github ampproject/amphtml 2006050512000

latest releases: 2406281604000, 2406271903000, 2406262239000...
4 years ago
Baseline release: 2005272217000

Raw notes

efe63de Enable 50% on prod for amp-ad-no-center-css (#28587)
c6534d7 ✨ Add ad network support to amp-ad (#27577)
0e0eda7 ♻️ amp-access, amp-subscriptions, and amp-subscriptions-google: Fixes return type TODOs (#28603)
07ce92d ♻️ amp-ad adocean: remove unnecessary preview ID #1 (#28443)
7cce683 ✨Allow CLIENT_ID expansion in doubleclick json targeting (#28575)
ec1d536 Update more OWNERS file. Prefer WGs, instead of individuals. (#27187)
3cba61d 📖 Fixed a typo in the docs (#28606)
16b133b 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-react-hooks to v4.0.4 (#28579)
a04c380 📦 Update dependency @babel/register to v7.10.1 (#28602)
0f68581 Ibeat analytics domain change (#28558)
18f373e Add "debug" flag to gulp integration (#28570)
a7f0172 🏗 Add cherry-pick gulp task (#28614)
de7f886 🖍 Lock video position inside Story (#28581)
0f01abb 🏗 Print experiment info as part of help text in gulp dist (#28615)
3140909 📦 Update core devDependencies (minor) (#28592)
4e03949 Support layout=responsive in PreactBaseElement (#28482)
e24291d ads: relax colorDepth restriction to allow for numbers other than 24 (#28608)
a7f0172 🏗 Add cherry-pick gulp task (#28614)
be46166 📦 Update core devDependencies (patch) (#28599)
b1489b7 ✨ adds infonline anonymous analytics to amp (#26859)
6913207 ✨ New feature (new supported type premiumads for amp-auto-ads) (#27667)
9fe93a8 📖 Update cover image size recommendation in (#28622)
5831f8f 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.26.8 (#28629)
f22a746 🏗 Code review tweaks to cherry-pick gulp task (#28633)
40186a4 ✨Convert the full-width responsive to container-width responsive for desktop users. (#28565)
9a6853f performance/resources: implement eer / ser (#28401)
b5aa393 gulp performance: add runtime pages (#28503)
65a6786 🐛 Add metadata user error restriction (#28623)
14dc638 📖Update amp-access and amp-subscriptions docs (#27672)
578acf8 📦 Update core devDependencies to v7.10.2 (patch) (#28647)
4168cb1 📦 Update dependency to v8.33 (#28648)
92ca7e9 ♻️ Extract signing flow into own method (#28626)
26448a8 ♻️ amp-audio: Fixes a typing TODO and refactors a bit (#28644)
75cb4f0 [amp-carousel:0.1] Hide controls in hidden controls e2e test (#28150)
3e8f917 Don't use webp as a fallback example (#28655)
e9964fa ✨Implementation of binary poll (#28412)
dfa6e7f feat: Resize ampad when SSP ad arive #SSP-2731 (#28654)
8f0446b 🐛 Allow whitespace to precede intrinsic sizer SVG element in data: URL (#27829)
e04b3fb added details on email actions vs others (#28653)
ed5cb95 ✨ AMP Analytics: Added configuration and test files for RudderStack (#28597)
794ead8 ✨ Add data-blockid to amp-embed type="24smi" (#28566)
0c920fc 🏗 Always build vendor configs when running unit tests (#28658)
2fefcea 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.26.9 (#28660)
79ab167 🖍 Changed circle color (#28643)
b1cdabd Adding consentStringType to amp-consent metadata (#28028)
9ea51a8 Launch IntersectionObserverPolyfill experiments (#28666)
0261b2b 🐛Fix idle render issue while getLastDequeueTime() == 0 (#28656)
41493c0 Validator rollup 472@1048 (#28677)
18eba97 🔥 amp-connatix-player: Update iframe domain and path for our existing amp-connatix-player.js (#28274)
d269987 🐛 Fix unmuted audio bug in FF (#28682)
7aa0c6c Publish C++ CSS parser (#28687)
30cd7a7 gulp performance: introduce --headless and --devtools (#28689)
128901b Create BUILD rules for validator.proto (#28696)
968f88d Fix compile error. (#28697)
d99658a 🧪Introduce a4a-no-signing experiment diversion (#28690)
003dc5c ✨ Update Teads ads CDN entry point and prefetch config (#28657)
9f690bc ♻️ amp-subscriptions: Renames interface imports (#28683)
1b84e3c 🚀 Removing dev().info() CallExpressions from ESM Output (#28695)
14b4612 turn off function decl transformer temporarily in pre closure (#28699)

