (#32564)
a9f559b Remove survey (#32569)
955ae0e Sync for validator/cpp/htmlparser (#32570)
f0cdb5f Delete (#32572)
4ad1907 Skip failing tests in Experiment C branch (#32581)
2b3c30f Fix extensions loading integration tests in Experiment C (#32582)
36d86e2 ๐Ÿ— Add fail-fast behavior to CircleCI builds (#32575)
35bc917 Revert "๐Ÿ— Add fail-fast behavior to CircleCI builds" (#32589)
f8e229c [amp-story] ๐Ÿ“– Specify tagNames for trackable components (#32571)
daa95ee [amp-story] Prevent clicks on top 80% (#32518)
0ab0609 measureIntersection: use root=document (#32402)
614dd77 amp-fit-text:1.0 Vertical center non-overflowing text (#32558)
d29f2e5 ๐Ÿ— Fix linter when using dict({...spread}) (#32586)
58eb59d ๐Ÿ— Add fail-fast behavior to CircleCI PR builds (#32595)
b8989f3 โ„๏ธ Skip flaky ads test (#32599)
e61d652 Move amp-ad examples to folder (#32579)
aeac31e Remove sync measurement from ad iframes: experiment (#32437)
2069f72 SwG Release (#32593)
b5c56f7 โœจ Add Gdpr Consent String to Yieldlab callout vendor (#32033)
0919da4 ๐Ÿ— Run experiment tests during PR builds (#32574)
494c865 ๐Ÿ— Clean up log coloring, enable on GH Actions (#32604)
432c6f4 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency renovate to v24.34.3 (#32384)
520349c ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency chai to v4.3.0 (#32612)
7c55819 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v31.6.1 (#32609)
5319875 ๐Ÿ— Split experiment builds and tests into separate jobs (#32614)
684eea7 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @babel/helper-plugin-test-runner to v7.12.13 (#32378)
d1b027d ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency rollup to v2.38.5 (#32610)
8d1038e ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency mocha to v8.3.0 (#32620)
0340eaa ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update build system devDependencies (patch) (#32608)
b1c1e2e ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20210202 (#32613)
1d56891 โ™ป๏ธ Build individual 3p iframe integration JS (#32448)
86f822f ๐Ÿ— Rewrite gulp ava using the ava CLI (#32602)
afde3c0 Fix sample preview (#32627)
acbb8a5 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update babel devDependencies to v7.12.16 (patch) (#32622)
447e48e ๐Ÿš€ Ensure src is the last propagated attribute for amp-img (#32634)
7ec5f0c โœจ [amp-consent] Add purposes to user actions for inline PromptUI (#32470)
7df2c5c ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update validator devDependencies (#32607)
e86cc83 Iframe fixture: ensure that element is measured before layout (#32625)
a365eea Fix race-conditions due to lack of await on element.buildInternal (#32624)
deba5a4 amp-form: enable detached analytics & fix error flow (#32578)
f169402 ๐Ÿ— Rewrite gulp prettify using the nodejs API of prettier (#32626)
6130ded โœจ [bento][amp-sidebar] Update animations to obey APIs mid-animation (#32584)
2bd092c ๐Ÿ— Rewrite gulp lint using the nodejs API of eslint (#32576)
ae4a276 analytics: bail out for detached targets (#32637)
7cf184c ๐Ÿ“– amp-list docs: increase clarity of overflow section (#32619)
e0ab970 ๐Ÿ— Fix incorrect Chrome version pinning for visual diff tests (#32641)
c955167 โœจ Allow <amp-img layout=intrinsic> for email spec (#32646)
a991848 ๐Ÿ— Fully migrate AMP's CI from Travis to CircleCI (#32117)
a184af8 โ™ป๏ธ Allow dynamically setting 3p bootstrap script (#32573)
2205cef โœจ [amp-consent] Accept purposeConsentMap from external consent UI flow (#32638)
0989bfe ๐Ÿ— Remove gulp streaming from a few developer tasks (#32623)

Breakdown by component

ads (1) 9f6af26 ๐Ÿ“– Fix link to csa in document (#32484)
amp-3d-gltf (1) 2ca31c4 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize (#32471)
amp-a4a (1) aeac31e Remove sync measurement from ad iframes: experiment (#32437)
amp-accordion (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-ad (4) 57fdee9 ๐Ÿ“– Fix google ad doc references (#32492)
a876a6b Fix ad-3p test flakes due to isBuilt stubbing (#32542)
aeac31e Remove sync measurement from ad iframes: experiment (#32437)
a184af8 โ™ป๏ธ Allow dynamically setting 3p bootstrap script (#32573)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1) aeac31e Remove sync measurement from ad iframes: experiment (#32437)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (1) aeac31e Remove sync measurement from ad iframes: experiment (#32437)
amp-analytics (1) ae4a276 analytics: bail out for detached targets (#32637)
amp-base-carousel (3) 4ce4cc7 โœ… [amp-base-carousel] use shared test fixtures where possible (#32467)
770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
