github ampproject/amphtml 2010222244000

latest releases: 2409102255000, 2409161631000, 2409061044000...
pre-release3 years ago
Baseline release: 2010132225002

Raw notes

eadccc2 📖 Update Cherry-pick template with QA section (#30632)
b025f30 🏗 Pin yarn stable version to v1.22.4 (#30658)
73b3f0e fix gulp integration and server so that it can work with mjs files (#30292)
008ce60 Refactor button rendering for story ads (pt 1) (#30635)
0cf1851 [amp-story-player] Pass object with controls key (#30656)
8078374 ✨ [amp-story-player] Send custom UI config from player to story (#30501)
359e712 📦 Update dependency @babel/register to v7.12.0 (#30669)
a24a3a7 🏗 Upload e2e coverage reports to codecov if present (#30668)
7c00811 Reimplement loading indicator via IntersectionObserver (#30634)
4758755 🐛Fix binary poll not clamping more than two lines (#30665)
5cac2d3 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.28.4 (#30675)
c07c3ee 📖 Fix dead links in analytics vendors (#30678)
fb6ac8b Bento Carousel: outsetArrows prop (#30648)
bf88a60 🐛 Align 'activate 360' button with header UI (#30682)
52de546 ✨ Lotame: Change to allow limiting the maximum number of audiences. (#30655)
2db1bec Remove TODO for closed issue (#30662)
f8da5fc ✨ Set default orientation in gyroscope mode (#30567)
c15a28f Add SSR experiments to a4a eid (#30524)
c64b8d2 Fix story stretched poster images by removing media pool default sources. (#30652)
5fa3930 ✨ Remixd AMP ad-tag implementation #30030 (#30572)
f73b455 ♻️ onPageNavigation_ method in 360 component (#30683)
36d620d Change storage impl OWNERS to wg-components (#30684)
2ea34ab 📦 Update babel devDependencies to v7.12.0 (minor) (#30674)
039b6ad 📦 Update dependency tempy to v1 (#30626)
4a4a29b 📦 Update dependency typescript to v4 (#29914)
2bedee7 📦 Update dependency through2 to v4 (#29081)
593ef6c 📦 Update dependency karma-jasmine to v4 (#29790)
6aa1fb7 📦 Update dependency autoprefixer to v10 (#30239)
269cff0 🏗 Bento owners (#30685)
1b6851e 📦 Update dependency browserify to v17 (#30625)
8ce5cde 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.31.0 (#29825)
55a64e9 📦 Update subpackage devDependencies (#29891)
981ed3d 📦 Update core devDependencies (minor) (#29866)
d6d4a70 Send document canonicalUrl with sendCsi viewer events. (#30688)
157d153 📦 Update dependency jasmine to v3.6.2 (#30695)
7c157c2 📦 Update linting devDependencies (minor) (#29373)
087c7a3 📦 Update dependency jasmine to v3.6.2 (#30696)
3dbb72b 📦 Update subpackage devDependencies (minor) (#30067)
e92ead5 🏗 Fix errors in new server transforms and make logs less noisy (#30698)
48f7aa2 📦 Update core devDependencies (patch) (#30697)
665dd56 📦 Update babel devDependencies to v7.12.1 (minor) (#30692)
b31762c 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23 (#29967)
d3202ba 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23.49.3 (#30699)
8f2123b ✨ [bento][amp-accordion] Adding a11y to bento accordion (#30644)
17f592e resources-impl: fix alwayFixed (#30627)
3c0276c ✨ Consent Metadata macros in ads RTC and amp-analytics (#30152)
d3004b5 Remove consent string restriction on metadata (#30465)
57f24f5 Amp-ad Doubleclick: Remove frc parameter (#30706)
3cc1d2e 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23.49.7 (#30710)
96b7ef1 Refactor button rendering for story ads (pt 2) (#30689)
36d27c9 Owners fix to storage-impl (#30711)
42ac820 📦 Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v6.13.0 (#30713)
f0aeae9 🏗 Pre-emptive lint fixes + clean up (#30700)
0d5de3b [amp-story-player] Fetch more stories from endpoint (#30676)
3a320d2 📦 Update dependency mocha to v8.2.0 (#30718)
a45827a 📦 Update babel devDependencies (patch) (#29993)
