github ampproject/amphtml 2005150002000

latest releases: 2404291353000, 2404261800000, 2404230718000...
pre-release3 years ago
🔙 ROLLED BACK to 2005151844001
Baseline release: 2005152259000

Raw notes

0280fb2 Close the attachment drawer when navigation deeplinked to another app. (#28023)
6144391 ✨[amp-story-player] Add support to load documents from the cache (#27658)
3f29415 📦 Update dependency mocha to v7.1.2 (#28039)
2db73b1 validator: Python3 compatibility fixes (#28036)
e4a84da ✨ Sequence (#27985)
b790093 third-party: Nailgun python3 compatibility improvements (#28037)
a85a04e amp-geo: Fix typo on zhouyx's handle in OWNERS (#28029)
125697f Wait for media layout before registering them into the mediapool. (#27984)
c73adb3 📦 Update dependency posthtml to v0.13.0 (#28044)
83719ef build-system: Support python 3.5+ (#28038)
ab03e7c 🚮 Remove idleRenderOutsideViewport (#28043)
5add2d0 📖 Update platform variable docs (#28053)
58b3f4e SwG Release (#28052)
4f3d1a4 🐛 Restrict display:block/position:relative styles to implicit responsive layout (#28020)
aab01e4 Update amp-geo doc with preset-us-ca support (#27928)
24621cb Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill for cross-origin iframes (#27980)
300d4a5 🐛 Invibes ads: fix referrer url (#28047)
b241b33 Skip analytics-chunks experiment in inabox (#28067)
50459f1 Turn on analytics-chunks in canary (#28069)
3c7b0b3 Resources: send a documentHeight message after ampInitialized if height has changed. (#28065)
08d487b amp-list[binding=refresh-evaluate] (#27876)
1d83740 amp-geo: Support subdivision response in API (#27798)
25d6bdd 🏗 Use Python v3 on Travis (#28059)
e75a965 intersect-resources: Fix bug that skips onLayoutMeasure (#28070)
7e3051d 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-notice to v0.9.10 (#27900)
bcebd8c 🐛 Update validator regex to support Google Fonts CSS API v2 (#27885)
a1122f2 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-cleanup to v3 (#27992)
f5acd1e Do not loop background audio when used to auto-advance. (#28064)
4c86ec7 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.2 (#28074)
a91a68c 📦 Update dependency @ampproject/filesize to v4.2.0 (#28079)
9ff2ffd ✨Add template to list of descendants of grid_layer (#28051)
612979e ✨TCF integration: pass TCString to amp-ad-network-. (#27780)
8ca8b63 ✨ amp-consent: Gdpr applies value (#27759)
b47a299 show-tooltip validation (#27647)
0228e47 🐛 Ensure animation is initialized when pausing (#28080)
906a427 🏗 Move filesize config into its own file (#28083)
dbf09fa ♻️Quiz refactor (#28054)
6ba354b 🏗 Don't format package.json with prettier (#28085)
31b1b97 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-babel to v4 (#27989)
cdfd2ef WebUI app.yaml update to runtime (#26120)
930f477 Validator rollup 461@1043 (#28091)
72fbcb0 Experimentally enable layout=container on (#27911)
0510be2 Re-enable e2e amp-story share tests (#28082)
ad91624 Fixes share button bug (#27832)
c6e3be8 🐛 Prevent interaction with blurry-image placeholder (#28090)
67815dc 🐛 CEv1: Fix innerHTML patch in Safari <= 9 and maybe Yandex (#28086)
d7480aa Redefine getMode().test to only be true in local development (#28072)
8bbcbc7 🏗 Reduce closure concurrency on Travis from 4 to 2 (#28114)
48b0706 📦 Update babel monorepo to v7.9.6 (#28105)
1172607 📦 Update dependency karma to v5.0.3 (#28111)
47f10be 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.7.5 (#27988)
125a3cc ❄️ Skip amp-slider tests around interactions (#28113)
f3cbf32 🏗 De-dupe pre-build and lazy-build of amp.js during default gulp (#28106)
e8ef50a 📦 Update dependency karma-mocha to v2.0.1 (#28101)
c7e5a2d 📦 Update dependency @jest/core to v25.5.2 (#28088)
a3f1747 📦 Update dependency to v8.32 (#28040)
11036b1 🐛Update beop URLs after domain change (#28098)
929dfd9 Revert #27276 (#28119)
fd1b079 📦 Update Node.js to 12 (#28123)
12f7bcf Update amp-asserts transform to match AmpPass's transformations (#28127)
d55dbd9 Remove the Q2 devx survey link from README (#28139)
0214b4b Change the LCP/CLS trade-off in font timeouts (#27781)
