github ampproject/amphtml 2004252135000

latest releases: 2501091938000, 2501082259000, 2501072245000...
4 years ago
Baseline release: 2004240001480

Raw notes

9f67f89 ✨ New feature: Adding our platform MoEngage as an amp-analytics plugin. (#27222)
b4427a8 🏗 Update @ampproject/filesize to 4.0.1 with new API (#27898)
6838fa4 Support basic shapes for clip-path animations and min/max expressions (#27891)
1098976 ✨Performance task locally served pages & wg handlers (#27283)
c00919b amp-script: improve illegal mutation messaging (#27834)
a553688 ✨ amp-animation internals can take a scope element (#27887)
b923f4e Do not override inabox host handler (#27912)
ee630fe Validator rollup (#27909)
fdbd688 📦 Pin dependencies (#27846)
3b87d5e Revert "Do not override inabox host handler" (#27919)
3900c8d 🐛 Bug fix on java validator for failed test due to $DEFAULT at rule evaluation (#27842)
d551072 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v23.1.0 (#27894)
fb4ec14 📦 Update dependency fuse.js to v5.2.3 (#27895)
b45e30d 📦 Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v6.11.0 (#27916)
419131a Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill (#27595)
dbc06b2 📖 Minor fixes to (#27929)
ede5fa3 ✨Added play/pause button (#27815)
f0b35ad Move player files to their own dir (#27818)
d68d2cc 📖 Added basic storybook stories for amp-list (#27719)
83c11c5 🐛 amp-video NodeList to Array (#27940)
7daf5f9 📦 Update dependency posthtml to v0.12.3 (#27924)
701c62c ✨Random Subdomains for SafeFrame (#27393)
8b35b32 toggleLoading: fix race (#27905)
6606b1b 🐛 Mark contentWindow unavailable as expected error (#27949)
0668898 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.1 (#27946)
916e9ac 🐛 modify pom to resolve vulnerabilities (#27951)
7dab8c3 📦 Update dependency prettier to v2.0.5 (#27926)
1cc3c90 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-commonjs to v9.3.4 (#27959)
297d433 allow analytics-chunks doc-opt-in (#27963)
0029e49 Improve vendor facing doc to collect consent related information. (#27855)
07a31c6 📖 [amp-social-share] Add basic bento storybook story for amp-social-share component (#27745)
6e50a55 📖 [amp-social-share] Add storybook stories for amp version of component (v1 and v2) (#27906)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
81fc6f2 🐛 Quick fix: amp-next-page templated recommendation box (#27764)
5619cb0 amp-consent allow full screen after promptTrigger: action (#27849)
3012edc 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-ignore to v1.0.5 (#27961)
ab3420f 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-serve to v0.6.1 (#27962)
55eeb0e 📦 Update dependency eslint to v6 (#27970)
a6631b7 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v24 (#27971)
97099ce 📦 Update dependency karma-chrome-launcher to v3 (#27975)
d94fa74 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-commonjs to v10 (#27993)
f6569bd Revert "Make media pool assert HTTPs-ness of URLs to align with amp-video" (#28000)
4d9148a 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-serve to v1 (#27999)
95acb50 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-filesize to v7 (#27995)
c619be8 🏗Make babel plugin tests work with jest v25 (#28002)
8bc10e8 Remove stories format from amp-gfycat. (#27987)
bbb7206 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-node-resolve to v5 (#27998)
e01f1fb 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-json to v4 (#27996)
16af9ff 📦 Update dependency semver to v5.7.1 (#27964)
bd5a420 📦 Update dependency webcomponentsjs to v1.3.3 - autoclosed (#28007)
ac66766 📦 Update dependency @ampproject/filesize to v4.1.0 (#28006)
90f1f7f 📦 Update dependency karma-jasmine to v3 (#27976)
1afb254 🖍Experiment to remove adsense/doubleclick centering css (#27816)
3a09815 🐛Remove title if not bot (#28017)
8b8884d Update OWNERS (#28019)
fe8e475 🏗✨ Enforce a minimum of 80% code coverage for AMP source code (#28013)
b2b850d Set the last three digit of the AMP version to be the number of cherry-picks in the branch (#27848)
ade5213 Handle decode errors in amp-video (#28005)
a431650 🖍 Enable amp-ad-no-center-css CSS for canary (#28015)
97453bd ✨Add AMP viewer capability to handle navigation of all external links (#27649)
0e37e99 ✨ Add new ads network - RelapPro (#27824)
691fe0e 🏗 Ban newer ES features (#28001)
7a4b728 🏗✨ Add a test for sourcemaps generation during minified compilation (#27795)
653e6ab Adding analytics test pages to performance task (#28003)
616156b 📦 Update dependency semver to v7 (#28008)
f98b66a Add shared Promise.resolve() babel transform (#27960)
df7c93a build-system: Support custom config overlay (#27977)
32cce66 📦 Update dependency terser to v4.6.12 (#28016)
dd91119 📦 Update dependency commander to v5.1.0 (#28031)
dd0fe4c 🏗Java Validator updates (#28032)
a9d71b7 amp-list[diffable]: Make initial content visible pre-build (#27920)

