github ampproject/amphtml 2009112034000

latest releases: 2404261800000, 2404230718000, 2404181825000...
pre-release3 years ago
Baseline release: 2008290323002

Raw notes

7a07338 fix some typos in amp-youtube docs (#30050)
a6e1e1c 🏗🐛 Clean up iframes between tests on Safari (#30029)
764896b Make SSR'd img inside unbuilt amp-img visible (#29955)
3aa7b8c Export imperative API from carousel (#30046)
6f5d0d8 Validator rollup 2020-08-31 (#30058)
2778b5e 🐛 Fix background audio race conditions (#30023)
91f00c2 🐛 Collect debugging information as expected error (#30055)
04e8262 🐛 Remove values overriding keyframes. Remove comma typo (#30054)
c36215e Sync from Google (#30062)
c2df533 📦 Update dependency @babel/register to v7.11.5 (#30066)
591a7c6 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200830 (#30076)
940e691 Remove use of clamp due to dependency on getMode (#30070)
928b5cb 📖 Update AMP4Email documentation on markup size limit (#30072)
a91262e 🐛 Fix RTL display of mobile screen reader back button (#30053)
5247739 🚀 [amp-story-player] Wait for first story to load before loading next ones (#29703)
26c30f0 Cleanup AdSense/Doubleclick round adx/ady (#30081)
27a5dd7 Context: rename needsParent to recursive (#30078)
82dfe91 ♻️ Change amp-story-interactive version to 0.1 (#30080)
370f319 SwG Release (#30013)
e3cc238 fixed code sample (#30073)
ad3ccbe Support server-side-rendered shadow roots (#30027)
5f00659 ✨ amp-ad luckyads implementation (#29192)
e358a51 🐛 [amp-story-player] Fix fragment param issue (#30069)
6469a3c jss: make classname deterministic (#30065)
a0c1268 🖍 [amp-story] Fix vertical margins for tweets (#29823)
25700cd 🏗 Catch errors during post-closure babel transforms (#30094)
1ab6b3e 🏗 Add babel-plugin-istanbul to pre-closure steps with gulp dist --coverage (#30004)
b442f33 updated to match template (#30087)
4a1ed09 Updated format to match template (#30088)
4c76c46 updated to match template (#30089)
f4decd2 ✨ [amp-story-player] adds noNextStory event (#30098)
435d278 Inline gallery: AMP components with context propagation (#30077)
5763c04 Updated format to match template (#30104)
4ce013d ✨ [amp-story-player] adds noPreviousStory event (#30103)
346b266 ♻️ amp-subscriptions-google: Renames glaa_ params to gaa_ (#30106)
903c540 ♻️ amp-subscriptions-google: Starts using new encryption param (#30100)
aa8be46 ✨Interactive size adapts to screen size with ems (#29931)
04c0a91 Declare types for AmpContext (#30102)
7d7a9c6 ♿ TetraLogical: Accessibility notes for the documentation (#30018)
0eaa987 🏗Add gulp browse task to open browser to URL (#30111)
c39d191 📦 Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200830 (#30122)
687a423 SwG Release (#30123)
584158c 🐛 Report zero visibility for zero size element (#30105)
63848d3 🏗 Added support for ESM and SxG environment in coverage-map (#29800)
2ff4363 Add error message for unparseable checkConsentHref response (#29696)
b5dea36 ✨ Restrict amp-ad sticky ad size to 20% viewport size and 50% height (#30079)
ea9a7cf 📖 Improved readme for sizing interactive components (#30116)
1665f1d 🐛 Mgid fix validation error (#30127)
045dff7 ✨Add better validation to interactive components (#29863)
bf46b4c Remove survey (#30154)
44ea165 ✨ Remove consent info size restriction for docs served from origin (#29869)
6407ca8 🐛 jss transform: support watch mode by allowing dupes if same file (#30115)
6874d96 Visibility Trigger for Non AMP Elements (#29172)
c61f7df ♿ Edit tip wordage (#30163)
046702f ✨ Interactive poll can have options with two lines (#30153)