fb9ab06 📦 Update dependency terser to v4.6.13 (#28134)
b18d03f 🏗 Add resolutions for minimist to address security alerts (#28121)
c8aa03a 📦 Update dependency karma to v5.0.4 (#28142)
3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
073fdae [amp-social-share]: Allow prerender (#28100)
68eaf0f 🛑Disable all perf observers in inabox. (#28125)
f4cc497 🏗 Allow spaces between commas in files globs (#28129)
79b4634 🏗🐛🚀 Fix and substantially speed up gulp unit --local_changes (#28131)
9d47384 amp-rdu round 1 documentation update for amp-3q-player (#27915)
5d94316 🚀 Introduce more chunking in FIE init (#27585)
adf5ec5 Add sanitize_vars_for_diff option to diff (#28156)
19f1b72 ✨TCF integration: pass gdprApplies to amp-ad-network-
5aaea99 ✨ Require visibility trigger selector's to have data-vars-* (#26902)
290642b 🏗✅ Add persistent browserify caching (#28157)
462493c 🏗 performance-urls task (#28118)
8802dbe 🏗 Tag release on-duty team in issue templates (#28167)
ad3b7f3 🏗 Ignore .karma-cache during lint / prettier checks (#28170)
3953658 🏗🚮 Remove (#24047)
cb5e45e 🏗 Skip gulp unit --local_changes on Travis if too many tests were affected (#28164)
3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
bf486f6 📖 Update spec/ with new reporting URL (#28166)
c1f5c66 ♻️ Refactor localization service (#27990)
f4cd430 ♻️Move Two SwG AMP examples and update CSS on the example (#28124)
d34b62e Expand analytics variables in remote config url (#28174)
6409019 Pre-throttle error reports from Stable client (#28181)
9e71d9f Set aside 10% of canary traffic for fie-init-chunking experiment (#28188)
5d859d4 🖍 Cleanup several unresolved amp-layout CSS states (#28115)
d78e7ee 🏗 Add gulp performance to Travis (#28148)
e3b0d95 🚀 Move FixedLayer to amp-viewer-integration extension (#27499)
1136a60 Trim bounce values (#28197)
fe7952a 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200426 (#28165)
479619f 📦 Update dependency @jest/core to v26 (#28183)
455ec1c 📦 Update dependency karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter to v3 (#28192)
d1ee76d 📦 Update dependency postcss to v7.0.29 (#28176)
432308f 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v24.0.2 (#28178)
8b13e2b 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-filesize to v8 (#28153)
984e375 📦 Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin to v3.3.0 (#28151)
33b813e 🏗 Add missing await to stopServer() invocations (#28204)
52ea599 Fix Node API on Node >12 (#28210)
8545cdd Fix userAssert's type annotation (#28191)
314c8b6 added blurb explaining web stories and AMP stories (#28186)
f053a91 Validator rollup (#28214)
fd86263 Add manufactured comments token metadata for parser. (#28218)
5b38fc6 🐛 Add error messages to thrown bare Error()s in amp-script (#28185)
5a041f1 amp-script: catch user errors in worker scripts (#28207)
6b2a4bc amp-script: add wg-runtime to OWNERS (#28216)
e35e2fa Add implicit layout comments (#28190)
001680a spec: Add AMP framework hosting guide (#27100)
947a577 📦 Update dependency fetch-mock to v9.5.0 (#28211)
cec4cce 🏗 Reduce coverage threshold for codecov check (#28215)
3a2dc87 ⏪ Remove experiment for FixedLayer due to failing sidebar test (#28228)
396c36c 📖 Exclude amp-state: documentation for email (#28226)
579e523 Add subscriptions-message-number to SwG smartbox button (#28213)
a0c0d0a 🏗 Configure Closure Compile to use ECMASCRIPT_2020 (#28240)
d9a8947 amp-rdu round 1 documentation update for amp-3d-gltf (#27913)
b431a5f 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.3 (#28239)
1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
70dc3b7 🚮 Remove skipped old tests (#28242)
ecfbc5a Temporarily remove ads from performance test pages (#28241)
cb57fe2 ♻️rename test file (#28246)
f7ac59b 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.8.2 (#28147)
93c2785 fixed bracket (#28202)
659a8cd 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.4 (#28251)
471bbb9 ✨ amp-animation: add x(), y(), rescale by scope element's transform (#28146)