451af39 📖 amp-consent meta tag documentation (#30708)
292d7bf 📦 Update core devDependencies (minor) (#30717)
f3712ad 📦 Update dependency mocha to v8.2.0 (#30716)
3525dfc 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.32.0 (#30714)
4ef897f 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.32.0 (#30715)
8cbe1ed 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v30.7.3 (#30729)
8b2d71f 📦 Update core devDependencies (patch) (#30728)
17d041e 🔥 Only collapse sticky-ad when ad collapses (#30730)
9fdf231 📖 Fix dead link in AMP dev docs (#30732)
b3f7798 🏗 Migrate amphtml package management from yarn to npm (#30694)
ccf5373 📦 Update dependency sleep-promise to v9 (#30734)
f44b415 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23.53.0 (#30733)
6a7b7a0 ✨ [amp-story-player] Initial code for reacting to custom UI API from the system layer (#30502)
87c934e 🏗 Add OWNERS files to simplify package updates in amphtml subdirs (#30746)
9885c4b revert the showStack change (#30673)
b146267 ♿ [a11y-fixit][amp-social-share] Add social share aria-label (#30735)
a9834d6 pass fixture files through the postHTML transformer code (#30681)
b143876 use (#30744)
406f288 Release gulp-amphtml-validator @1.0.6 (#30760)
21d8e50 ✨ [bento][amp-accordion] CSS Port draft for amp accordion (PR #2) (#30622)
2d6de35 [amp-story] Update mobile icons (#30759)
f8093ca Validator rollup for 20201020 (#30773)
e0ee17c ♿ [a11y-fixit][amp-accordion] Add various a11y attributes to amp-accordion (#30751)
6ea9c08 Bento Carousel: advanceCount and visibleCount props (#30646)
b9b4032 📦 Update dependency react to v17 (#30779)
00346cf ✨ Added support for attribute prefixes in PreactBaseElement (#30639)
47a9212 🐛 🖍 Prevent tooltip graphics from cropping (#30787)
ae98fd6 unit tests: align with prod-config (#30535)
5ad23a7 carousel: remove onViewportCallback (#30618)
36daaa2 1% experiment - AdSense/GAM ad request ptt parameter (#30764)
938f9ab 🔥 Fix height bug (#30804)
6418ea9 📖 raksha's first commit (#30795)
890f3f4 ampdoc-fie cleanup: remove getExistingServiceForDocInEmbedScope (#30803)
9799f73 add babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping (#30807)
8ea4678 ✨ [bento][amp-accordion] Move aria-expanded from section to header (#30721)
a8987c6 ✨ Adding liveramp cmp to registered cmps (#30784)
7785e94 amp-script: emit warning when using layout with nodom (#30806)
f12ad14 ♿ remove aria-live=polite from amp-list (#30809)
0be75bb ✨ Freestar Callout Vendors GDPR Consent Update (#30516)
4c88540 Sync for validator/cpp/engine (#30797)

Breakdown by component

OWNERS (1) 269cff0 🏗 Bento owners (#30685)
ads (2) c15a28f Add SSR experiments to a4a eid (#30524)
5fa3930 ✨ Remixd AMP ad-tag implementation #30030 (#30572)
amp-a4a (5) 52de546 ✨ Lotame: Change to allow limiting the maximum number of audiences. (#30655)
c15a28f Add SSR experiments to a4a eid (#30524)
3c0276c ✨ Consent Metadata macros in ads RTC and amp-analytics (#30152)
57f24f5 Amp-ad Doubleclick: Remove frc parameter (#30706)
0be75bb ✨ Freestar Callout Vendors GDPR Consent Update (#30516)
amp-access (1) 87c934e 🏗 Add `OWNERS` files to simplify package updates in `amphtml` subdirs (#30746)
amp-accordion (4) 8f2123b ✨ [bento][amp-accordion] Adding a11y to bento accordion (#30644)
21d8e50 ✨ [bento][amp-accordion] CSS Port draft for amp accordion (PR #2) (#30622)
e0ee17c ♿ [a11y-fixit][amp-accordion] Add various a11y attributes to amp-accordion (#30751)
8ea4678 ✨ [bento][amp-accordion] Move aria-expanded from section to header (#30721)
amp-ad (1) 5fa3930 ✨ Remixd AMP ad-tag implementation #30030 (#30572)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (3) c15a28f Add SSR experiments to a4a eid (#30524)