Breakdown by component

ads (5) b923f4e Do not override inabox host handler (#27912)
3b87d5e Revert "Do not override inabox host handler" (#27919)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
1afb254 🖍Experiment to remove adsense/doubleclick centering css (#27816)
0e37e99 ✨ Add new ads network - RelapPro (#27824)
amp-a4a (3) 701c62c ✨Random Subdomains for SafeFrame (#27393)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
f98b66a Add shared Promise.resolve() babel transform (#27960)
amp-access-laterpay (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-ad (3) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
1afb254 🖍Experiment to remove adsense/doubleclick centering css (#27816)
0e37e99 ✨ Add new ads network - RelapPro (#27824)
amp-ad-exit (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-ad-network-adsense-impl (1) 1afb254 🖍Experiment to remove adsense/doubleclick centering css (#27816)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (4) 701c62c ✨Random Subdomains for SafeFrame (#27393)
6606b1b 🐛 Mark contentWindow unavailable as expected error (#27949)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
1afb254 🖍Experiment to remove adsense/doubleclick centering css (#27816)
amp-addthis (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-analytics (3) 9f67f89 ✨ New feature: Adding our platform MoEngage as an amp-analytics plugin. (#27222)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
691fe0e 🏗 Ban newer ES features (#28001)
amp-animation (3) 6838fa4 Support basic shapes for clip-path animations and min/max expressions (#27891)
a553688 ✨ amp-animation internals can take a scope element (#27887)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-auto-ads (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-bind (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-consent (2) 0029e49 Improve vendor facing doc to collect consent related information. (#27855)
5619cb0 amp-consent allow full screen after promptTrigger: action (#27849)
amp-form (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-gfycat (1) 8bc10e8 Remove stories format from amp-gfycat. (#27987)
amp-inline-gallery (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-intersection-observer-polyfill (1) 419131a Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill (#27595)
amp-list (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-nested-menu (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-next-page (4) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
81fc6f2 🐛 Quick fix: amp-next-page templated recommendation box (#27764)
691fe0e 🏗 Ban newer ES features (#28001)
f98b66a Add shared Promise.resolve() babel transform (#27960)
amp-script (2) c00919b amp-script: improve illegal mutation messaging (#27834)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-sidebar (1) d68d2cc 📖 Added basic storybook stories for amp-list (#27719)
amp-social-share (3) 07a31c6 📖 [amp-social-share] Add basic bento storybook story for amp-social-share component (#27745)
6e50a55 📖 [amp-social-share] Add storybook stories for amp version of component (v1 and v2) (#27906)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-story (8) a553688 ✨ amp-animation internals can take a scope element (#27887)
dbc06b2 📖 Minor fixes to (#27929)
ede5fa3 ✨Added play/pause button (#27815)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
f6569bd Revert "Make media pool assert HTTPs-ness of URLs to align with amp-video" (#28000)
3a09815 🐛Remove title if not bot (#28017)
8b8884d Update OWNERS (#28019)
f98b66a Add shared Promise.resolve() babel transform (#27960)
amp-subscriptions (1) 39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
amp-video (3) 83c11c5 🐛 amp-video NodeList to Array (#27940)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