10648a1 Ramp up no center css experiment to 5% prod (#28249)
86cb885 📦 Update dependency karma to v5.0.5 (#28258)
9d4b993 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v24.0.6 (#28230)
3a07e03 📦 Update dependency amphtml-validator to v1.0.31 (#28221)
0e3e847 Delete validator/AUTHORS. (#28265)
c985e34 Add support for module/nomodule script pairs (#28250)
9f79bc1 📖 Fixes a typo (#28263)
85e84ee e2e tests: support building specific extensions instead of everything. (#28277)
c31c08c Launch inabox-viewport-friendly. (#27892)
9e048ed Make timeout configurable for findElement in e2e tests (#28276)
34c3f78 Check for CSS variable support (#28256)
c88e1bb amp-social-share should not layout without a share endpoint (#28285)
9dc6a41 ♻️Change ANALYTICS_CONFIG to DEFAULT_CONFIG to better reflect its usage (#28261)
87d71fc Validator rollup 465@1045 (#28291)
c8caf9d 🐛 Register LINKER_CREATED on ampdoc instead of attribute (#28268)
5f88eb8 Fix race condition that fails to hide video loading indicator (#28297)
ceef8ee Revert "🚮 Remove idleRenderOutsideViewport" (#28306)
9aed75e ✨amp-consent: Add Usercentrics CMP (#28272)
5365f61 ✨ Galaxie Media RTC adapter added (#27008)
a478265 ♻️Test page folder refactor (#28084)
04e633c amp-consent iframe ui 100% height (#28290)
c7b1cc5 📦 Update dependency animate.css to v4 (#28267)
4e81deb 📦 Update dependency eslint to v7 (#28289)
bbf7ef1 📦 Update dependency postcss to v7.0.30 (#28303)
acbe2ae 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.9.1 (#28299)
13046cc 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-react-hooks to v4 (#28160)
022bbca ♻️ Require trigger="visibility" to run an effect (#28257)
0b84234 📦 Update dependency fetch-mock to v9.5.1 (#28300)
6f30fda ✨Add analytics vendor BlueConic (#28102)
2d09542 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200504 (#28243)
db85b71 📦 Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200504 (#28259)
a27d911 updated amp-action-macro and flagged as experimental (#28296)
b65705a 🐛Fix check-types failure due to new closure version (#28316)
e0498eb ♻️Refactor amp-subscriptions-iframe example (#28320)
0b79724 Register localization from amp-story (#28224)
201289b 🐛 Fix a bug with the Random Experiment setup (#28319)
891d4c5 🌐 Allow language override from viewer context (#28182)
1c815f4 🏗🐛 Fix build target logic by adding an explicit RUNTIME target (#28317)
e31c464 🚀 e2e tests: support fast (unminified) mode. (#28305)
7db28cc Turn on analytics-chunks in prod (#28323)
3f9f68f 🐛 [TAG-6201] use p in the amp request to avoid errors with response sizes (#28347)
6c6c63c 🐛 Use binaryType instead of runtime for pre-throttling (#28346)
fb49982 Slot: ref should not be an element (#28335)
e0744f4 ♻️Reaction API change (#28209)
411a877 Update my notifications (#28352)
aca8b11 🏗Allow gulp tasks to programmatically build the runtime (#28326)
c743f57 Oblivki config (#28358)
6913469 Add jeffkaufman to Adsense/Doubleclick OWNERS (#28357)
b10cbed 📖 Doc all supported analytics vendors (#28321)
2450277 Launch INTERSECTION_OBSERVER_POLYFILL experiment (#28364)
2cbcf07 [amp-story-player] Fix import error (#28356)
5efb1d9 Define INTERSECTION_OBSERVER_POLYFILL_INABOX experiment (#28367)
4fc439c 📖 amp-subscriptions: Updates quotation marks and formatting of a code example (#28287)
61a062b ✅ Fix failing test (#28370)
bc74e40 Fix check for unknown deps regex (#28366)
0e58a62 Upgrade Bento component versions by full integer (#28337)
2a82c87 🏗Make Sauce Labs runs non-blocking on Travis (#28381)
e521caf Add missing analytics vendors to the doc (#28369)
4582e8c Ibeat analytics payload update (#28375)
26a3220 [amp-carousel:0.2] Do not autoplay when document is not visible (#28292)
7593fed 🏗 Make AMP_CONFIG target names easily reusable across build-system/ (#28365)
e7a08bb 🐛 Bug fix: Limit the Full-Width Responsive upgrade in Auto Ads to mobile users only. (#28376)
7547a0f 🚮 Remove unnecessary moengage analytics files (#28388)
7a69be3 🏗 Lint globals on globalThis (#28392)