Breakdown by component

ads (6) c6534d7 ✨ Add ad network support to amp-ad (#27577)
07ce92d ♻️ amp-ad adocean: remove unnecessary preview ID #1 (#28443)
dfa6e7f feat: Resize ampad when SSP ad arive #SSP-2731 (#28654)
794ead8 ✨ Add data-blockid to amp-embed type="24smi" (#28566)
0261b2b 🐛Fix idle render issue while getLastDequeueTime() == 0 (#28656)
003dc5c ✨ Update Teads ads CDN entry point and prefetch config (#28657)
amp-a4a (2) 92ca7e9 ♻️ Extract signing flow into own method (#28626)
d99658a 🧪Introduce a4a-no-signing experiment diversion (#28690)
amp-access (1) 0e0eda7 ♻️ amp-access, amp-subscriptions, and amp-subscriptions-google: Fixes return type TODOs (#28603)
amp-ad (1) c6534d7 ✨ Add ad network support to amp-ad (#27577)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (4) e24291d ads: relax colorDepth restriction to allow for numbers other than 24 (#28608)
40186a4 ✨Convert the full-width responsive to container-width responsive for desktop users. (#28565)
0261b2b 🐛Fix idle render issue while getLastDequeueTime() == 0 (#28656)
d99658a 🧪Introduce a4a-no-signing experiment diversion (#28690)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (4) 7cce683 ✨Allow CLIENT_ID expansion in doubleclick json targeting (#28575)
e24291d ads: relax colorDepth restriction to allow for numbers other than 24 (#28608)
0261b2b 🐛Fix idle render issue while getLastDequeueTime() == 0 (#28656)
d99658a 🧪Introduce a4a-no-signing experiment diversion (#28690)
amp-analytics (3) 0f68581 Ibeat analytics domain change (#28558)
b1489b7 ✨ adds infonline anonymous analytics to amp (#26859)
ed5cb95 ✨ AMP Analytics: Added configuration and test files for RudderStack (#28597)
amp-audio (1) 26448a8 ♻️ amp-audio: Fixes a typing TODO and refactors a bit (#28644)
amp-auto-ads (1) 6913207 ✨ New feature (new supported type premiumads for amp-auto-ads) (#27667)
amp-connatix-player (1) 18eba97 🔥 amp-connatix-player: Update iframe domain and path for our existing amp-connatix-player.js (#28274)
amp-consent (2) 65a6786 🐛 Add metadata user error restriction (#28623)
b1cdabd Adding consentStringType to amp-consent metadata (#28028)
amp-crypto-polyfill (1) ec1d536 Update more OWNERS file. Prefer WGs, instead of individuals. (#27187)
amp-date-display (1) 4e03949 Support layout=responsive in PreactBaseElement (#28482)
amp-experiment (1) ec1d536 Update more OWNERS file. Prefer WGs, instead of individuals. (#27187)
amp-fit-text (1) 4e03949 Support layout=responsive in PreactBaseElement (#28482)
amp-geo (1) ec1d536 Update more OWNERS file. Prefer WGs, instead of individuals. (#27187)
amp-selector (1) 4e03949 Support layout=responsive in PreactBaseElement (#28482)
amp-smartlinks (1) ec1d536 Update more OWNERS file. Prefer WGs, instead of individuals. (#27187)
amp-social-share (1) 4e03949 Support layout=responsive in PreactBaseElement (#28482)
amp-sticky-ad (1) ec1d536 Update more OWNERS file. Prefer WGs, instead of individuals. (#27187)
amp-story (5) de7f886 🖍 Lock video position inside Story (#28581)
9fe93a8 📖 Update cover image size recommendation in (#28622)
e9964fa ✨Implementation of binary poll (#28412)
79ab167 🖍 Changed circle color (#28643)
d269987 🐛 Fix unmuted audio bug in FF (#28682)
amp-subscriptions (3) 0e0eda7 ♻️ amp-access, amp-subscriptions, and amp-subscriptions-google: Fixes return type TODOs (#28603)
14dc638 📖Update `amp-access` and `amp-subscriptions` docs (#27672)
9f690bc ♻️ amp-subscriptions: Renames interface imports (#28683)
amp-subscriptions-google (2) 0e0eda7 ♻️ amp-access, amp-subscriptions, and amp-subscriptions-google: Fixes return type TODOs (#28603)
9f690bc ♻️ amp-subscriptions: Renames interface imports (#28683)
amp-timeago (1) 4e03949 Support layout=responsive in PreactBaseElement (#28482)
amp-viewer-integration (1) 9a6853f performance/resources: implement eer / ser (#28401)
build-system (13) efe63de Enable 50% on prod for amp-ad-no-center-css (#28587)
18f373e Add "debug" flag to `gulp integration` (#28570)
a7f0172 🏗 Add cherry-pick gulp task (#28614)
0f01abb 🏗 Print experiment info as part of help text in `gulp dist` (#28615)
f22a746 🏗 Code review tweaks to cherry-pick gulp task (#28633)
b5aa393 gulp performance: add runtime pages (#28503)
e9964fa ✨Implementation of binary poll (#28412)
0c920fc 🏗 Always build vendor configs when running unit tests (#28658)
9ea51a8 Launch IntersectionObserverPolyfill experiments (#28666)
30cd7a7 gulp performance: introduce --headless and --devtools (#28689)
9f690bc ♻️ amp-subscriptions: Renames interface imports (#28683)
1b84e3c 🚀 Removing dev().info() CallExpressions from ESM Output (#28695)
14b4612 turn off function decl transformer temporarily in pre closure (#28699)
package updates (8) 16b133b 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-react-hooks to v4.0.4 (#28579)
a04c380 📦 Update dependency @babel/register to v7.10.1 (#28602)
3140909 📦 Update core devDependencies (minor) (#28592)
be46166 📦 Update core devDependencies (patch) (#28599)
5831f8f 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.26.8 (#28629)
578acf8 📦 Update core devDependencies to v7.10.2 (patch) (#28647)
4168cb1 📦 Update dependency to v8.33 (#28648)
2fefcea 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.26.9 (#28660)
src (4) 4e03949 Support layout=responsive in PreactBaseElement (#28482)
9a6853f performance/resources: implement eer / ser (#28401)
b1cdabd Adding consentStringType to amp-consent metadata (#28028)
0261b2b 🐛Fix idle render issue while getLastDequeueTime() == 0 (#28656)
third_party (0)
validator (5) 8f0446b 🐛 Allow whitespace to precede intrinsic sizer SVG element in data: URL (#27829)
41493c0 Validator rollup 472@1048 (#28677)
7aa0c6c Publish C++ CSS parser (#28687)
128901b Create BUILD rules for validator.proto (#28696)
968f88d Fix compile error. (#28697)

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