fb7291c ✨ Consent: Pass consent string and metadata to amp-iframe (#29636)
27fd1f6 Make ads/ui wg 3p iframe related code owner (#30151)
7f514c3 Enable amp-accordion-display-locking experiment on 1% traffic (#30119)
e91bb98 📖 Update gdprApplies Comment (#30166)
37aa624 [amp-story-player] Add allow=autoplay to iframes (#30170)
22c88a8 Migrate pagination styles to JSS (#30125)
413aaeb amp-list: support amp-state and amp-script for load-more (#30101)
44d2d77 copy worker-dom files from the new amp-production directory when it exists (#30141)
13a56d1 🐛 Let buttons flow RTL naturally (#30168)
ea87c56 resources: fix loading sequence of layout=fill and intersection-observer (#30167)
67f7c84 🐛 [amp-base-carousel] fix for next arrow not hidden properly when visible-count > 1 (#30130)
ea07351 ✨ Adding translation support for score (#30173)
cf751b2 babel tests: support windows (#30165)
cc6b0c6 ❄️ [bento][amp-time-ago] Skip flaky tests in amp-timeago for now (#30181)
2cb692a 📦 Update build system devDependencies (patch) (#30040)
273097c Validator rollup (#30148)
90fcffd Sync from Google (#30149)
cc14c96 ✅ [bento][amp-social-share] First draft test amp-social-share (#29619)
7e9d5ab 📖 Add interactive results animation to examples (#30010)
c9d13b7 intersection-observer: don't use premeasure if there is a more recent measure (#30188)
a237a6d ✨Adding ConsentManager CMP to amp-consent (#29848)
c36edcc Unblock Preact tests that are executed against fake clock (#30186)
cb94cad ✨Consent: Pass consent string and metadata to amp-delight-player (#29876)
95e9db0 🐛 Fixing window reference for amp-ad type kargo (#30174)
82af2f3 🚮 Remove RENDLE_ON_IDLE experiment logic (#29661)
16e129e Timeago: fix placeholder and wrapper (#30187)
631fb3d ♻️ Moved animateFixedLayer_ into fixed layer code, and added SxG modes for animateScrollIntoView. (#29770)
ae05d4e 🧪 Turn off no signing in canary (#30198)
fd11247 Add (#29912)

Breakdown by component

ads (5) 26c30f0 Cleanup AdSense/Doubleclick round adx/ady (#30081)
5f00659 ✨ amp-ad luckyads implementation (#29192)
1665f1d 🐛 Mgid fix validation error (#30127)
95e9db0 🐛 Fixing window reference for amp-ad type kargo (#30174)
82af2f3 🚮 Remove RENDLE_ON_IDLE experiment logic (#29661)
amp-action-macro (1) e3cc238 fixed code sample (#30073)
amp-ad (2) 5f00659 ✨ amp-ad luckyads implementation (#29192)
b5dea36 ✨ Restrict amp-ad sticky ad size to 20% viewport size and 50% height (#30079)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (2) 26c30f0 Cleanup AdSense/Doubleclick round adx/ady (#30081)
82af2f3 🚮 Remove RENDLE_ON_IDLE experiment logic (#29661)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (2) 26c30f0 Cleanup AdSense/Doubleclick round adx/ady (#30081)
82af2f3 🚮 Remove RENDLE_ON_IDLE experiment logic (#29661)
amp-analytics (3) 91f00c2 🐛 Collect debugging information as expected error (#30055)
584158c 🐛 Report zero visibility for zero size element (#30105)
6874d96 Visibility Trigger for Non AMP Elements (#29172)
amp-base-carousel (6) 3aa7b8c Export imperative API from carousel (#30046)
940e691 Remove use of clamp due to dependency on getMode (#30070)
6469a3c jss: make classname deterministic (#30065)
435d278 Inline gallery: AMP components with context propagation (#30077)
22c88a8 Migrate pagination styles to JSS (#30125)
67f7c84 🐛 [amp-base-carousel] fix for next arrow not hidden properly when visible-count > 1 (#30130)
amp-beopinion (1) b442f33 updated to match template (#30087)
amp-bodymovin-animation (1) b442f33 updated to match template (#30087)