57f24f5 Amp-ad Doubleclick: Remove frc parameter (#30706)
36daaa2 1% experiment - AdSense/GAM ad request ptt parameter (#30764)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (3) c15a28f Add SSR experiments to a4a eid (#30524)
57f24f5 Amp-ad Doubleclick: Remove frc parameter (#30706)
36daaa2 1% experiment - AdSense/GAM ad request ptt parameter (#30764)
amp-analytics (3) c07c3ee 📖 Fix dead links in analytics vendors (#30678)
52de546 ✨ Lotame: Change to allow limiting the maximum number of audiences. (#30655)
3c0276c ✨ Consent Metadata macros in ads RTC and amp-analytics (#30152)
amp-animation (1) 7c00811 Reimplement loading indicator via IntersectionObserver (#30634)
amp-base-carousel (2) fb6ac8b Bento Carousel: `outsetArrows` prop (#30648)
6ea9c08 Bento Carousel: `advanceCount` and `visibleCount` props (#30646)
amp-carousel (1) 5ad23a7 carousel: remove onViewportCallback (#30618)
amp-consent (4) 3c0276c ✨ Consent Metadata macros in ads RTC and amp-analytics (#30152)
d3004b5 Remove consent string restriction on metadata (#30465)
451af39 📖 amp-consent meta tag documentation (#30708)
a8987c6 ✨ Adding liveramp cmp to registered cmps (#30784)
amp-gwd-animation (1) 890f3f4 ampdoc-fie cleanup: remove getExistingServiceForDocInEmbedScope (#30803)
amp-inline-gallery (1) 6ea9c08 Bento Carousel: `advanceCount` and `visibleCount` props (#30646)
amp-list (2) 7c00811 Reimplement loading indicator via IntersectionObserver (#30634)
f12ad14 ♿ remove aria-live=polite from amp-list (#30809)
amp-onetap-google (1) f8093ca Validator rollup for 20201020 (#30773)
amp-script (1) 7785e94 amp-script: emit warning when using layout with nodom (#30806)
amp-social-share (1) b146267 ♿ [a11y-fixit][amp-social-share] Add social share aria-label (#30735)
amp-sticky-ad (1) 17d041e 🔥 Only collapse sticky-ad when ad collapses (#30730)
amp-story (7) 8078374 ✨ [amp-story-player] Send custom UI config from player to story (#30501)
c64b8d2 Fix story stretched poster images by removing media pool default sources. (#30652)
f73b455 ♻️ onPageNavigation_ method in 360 component (#30683)
6a7b7a0 ✨ [amp-story-player] Initial code for reacting to custom UI API from the system layer (#30502)
2d6de35 [amp-story] Update mobile icons (#30759)
47a9212 🐛 🖍 Prevent tooltip graphics from cropping (#30787)
6418ea9 📖 raksha's first commit (#30795)
amp-story-360 (3) bf88a60 🐛 Align 'activate 360' button with header UI (#30682)
f8da5fc ✨ Set default orientation in gyroscope mode (#30567)
f73b455 ♻️ onPageNavigation_ method in 360 component (#30683)
amp-story-auto-ads (2) 008ce60 Refactor button rendering for story ads (pt 1) (#30635)
96b7ef1 Refactor button rendering for story ads (pt 2) (#30689)
amp-story-interactive (1) 4758755 🐛Fix binary poll not clamping more than two lines (#30665)
amp-twitter (1) 7c00811 Reimplement loading indicator via IntersectionObserver (#30634)
build-system (13) b025f30 🏗 Pin `yarn` stable version to v1.22.4 (#30658)
73b3f0e fix gulp integration and server so that it can work with mjs files (#30292)
008ce60 Refactor button rendering for story ads (pt 1) (#30635)
a24a3a7 🏗 Upload e2e coverage reports to codecov if present (#30668)
e92ead5 🏗 Fix errors in new server transforms and make logs less noisy (#30698)
3c0276c ✨ Consent Metadata macros in ads RTC and amp-analytics (#30152)
f0aeae9 🏗 Pre-emptive lint fixes + clean up (#30700)
b3f7798 🏗 Migrate `amphtml` package management from `yarn` to `npm` (#30694)
9885c4b revert the `showStack` change (#30673)
a9834d6 pass fixture files through the postHTML transformer code (#30681)
36daaa2 1% experiment - AdSense/GAM ad request ptt parameter (#30764)
890f3f4 ampdoc-fie cleanup: remove getExistingServiceForDocInEmbedScope (#30803)