fd5fb3f โ„๏ธ Skip flaky carousel test (#32557)
amp-bind (1) a365eea Fix race-conditions due to lack of await on element.buildInternal (#32624)
amp-carousel (2) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
2ca31c4 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize (#32471)
amp-connatix-player (1) 2ca31c4 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize (#32471)
amp-consent (4) 541c3e2 Ensure that consent-ui correctly resumes loading of sub-resources (#32480)
01fb8ef โœจ[amp-consent] Implement `getTCData ` command for TCF PostMessage API (#32411)
7ec5f0c โœจ [amp-consent] Add purposes to user actions for inline PromptUI (#32470)
2205cef โœจ [amp-consent] Accept `purposeConsentMap` from external consent UI flow (#32638)
amp-date-countdown (1) a365eea Fix race-conditions due to lack of await on element.buildInternal (#32624)
amp-date-display (1) a365eea Fix race-conditions due to lack of await on element.buildInternal (#32624)
amp-experiment (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-facebook (1) 6025d6f Make createLoaderLogoCallback static (#32534)
amp-facebook-comments (1) 6025d6f Make createLoaderLogoCallback static (#32534)
amp-facebook-page (1) 6025d6f Make createLoaderLogoCallback static (#32534)
amp-fit-text (4) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
aace6d6 ๐Ÿงช Enable experiment to upgrade amp-fit-text 0.1 to 1.0 (#32526)
614dd77 amp-fit-text:1.0 Vertical center non-overflowing text (#32558)
0919da4 ๐Ÿ— Run experiment tests during PR builds (#32574)
amp-font (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-form (1) deba5a4 amp-form: enable detached analytics & fix error flow (#32578)
amp-geo (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-ima-video (1) 2ca31c4 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize (#32471)
amp-image-slider (1) 147e1c3 Fix very slow tests due to unsplash response times (#32533)
amp-inline-gallery (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-instagram (1) d4b0252 ๐Ÿšฎ i2d instagram placeholder implementation (#32325)
amp-list (1) 7cf184c ๐Ÿ“– amp-list docs: increase clarity of overflow section (#32619)
amp-mega-menu (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-nested-menu (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-next-page (1) a365eea Fix race-conditions due to lack of await on element.buildInternal (#32624)
amp-pinterest (1) 6025d6f Make createLoaderLogoCallback static (#32534)
amp-playbuzz (1) 36a941b ๐Ÿ— Update closure compiler to February's version (#32525)
amp-selector (2) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
a365eea Fix race-conditions due to lack of await on element.buildInternal (#32624)
amp-sidebar (3) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
ff93080 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize from sidebars (#32519)
6130ded โœจ [bento][amp-sidebar] Update animations to obey APIs mid-animation (#32584)
amp-smartlinks (1) 343652e ๐Ÿ› getUrl fix enabling shadow docs to have access to the article url and name #32188 (#32328)
amp-social-share (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-story (3) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
f8e229c [amp-story] ๐Ÿ“– Specify tagNames for trackable components (#32571)
daa95ee [amp-story] Prevent clicks on top 80% (#32518)
amp-story-auto-analytics (1) 8a71a5d โœจ [Story autoanalytics] Added repeat: false on story-page-visible (#32296)
amp-story-dev-tools (2) 7630b2b ๐Ÿ– [Story devtools] Rename logs and move Page Experience (#32451)
770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-story-player (2) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
afde3c0 Fix sample preview (#32627)
amp-stream-gallery (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-subscriptions (2) fcbbe10 โ™ป๏ธ amp-subscriptions*: Consistently refers to subscription platforms as "platforms" internally (#32522)
768d5a8 ๐Ÿ›โœ… amp-subscriptions: Fixes a `splice` bug in Platform Store (#32532)
amp-subscriptions-google (1) fcbbe10 โ™ป๏ธ amp-subscriptions*: Consistently refers to subscription platforms as "platforms" internally (#32522)
amp-timeago (1) a365eea Fix race-conditions due to lack of await on element.buildInternal (#32624)
amp-twitter (1) 6025d6f Make createLoaderLogoCallback static (#32534)
amp-user-notification (1) 36a941b ๐Ÿ— Update closure compiler to February's version (#32525)
amp-video (1) 770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
amp-viz-vega (1) 2ca31c4 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize (#32471)
build-system (32) 83d0066 ๐Ÿ— Removes gulp warning non-global installations via npm (#32505)