amp-brid-player (1) b442f33 updated to match template (#30087)
amp-brightcove (1) b442f33 updated to match template (#30087)
amp-byside-content (1) b442f33 updated to match template (#30087)
amp-connatix-player (1) 4a1ed09 Updated format to match template (#30088)
amp-consent (4) 2ff4363 Add error message for unparseable checkConsentHref response (#29696)
44ea165 ✨ Remove consent info size restriction for docs served from origin (#29869)
e91bb98 📖 Update gdprApplies Comment (#30166)
a237a6d ✨Adding ConsentManager CMP to amp-consent (#29848)
amp-dailymotion (1) 4a1ed09 Updated format to match template (#30088)
amp-date-display (1) c36edcc Unblock Preact tests that are executed against fake clock (#30186)
amp-delight-player (2) 4a1ed09 Updated format to match template (#30088)
cb94cad ✨Consent: Pass consent string and metadata to amp-delight-player (#29876)
amp-embedly-card (1) 4a1ed09 Updated format to match template (#30088)
amp-facebook (1) 4c76c46 updated to match template (#30089)
amp-facebook-comments (1) 4c76c46 updated to match template (#30089)
amp-facebook-like (1) 4c76c46 updated to match template (#30089)
amp-facebook-page (1) 4c76c46 updated to match template (#30089)
amp-gfycat (1) 4a1ed09 Updated format to match template (#30088)
amp-gist (1) 4c76c46 updated to match template (#30089)
amp-google-document-embed (1) 5763c04 Updated format to match template (#30104)
amp-google-vrview-image (1) 5763c04 Updated format to match template (#30104)
amp-hulu (1) 5763c04 Updated format to match template (#30104)
amp-iframe (1) fb7291c ✨ Consent: Pass consent string and metadata to amp-iframe (#29636)
amp-ima-video (1) 5763c04 Updated format to match template (#30104)
amp-imgur (1) 5763c04 Updated format to match template (#30104)
amp-inline-gallery (3) 3aa7b8c Export imperative API from carousel (#30046)
435d278 Inline gallery: AMP components with context propagation (#30077)
22c88a8 Migrate pagination styles to JSS (#30125)
amp-list (1) 413aaeb amp-list: support amp-state and amp-script for load-more (#30101)
amp-script (1) 44d2d77 copy worker-dom files from the new amp-production directory when it exists (#30141)
amp-social-share (2) cc14c96 ✅ [bento][amp-social-share] First draft test amp-social-share (#29619)
c36edcc Unblock Preact tests that are executed against fake clock (#30186)
amp-story (11) 2778b5e 🐛 Fix background audio race conditions (#30023)
a91262e 🐛 Fix RTL display of mobile screen reader back button (#30053)
5247739 🚀 [amp-story-player] Wait for first story to load before loading next ones (#29703)
82dfe91 ♻️ Change amp-story-interactive version to 0.1 (#30080)
a0c1268 🖍 [amp-story] Fix vertical margins for tweets (#29823)
435d278 Inline gallery: AMP components with context propagation (#30077)
aa8be46 ✨Interactive size adapts to screen size with ems (#29931)
c61f7df ♿ Edit tip wordage (#30163)
13a56d1 🐛 Let buttons flow RTL naturally (#30168)
ea07351 ✨ Adding translation support for score (#30173)
7e9d5ab 📖 Add interactive results animation to examples (#30010)
amp-story-education (1) 04e8262 🐛 Remove values overriding keyframes. Remove comma typo (#30054)
amp-story-interactive (6) 82dfe91 ♻️ Change amp-story-interactive version to 0.1 (#30080)
aa8be46 ✨Interactive size adapts to screen size with ems (#29931)
ea9a7cf 📖 Improved readme for sizing interactive components (#30116)
045dff7 ✨Add better validation to interactive components (#29863)
046702f ✨ Interactive poll can have options with two lines (#30153)