7dc79a0 ✨Switch config of amp-story to attributes for reaction and quiz components (#28362)
655efdb 🐛 Only wait for audio to build when using layout="nodisplay" (#28407)
952ceb2 🏗 Group minor and patch upgrades in once-a-day PRs (#28393)
66a10eb Prevent TalkBack from selecting hidden text. (#28405)
cad6eb3 ✨✅ Create new JW Player AMP Extension (#27725)
fb26739 Group dependency updates by category and assign working groups (#28396)
3c4af29 🏗 Fix default extension generator test (#28286)
e1a66bc Add hint about's boilerplate generator to boilerplate spec (#28413)
f28f510 🏗 Improve Sauce Labs logging (#28419)
5c8b536 📦 Update dependency @types/dompurify to v2.0.2 (#28354)
ebdf75c 📦 Update dependency typescript to v3.9.2 (#28363)
34d26cd 📦 Update dependency com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations to v4.0.3 (#28333)
e222e15 📦 Update dependency com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs to v4.0.3 (#28332)
e207dc1 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.20.0 (#28372)
6771a1f 📦 Update dependency fetch-mock to v9.9.0 (#28315)
29d1869 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-filesize to v9 (#28328)
59c424e amp-story-quiz css had extra spaces on the indentation (#28382)
ea83072 🏗 Add auto-merging group for ampproject dependencies (#28420)
02787ec ✨ Add FID, LCP, CLS to amp-analytics (#28122)
195d7bd 🐛 try/catch when pausing animations (#28423)
75d2323 ✨ SwG Release (#28430)
62de49f ✨[amp-social-share][bento][preact] New version of preact social-share component (#28137)
5363160 Added muted attribute to amp-story (#28417)
b6b0fde Expand consent string size limit to 1024 (#28400)
e26bb7d 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.10.0 (#28373)
916e8e5 📦 Update dependency animate.css to v4.1.0 (#28324)

Breakdown by component

ads (4) 300d4a5 🐛 Invibes ads: fix referrer url (#28047)
11036b1 🐛Update beop URLs after domain change (#28098)
c31c08c Launch inabox-viewport-friendly. (#27892)
c743f57 Oblivki config (#28358)
amp-3d-gltf (1) d9a8947 amp-rdu round 1 documentation update for amp-3d-gltf (#27913)
amp-3q-player (1) 9d47384 amp-rdu round 1 documentation update for amp-3q-player (#27915)
amp-a4a (4) 612979e ✨TCF integration: pass TCString to amp-ad-network-*. (#27780)
19f1b72 ✨TCF integration: pass gdprApplies to amp-ad-network-* (#28092)
3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
5365f61 ✨ Galaxie Media RTC adapter added (#27008)
amp-access (2) 93c2785 fixed bracket (#28202)
02787ec ✨ Add FID, LCP, CLS to amp-analytics (#28122)
amp-accordion (1) 1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-action-macro (1) a27d911 updated amp-action-macro and flagged as experimental (#28296)
amp-ad (1) 3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
amp-ad-exit (1) 9dc6a41 ♻️Change ANALYTICS_CONFIG to DEFAULT_CONFIG to better reflect its usage (#28261)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (5) 612979e ✨TCF integration: pass TCString to amp-ad-network-*. (#27780)
5d94316 🚀 Introduce more chunking in FIE init (#27585)
19f1b72 ✨TCF integration: pass gdprApplies to amp-ad-network-* (#28092)
3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
6913469 Add jeffkaufman to Adsense/Doubleclick OWNERS (#28357)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (8) ab03e7c 🚮 Remove idleRenderOutsideViewport (#28043)
612979e ✨TCF integration: pass TCString to amp-ad-network-*. (#27780)
5d94316 🚀 Introduce more chunking in FIE init (#27585)
19f1b72 ✨TCF integration: pass gdprApplies to amp-ad-network-* (#28092)
3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
ceef8ee Revert "🚮 Remove idleRenderOutsideViewport" (#28306)
201289b 🐛 Fix a bug with the Random Experiment setup (#28319)
6913469 Add jeffkaufman to Adsense/Doubleclick OWNERS (#28357)
amp-ad-network-oblivki-impl (1) 612979e ✨TCF integration: pass TCString to amp-ad-network-*. (#27780)
amp-ad-network-smartads-impl (1) 612979e ✨TCF integration: pass TCString to amp-ad-network-*. (#27780)
amp-analytics (16) b241b33 Skip analytics-chunks experiment in inabox (#28067)