ade5213 Handle decode errors in amp-video (#28005)
amp-viewer-integration (1) 97453bd ✨Add AMP viewer capability to handle navigation of all external links (#27649)
build-system (16) b4427a8 🏗 Update `@ampproject/filesize` to 4.0.1 with new API (#27898)
1098976 ✨Performance task locally served pages & wg handlers (#27283)
419131a Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill (#27595)
f0b35ad Move player files to their own dir (#27818)
701c62c ✨Random Subdomains for SafeFrame (#27393)
297d433 allow analytics-chunks doc-opt-in (#27963)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
c619be8 🏗Make babel plugin tests work with `jest` v25 (#28002)
b2b850d Set the last three digit of the AMP version to be the number of cherry-picks in the branch (#27848)
a431650 🖍 Enable amp-ad-no-center-css CSS for canary (#28015)
97453bd ✨Add AMP viewer capability to handle navigation of all external links (#27649)
691fe0e 🏗 Ban newer ES features (#28001)
7a4b728 🏗✨ Add a test for sourcemaps generation during minified compilation (#27795)
653e6ab Adding analytics test pages to performance task (#28003)
f98b66a Add shared Promise.resolve() babel transform (#27960)
df7c93a build-system: Support custom config overlay (#27977)
package updates (25) fdbd688 📦 Pin dependencies (#27846)
d551072 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v23.1.0 (#27894)
fb4ec14 📦 Update dependency fuse.js to v5.2.3 (#27895)
b45e30d 📦 Update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v6.11.0 (#27916)
7daf5f9 📦 Update dependency posthtml to v0.12.3 (#27924)
0668898 📦 Update dependency puppeteer to v3.0.1 (#27946)
7dab8c3 📦 Update dependency prettier to v2.0.5 (#27926)
1cc3c90 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-commonjs to v9.3.4 (#27959)
3012edc 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-ignore to v1.0.5 (#27961)
ab3420f 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-serve to v0.6.1 (#27962)
55eeb0e 📦 Update dependency eslint to v6 (#27970)
a6631b7 📦 Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v24 (#27971)
97099ce 📦 Update dependency karma-chrome-launcher to v3 (#27975)
d94fa74 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-commonjs to v10 (#27993)
4d9148a 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-serve to v1 (#27999)
95acb50 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-filesize to v7 (#27995)
bbb7206 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-node-resolve to v5 (#27998)
e01f1fb 📦 Update dependency rollup-plugin-json to v4 (#27996)
16af9ff 📦 Update dependency semver to v5.7.1 (#27964)
bd5a420 📦 Update dependency webcomponentsjs to v1.3.3 - autoclosed (#28007)
ac66766 📦 Update dependency @ampproject/filesize to v4.1.0 (#28006)
90f1f7f 📦 Update dependency karma-jasmine to v3 (#27976)
616156b 📦 Update dependency semver to v7 (#28008)
32cce66 📦 Update dependency terser to v4.6.12 (#28016)
dd91119 📦 Update dependency commander to v5.1.0 (#28031)
src (7) c00919b amp-script: improve illegal mutation messaging (#27834)
419131a Universal IntersectionObserver polyfill (#27595)
f0b35ad Move player files to their own dir (#27818)
701c62c ✨Random Subdomains for SafeFrame (#27393)
39ec8ae Forbid usage of forEach on NodeList (#27943)
97453bd ✨Add AMP viewer capability to handle navigation of all external links (#27649)
f98b66a Add shared Promise.resolve() babel transform (#27960)
third_party (0)
validator (4) ee630fe Validator rollup (#27909)
3900c8d 🐛 Bug fix on java validator for failed test due to $DEFAULT at rule evaluation (#27842)
916e9ac 🐛 modify pom to resolve vulnerabilities (#27951)
dd0fe4c 🏗Java Validator updates (#28032)

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