ea07351 ✨ Adding translation support for score (#30173)
amp-subscriptions-google (2) 346b266 ♻️ amp-subscriptions-google: Renames glaa_ params to gaa_ (#30106)
903c540 ♻️ amp-subscriptions-google: Starts using new encryption param (#30100)
amp-timeago (3) cc6b0c6 ❄️ [bento][amp-time-ago] Skip flaky tests in amp-timeago for now (#30181)
c36edcc Unblock Preact tests that are executed against fake clock (#30186)
16e129e Timeago: fix placeholder and wrapper (#30187)
amp-youtube (1) 7a07338 fix some typos in amp-youtube docs (#30050)
build-system (15) 26c30f0 Cleanup AdSense/Doubleclick round adx/ady (#30081)
82dfe91 ♻️ Change amp-story-interactive version to 0.1 (#30080)
6469a3c jss: make classname deterministic (#30065)
25700cd 🏗 Catch errors during post-closure babel transforms (#30094)
1ab6b3e 🏗 Add babel-plugin-istanbul to pre-closure steps with `gulp dist --coverage` (#30004)
435d278 Inline gallery: AMP components with context propagation (#30077)
0eaa987 🏗Add `gulp browse` task to open browser to URL (#30111)
63848d3 🏗 Added support for ESM and SxG environment in `coverage-map` (#29800)
6407ca8 🐛 jss transform: support watch mode by allowing dupes if same file (#30115)
7f514c3 Enable `amp-accordion-display-locking` experiment on 1% traffic (#30119)
44d2d77 copy worker-dom files from the new amp-production directory when it exists (#30141)
cf751b2 babel tests: support windows (#30165)
82af2f3 🚮 Remove RENDLE_ON_IDLE experiment logic (#29661)
631fb3d ♻️ Moved animateFixedLayer_ into fixed layer code, and added SxG modes for animateScrollIntoView. (#29770)
ae05d4e 🧪 Turn off no signing in canary (#30198)
package updates (4) c2df533 📦 Update dependency @babel/register to v7.11.5 (#30066)
591a7c6 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200830 (#30076)
c39d191 📦 Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200830 (#30122)
2cb692a 📦 Update build system devDependencies (patch) (#30040)
src (19) 3aa7b8c Export imperative API from carousel (#30046)
5247739 🚀 [amp-story-player] Wait for first story to load before loading next ones (#29703)
27a5dd7 Context: rename needsParent to recursive (#30078)
ad3ccbe Support server-side-rendered shadow roots (#30027)
e358a51 🐛 [amp-story-player] Fix fragment param issue (#30069)
f4decd2 ✨ [amp-story-player] adds `noNextStory` event (#30098)
435d278 Inline gallery: AMP components with context propagation (#30077)
4ce013d ✨ [amp-story-player] adds `noPreviousStory` event (#30103)
04c0a91 Declare types for AmpContext (#30102)
44ea165 ✨ Remove consent info size restriction for docs served from origin (#29869)
fb7291c ✨ Consent: Pass consent string and metadata to amp-iframe (#29636)
27fd1f6 Make ads/ui wg 3p iframe related code owner (#30151)
37aa624 [amp-story-player] Add allow=autoplay to iframes (#30170)
22c88a8 Migrate pagination styles to JSS (#30125)
ea07351 ✨ Adding translation support for score (#30173)
c9d13b7 intersection-observer: don't use premeasure if there is a more recent measure (#30188)
82af2f3 🚮 Remove RENDLE_ON_IDLE experiment logic (#29661)
16e129e Timeago: fix placeholder and wrapper (#30187)
631fb3d ♻️ Moved animateFixedLayer_ into fixed layer code, and added SxG modes for animateScrollIntoView. (#29770)
third_party (2) 370f319 SwG Release (#30013)
687a423 SwG Release (#30123)
validator (4) 6f5d0d8 Validator rollup 2020-08-31 (#30058)
c36215e Sync from Google (#30062)
273097c Validator rollup (#30148)
90fcffd Sync from Google (#30149)

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