e28f933 ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿš€ Provide a way to synchronously transform CSS in Babel (#32485)
703f113 ๐Ÿ— Fix message in `cross-browser-tests.js` (#32465)
01abe80 ๐Ÿ— Replace logging in `gulp bundle-size` with output from `filesize` (#32479)
0a3f18a Move ensureLoaded to CustomElement from owners (#32416)
0ea7f1a ๐Ÿ— Fix skip logic for E2E tests on FF / Safari (#32529)
c8663a4 A version of whenContentLoaded without measurements (#32397)
6ae6dbc ๐Ÿ— Replace `ansi-colors` with `kleur/colors` (#32539)
0da7540 ๐Ÿ— E2E test improvements (#32527)
327d021 ๐Ÿ— Remove and prevent unused eslint directives (#32538)
0c3ee8e ๐Ÿ— Stop running visual diff tests on Travis (#32546)
d86f7a8 RTV experiment for ini-load signal w/o blocking measurements (#32547)
496048b Provide the INI_LOAD_INOB experiment constant for eslint (#32550)
2ca31c4 Remove onLayoutMeasure and getLayoutSize (#32471)
c03c2a0 ๐Ÿ— Pin the Chromium version used by visual diff to 78.0.3904.0 (#32554)
aace6d6 ๐Ÿงช Enable experiment to upgrade amp-fit-text 0.1 to 1.0 (#32526)
0223d02 amp-fit-text: Add cross-version dependencies to source files (#32564)
36d86e2 ๐Ÿ— Add fail-fast behavior to CircleCI builds (#32575)
35bc917 Revert "๐Ÿ— Add fail-fast behavior to CircleCI builds" (#32589)
d29f2e5 ๐Ÿ— Fix linter when using `dict({...spread})` (#32586)
58eb59d ๐Ÿ— Add fail-fast behavior to CircleCI PR builds (#32595)
aeac31e Remove sync measurement from ad iframes: experiment (#32437)
0919da4 ๐Ÿ— Run experiment tests during PR builds (#32574)
494c865 ๐Ÿ— Clean up log coloring, enable on GH Actions (#32604)
5319875 ๐Ÿ— Split experiment builds and tests into separate jobs (#32614)
1d56891 โ™ป๏ธ Build individual 3p iframe integration JS (#32448)
86f822f ๐Ÿ— Rewrite `gulp ava` using the `ava` CLI (#32602)
f169402 ๐Ÿ— Rewrite `gulp prettify` using the `nodejs` API of `prettier` (#32626)
2bd092c ๐Ÿ— Rewrite `gulp lint` using the `nodejs` API of `eslint` (#32576)
e0ab970 ๐Ÿ— Fix incorrect Chrome version pinning for visual diff tests (#32641)
a991848 ๐Ÿ— Fully migrate AMP's CI from Travis to CircleCI (#32117)
0989bfe ๐Ÿ— Remove `gulp` streaming from a few developer tasks (#32623)
package updates (10) 432c6f4 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency renovate to v24.34.3 (#32384)
520349c ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency chai to v4.3.0 (#32612)
7c55819 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v31.6.1 (#32609)
684eea7 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @babel/helper-plugin-test-runner to v7.12.13 (#32378)
d1b027d ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency rollup to v2.38.5 (#32610)
8d1038e ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency mocha to v8.3.0 (#32620)
0340eaa ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update build system devDependencies (patch) (#32608)
b1c1e2e ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20210202 (#32613)
acbb8a5 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update babel devDependencies to v7.12.16 (patch) (#32622)
7df2c5c ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update validator devDependencies (#32607)
src (13) 4a43478 Display-observer: a hidden tab should still be displayable for playback (#32478)
36a941b ๐Ÿ— Update closure compiler to February's version (#32525)
e255b6e ๐Ÿ› Make AUTHDATA fall back from subscriptions to access (#32530)
770086d Make prerenderAllowed static (#32445)
0a3f18a Move ensureLoaded to CustomElement from owners (#32416)
c8663a4 A version of whenContentLoaded without measurements (#32397)
327d021 ๐Ÿ— Remove and prevent unused eslint directives (#32538)
6025d6f Make createLoaderLogoCallback static (#32534)
0ab0609 measureIntersection: use root=document (#32402)
aeac31e Remove sync measurement from ad iframes: experiment (#32437)
b5c56f7 โœจ Add Gdpr Consent String to Yieldlab callout vendor (#32033)
6130ded โœจ [bento][amp-sidebar] Update animations to obey APIs mid-animation (#32584)
a184af8 โ™ป๏ธ Allow dynamically setting 3p bootstrap script (#32573)
third_party (3) 36a941b ๐Ÿ— Update closure compiler to February's version (#32525)
6ae6dbc ๐Ÿ— Replace `ansi-colors` with `kleur/colors` (#32539)
2069f72 SwG Release (#32593)
validator (7) 6ae6dbc ๐Ÿ— Replace `ansi-colors` with `kleur/colors` (#32539)
7d026fe Validator rollup (#32548)
b02cf8b Validator rollup (#32555)
19a6038 Sync for validator/cpp/engine (#32561)
955ae0e Sync for validator/cpp/htmlparser (#32570)
f0cdb5f Delete (#32572)
c955167 โœจ Allow <amp-img layout=intrinsic> for email spec (#32646)

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