929dfd9 Revert #27276 (#28119)
5aaea99 ✨ Require visibility trigger selector's to have data-vars-* (#26902)
d34b62e Expand analytics variables in remote config url (#28174)
8545cdd Fix userAssert's type annotation (#28191)
70dc3b7 🚮 Remove skipped old tests (#28242)
cb57fe2 ♻️rename test file (#28246)
9dc6a41 ♻️Change ANALYTICS_CONFIG to DEFAULT_CONFIG to better reflect its usage (#28261)
c8caf9d 🐛 Register `LINKER_CREATED` on ampdoc instead of attribute (#28268)
6f30fda ✨Add analytics vendor BlueConic (#28102)
3f9f68f 🐛 [TAG-6201] use p in the amp request to avoid errors with response sizes (#28347)
b10cbed 📖 Doc all supported analytics vendors (#28321)
e521caf Add missing analytics vendors to the doc (#28369)
4582e8c Ibeat analytics payload update (#28375)
7547a0f 🚮 Remove unnecessary moengage analytics files (#28388)
02787ec ✨ Add FID, LCP, CLS to amp-analytics (#28122)
amp-animation (1) 471bbb9 ✨ amp-animation: add x(), y(), rescale by scope element's transform (#28146)
amp-auto-ads (1) e7a08bb 🐛 Bug fix: Limit the Full-Width Responsive upgrade in Auto Ads to mobile users only. (#28376)
amp-autocomplete (1) 3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
amp-base-carousel (2) 1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
26a3220 [amp-carousel:0.2] Do not autoplay when document is not visible (#28292)
amp-beopinion (1) 11036b1 🐛Update beop URLs after domain change (#28098)
amp-bind (1) 08d487b amp-list[binding=refresh-evaluate] (#27876)
amp-carousel (3) 3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-consent (5) 8ca8b63 ✨ amp-consent: Gdpr applies value (#27759)
19f1b72 ✨TCF integration: pass gdprApplies to amp-ad-network-* (#28092)
9aed75e ✨amp-consent: Add Usercentrics CMP (#28272)
04e633c amp-consent iframe ui 100% height (#28290)
b6b0fde Expand consent string size limit to 1024 (#28400)
amp-date-display (1) 0e58a62 Upgrade Bento component versions by full integer (#28337)
amp-form (2) 3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
amp-fx-flying-carpet (1) 3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
amp-geo (3) a85a04e amp-geo: Fix typo on zhouyx's handle in OWNERS (#28029)
aab01e4 Update amp-geo doc with preset-us-ca support (#27928)
1d83740 amp-geo: Support subdivision response in API (#27798)
amp-iframe (1) c8caf9d 🐛 Register `LINKER_CREATED` on ampdoc instead of attribute (#28268)
amp-image-lightbox (1) 3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
amp-image-slider (1) 125a3cc ❄️ Skip amp-slider tests around interactions (#28113)
amp-inline-gallery (1) 1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-intersection-observer-polyfill (1) 24621cb Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill for cross-origin iframes (#27980)
amp-jwplayer (1) cad6eb3 ✨✅ Create new JW Player AMP Extension (#27725)
amp-lightbox (1) 3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
amp-lightbox-gallery (1) 3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
amp-list (4) 08d487b amp-list[binding=refresh-evaluate] (#27876)
72fbcb0 Experimentally enable layout=container on (#27911)
3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
396c36c 📖 Exclude `amp-state:` documentation for email (#28226)
amp-mega-menu (1) 1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-nested-menu (1) 1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-script (3) 5b38fc6 🐛 Add error messages to thrown bare Error()s in `amp-script` (#28185)
5a041f1 amp-script: catch user errors in worker scripts (#28207)
6b2a4bc amp-script: add wg-runtime to OWNERS (#28216)
amp-selector (2) 3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-sidebar (2) 3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-skimlinks (1) 3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
amp-social-share (3) 073fdae [amp-social-share]: Allow prerender (#28100)
c88e1bb amp-social-share should not layout without a share endpoint (#28285)
62de49f ✨[amp-social-share][bento][preact] New version of preact social-share component (#28137)