9799f73 add babel-plugin-transform-block-scoping (#30807)
package updates (33) 359e712 📦 Update dependency @babel/register to v7.12.0 (#30669)
5cac2d3 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.28.4 (#30675)
2ea34ab 📦 Update babel devDependencies to v7.12.0 (minor) (#30674)
039b6ad 📦 Update dependency tempy to v1 (#30626)
4a4a29b 📦 Update dependency typescript to v4 (#29914)
2bedee7 📦 Update dependency through2 to v4 (#29081)
593ef6c 📦 Update dependency karma-jasmine to v4 (#29790)
6aa1fb7 📦 Update dependency autoprefixer to v10 (#30239)
1b6851e 📦 Update dependency browserify to v17 (#30625)
8ce5cde 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.31.0 (#29825)
55a64e9 📦 Update subpackage devDependencies (#29891)
981ed3d 📦 Update core devDependencies (minor) (#29866)
157d153 📦 Update dependency jasmine to v3.6.2 (#30695)
7c157c2 📦 Update linting devDependencies (minor) (#29373)
087c7a3 📦 Update dependency jasmine to v3.6.2 (#30696)
3dbb72b 📦 Update subpackage devDependencies (minor) (#30067)
48f7aa2 📦 Update core devDependencies (patch) (#30697)
665dd56 📦 Update babel devDependencies to v7.12.1 (minor) (#30692)
b31762c 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23 (#29967)
d3202ba 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23.49.3 (#30699)
3cc1d2e 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23.49.7 (#30710)
42ac820 📦 Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v6.13.0 (#30713)
3a320d2 📦 Update dependency mocha to v8.2.0 (#30718)
a45827a 📦 Update babel devDependencies (patch) (#29993)
292d7bf 📦 Update core devDependencies (minor) (#30717)
f3712ad 📦 Update dependency mocha to v8.2.0 (#30716)
3525dfc 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.32.0 (#30714)
4ef897f 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.32.0 (#30715)
8cbe1ed 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v30.7.3 (#30729)
8b2d71f 📦 Update core devDependencies (patch) (#30728)
ccf5373 📦 Update dependency sleep-promise to v9 (#30734)
f44b415 📦 Update dependency renovate to v23.53.0 (#30733)
b9b4032 📦 Update dependency react to v17 (#30779)
src (15) 0cf1851 [amp-story-player] Pass object with controls key (#30656)
7c00811 Reimplement loading indicator via IntersectionObserver (#30634)
c15a28f Add SSR experiments to a4a eid (#30524)
36d620d Change storage impl OWNERS to wg-components (#30684)
d6d4a70 Send document canonicalUrl with sendCsi viewer events. (#30688)
8f2123b ✨ [bento][amp-accordion] Adding a11y to bento accordion (#30644)
17f592e resources-impl: fix alwayFixed (#30627)
3c0276c ✨ Consent Metadata macros in ads RTC and amp-analytics (#30152)
36d27c9 Owners fix to storage-impl (#30711)
0d5de3b [amp-story-player] Fetch more stories from endpoint (#30676)
6a7b7a0 ✨ [amp-story-player] Initial code for reacting to custom UI API from the system layer (#30502)
87c934e 🏗 Add `OWNERS` files to simplify package updates in `amphtml` subdirs (#30746)
00346cf ✨ Added support for attribute prefixes in PreactBaseElement (#30639)
ae98fd6 unit tests: align with prod-config (#30535)
890f3f4 ampdoc-fie cleanup: remove getExistingServiceForDocInEmbedScope (#30803)
third_party (2) b3f7798 🏗 Migrate `amphtml` package management from `yarn` to `npm` (#30694)
87c934e 🏗 Add `OWNERS` files to simplify package updates in `amphtml` subdirs (#30746)
validator (6) 5fa3930 ✨ Remixd AMP ad-tag implementation #30030 (#30572)
b3f7798 🏗 Migrate `amphtml` package management from `yarn` to `npm` (#30694)
b143876 use (#30744)
406f288 Release gulp-amphtml-validator @1.0.6 (#30760)
f8093ca Validator rollup for 20201020 (#30773)
4c88540 Sync for validator/cpp/engine (#30797)

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