amp-story (27) 0280fb2 Close the attachment drawer when navigation deeplinked to another app. (#28023)
e4a84da ✨ Sequence (#27985)
125697f Wait for media layout before registering them into the mediapool. (#27984)
f5acd1e Do not loop background audio when used to auto-advance. (#28064)
9ff2ffd ✨Add template to list of descendants of grid_layer (#28051)
b47a299 show-tooltip validation (#27647)
0228e47 🐛 Ensure animation is initialized when pausing (#28080)
dbf09fa ♻️Quiz refactor (#28054)
0510be2 Re-enable e2e amp-story share tests (#28082)
ad91624 Fixes share button bug (#27832)
3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
c1f5c66 ♻️ Refactor localization service (#27990)
1136a60 Trim bounce values (#28197)
314c8b6 added blurb explaining web stories and AMP stories (#28186)
471bbb9 ✨ amp-animation: add x(), y(), rescale by scope element's transform (#28146)
34c3f78 Check for CSS variable support (#28256)
5f88eb8 Fix race condition that fails to hide video loading indicator (#28297)
022bbca ♻️ Require trigger="visibility" to run an effect (#28257)
0b79724 Register localization from amp-story (#28224)
e0744f4 ♻️Reaction API change (#28209)
7dc79a0 ✨Switch config of amp-story to attributes for reaction and quiz components (#28362)
655efdb 🐛 Only wait for audio to build when using layout="nodisplay" (#28407)
66a10eb Prevent TalkBack from selecting hidden text. (#28405)
59c424e amp-story-quiz css had extra spaces on the indentation (#28382)
02787ec ✨ Add FID, LCP, CLS to amp-analytics (#28122)
195d7bd 🐛 try/catch when pausing animations (#28423)
5363160 Added muted attribute to amp-story (#28417)
amp-story-auto-ads (2) c1f5c66 ♻️ Refactor localization service (#27990)
0b79724 Register localization from amp-story (#28224)
amp-story-education (2) c1f5c66 ♻️ Refactor localization service (#27990)
0b79724 Register localization from amp-story (#28224)
amp-stream-gallery (1) 1d29dfb 🚀 Allow prerendering of more elements (#28203)
amp-subscriptions (3) 3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
9f79bc1 📖 Fixes a typo (#28263)
4fc439c 📖 amp-subscriptions: Updates quotation marks and formatting of a code example (#28287)
amp-subscriptions-google (1) 579e523 Add subscriptions-message-number to SwG smartbox button (#28213)
amp-timeago (1) 0e58a62 Upgrade Bento component versions by full integer (#28337)
amp-user-notification (1) 3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
amp-video (1) 3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
amp-viewer-integration (2) e3b0d95 🚀 Move FixedLayer to amp-viewer-integration extension (#27499)
02787ec ✨ Add FID, LCP, CLS to amp-analytics (#28122)
build-system (52) 83719ef build-system: Support python 3.5+ (#28038)
24621cb Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill for cross-origin iframes (#27980)
50459f1 Turn on analytics-chunks in canary (#28069)
08d487b amp-list[binding=refresh-evaluate] (#27876)
906a427 🏗 Move `filesize` config into its own file (#28083)
dbf09fa ♻️Quiz refactor (#28054)
0510be2 Re-enable e2e amp-story share tests (#28082)
d7480aa Redefine getMode().test to only be true in local development (#28072)
8bbcbc7 🏗 Reduce closure concurrency on Travis from 4 to 2 (#28114)
f3cbf32 🏗 De-dupe pre-build and lazy-build of `amp.js` during default `gulp` (#28106)
12f7bcf Update amp-asserts transform to match AmpPass's transformations (#28127)
b18d03f 🏗 Add resolutions for `minimist` to address security alerts (#28121)
f4cc497 🏗 Allow spaces between commas in files globs (#28129)
79b4634 🏗🐛🚀 Fix and substantially speed up `gulp unit --local_changes` (#28131)
adf5ec5 Add sanitize_vars_for_diff option to diff (#28156)
290642b 🏗✅ Add persistent browserify caching (#28157)
462493c 🏗 performance-urls task (#28118)
ad3b7f3 🏗 Ignore `.karma-cache` during lint / prettier checks (#28170)
3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
cb5e45e 🏗 Skip `gulp unit --local_changes` on Travis if too many tests were affected (#28164)
3311005 ✅🏗 Ensure we always call Chai method assertions (#28128)
c1f5c66 ♻️ Refactor localization service (#27990)
9e71d9f Set aside 10% of canary traffic for fie-init-chunking experiment (#28188)
d78e7ee 🏗 Add gulp performance to Travis (#28148)
e3b0d95 🚀 Move FixedLayer to amp-viewer-integration extension (#27499)
33b813e 🏗 Add missing `await` to `stopServer()` invocations (#28204)
8545cdd Fix userAssert's type annotation (#28191)
3a2dc87 ⏪ Remove experiment for FixedLayer due to failing sidebar test (#28228)
a0c0d0a 🏗 Configure Closure Compile to use ECMASCRIPT_2020 (#28240)
10648a1 Ramp up no center css experiment to 5% prod (#28249)
85e84ee e2e tests: support building specific extensions instead of everything. (#28277)
c31c08c Launch inabox-viewport-friendly. (#27892)
9e048ed Make timeout configurable for `findElement` in e2e tests (#28276)
a478265 ♻️Test page folder refactor (#28084)
b65705a 🐛Fix `check-types` failure due to new closure version (#28316)
0b79724 Register localization from amp-story (#28224)
1c815f4 🏗🐛 Fix build target logic by adding an explicit `RUNTIME` target (#28317)
e31c464 🚀 e2e tests: support fast (unminified) mode. (#28305)
7db28cc Turn on analytics-chunks in prod (#28323)
411a877 Update my notifications (#28352)
aca8b11 🏗Allow `gulp` tasks to programmatically build the runtime (#28326)
2450277 Launch INTERSECTION_OBSERVER_POLYFILL experiment (#28364)
2cbcf07 [amp-story-player] Fix import error (#28356)
5efb1d9 Define INTERSECTION_OBSERVER_POLYFILL_INABOX experiment (#28367)
bc74e40 Fix check for unknown deps regex (#28366)
0e58a62 Upgrade Bento component versions by full integer (#28337)
7593fed 🏗 Make `AMP_CONFIG` target names easily reusable across `build-system/` (#28365)
7a69be3 🏗 Lint globals on globalThis (#28392)
cad6eb3 ✨✅ Create new JW Player AMP Extension (#27725)
3c4af29 🏗 Fix default extension generator test (#28286)
f28f510 🏗 Improve Sauce Labs logging (#28419)
62de49f ✨[amp-social-share][bento][preact] New version of preact social-share component (#28137)
package updates (47) 3f29415 📦 Update dependency mocha to v7.1.2 (#28039)
c73adb3 📦 Update dependency posthtml to v0.13.0 (#28044)
7e3051d 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-notice to v0.9.10 (#27900)
a1122f2 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-cleanup to v3 (#27992)
4c86ec7 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.2 (#28074)
a91a68c 📦 Update dependency @ampproject/filesize to v4.2.0 (#28079)
31b1b97 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-babel to v4 (#27989)
48b0706 📦 Update babel monorepo to v7.9.6 (#28105)
1172607 📦 Update dependency karma to v5.0.3 (#28111)
47f10be 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.7.5 (#27988)
e8ef50a 📦 Update dependency karma-mocha to v2.0.1 (#28101)
c7e5a2d 📦 Update dependency @jest/core to v25.5.2 (#28088)
a3f1747 📦 Update dependency to v8.32 (#28040)
fd1b079 📦 Update Node.js to 12 (#28123)
fb9ab06 📦 Update dependency terser to v4.6.13 (#28134)
c8aa03a 📦 Update dependency karma to v5.0.4 (#28142)
fe7952a 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200426 (#28165)
479619f 📦 Update dependency @jest/core to v26 (#28183)
455ec1c 📦 Update dependency karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter to v3 (#28192)
d1ee76d 📦 Update dependency postcss to v7.0.29 (#28176)
432308f 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v24.0.2 (#28178)
8b13e2b 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-filesize to v8 (#28153)
984e375 📦 Update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin to v3.3.0 (#28151)
947a577 📦 Update dependency fetch-mock to v9.5.0 (#28211)
b431a5f 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.3 (#28239)
f7ac59b 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.8.2 (#28147)
659a8cd 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.4 (#28251)
86cb885 📦 Update dependency karma to v5.0.5 (#28258)
9d4b993 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v24.0.6 (#28230)
3a07e03 📦 Update dependency amphtml-validator to v1.0.31 (#28221)
c7b1cc5 📦 Update dependency animate.css to v4 (#28267)
4e81deb 📦 Update dependency eslint to v7 (#28289)
bbf7ef1 📦 Update dependency postcss to v7.0.30 (#28303)
acbe2ae 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.9.1 (#28299)
13046cc 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-react-hooks to v4 (#28160)
0b84234 📦 Update dependency fetch-mock to v9.5.1 (#28300)
2d09542 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200504 (#28243)
db85b71 📦 Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200504 (#28259)
5c8b536 📦 Update dependency @types/dompurify to v2.0.2 (#28354)
ebdf75c 📦 Update dependency typescript to v3.9.2 (#28363)
34d26cd 📦 Update dependency com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations to v4.0.3 (#28333)
e222e15 📦 Update dependency com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs to v4.0.3 (#28332)
e207dc1 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.20.0 (#28372)
6771a1f 📦 Update dependency fetch-mock to v9.9.0 (#28315)
29d1869 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-filesize to v9 (#28328)
e26bb7d 📦 Update dependency rollup to v2.10.0 (#28373)
916e8e5 📦 Update dependency animate.css to v4.1.0 (#28324)
src (30) 6144391 ✨[amp-story-player] Add support to load documents from the cache (#27658)
ab03e7c 🚮 Remove idleRenderOutsideViewport (#28043)
24621cb Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill for cross-origin iframes (#27980)
3c7b0b3 Resources: send a documentHeight message after ampInitialized if height has changed. (#28065)
e75a965 intersect-resources: Fix bug that skips onLayoutMeasure (#28070)
8ca8b63 ✨ amp-consent: Gdpr applies value (#27759)
67815dc 🐛 CEv1: Fix innerHTML patch in Safari <= 9 and maybe Yandex (#28086)
d7480aa Redefine getMode().test to only be true in local development (#28072)
12f7bcf Update amp-asserts transform to match AmpPass's transformations (#28127)
0214b4b Change the LCP/CLS trade-off in font timeouts (#27781)
3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
68eaf0f 🛑Disable all perf observers in inabox. (#28125)
5d94316 🚀 Introduce more chunking in FIE init (#27585)
3953658 🏗🚮 Remove `` (#24047)
bf486f6 📖 Update spec/ with new reporting URL (#28166)
c1f5c66 ♻️ Refactor localization service (#27990)
6409019 Pre-throttle error reports from Stable client (#28181)
e3b0d95 🚀 Move FixedLayer to amp-viewer-integration extension (#27499)
8545cdd Fix userAssert's type annotation (#28191)
c985e34 Add support for module/nomodule script pairs (#28250)
c31c08c Launch inabox-viewport-friendly. (#27892)
c8caf9d 🐛 Register `LINKER_CREATED` on ampdoc instead of attribute (#28268)
ceef8ee Revert "🚮 Remove idleRenderOutsideViewport" (#28306)
0b79724 Register localization from amp-story (#28224)
891d4c5 🌐 Allow language override from viewer context (#28182)
6c6c63c 🐛 Use binaryType instead of runtime for pre-throttling (#28346)
fb49982 Slot: `ref` should not be an element (#28335)
e0744f4 ♻️Reaction API change (#28209)
2cbcf07 [amp-story-player] Fix import error (#28356)
02787ec ✨ Add FID, LCP, CLS to amp-analytics (#28122)
third_party (3) b790093 third-party: Nailgun python3 compatibility improvements (#28037)
58b3f4e SwG Release (#28052)
75d2323 ✨ SwG Release (#28430)
validator (13) 2db73b1 validator: Python3 compatibility fixes (#28036)
bcebd8c 🐛 Update validator regex to support Google Fonts CSS API v2 (#27885)
b47a299 show-tooltip validation (#27647)
cdfd2ef WebUI app.yaml update to runtime (#26120)
930f477 Validator rollup 461@1043 (#28091)
72fbcb0 Experimentally enable layout=container on (#27911)
b18d03f 🏗 Add resolutions for `minimist` to address security alerts (#28121)
3ddd4f4 AMP4Email: Set default "amp-allowed-url-macros" and "amp-action-whitelist" (#27561)
52ea599 Fix Node API on Node >12 (#28210)
f053a91 Validator rollup (#28214)
fd86263 Add manufactured comments token metadata for parser. (#28218)
0e3e847 Delete validator/AUTHORS. (#28265)
87d71fc Validator rollup 465@1045 (#28291)

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