github ampproject/amphtml 2004012111560

latest releases: 2406281604000, 2406271903000, 2406262239000...
pre-release4 years ago
Baseline release: 2004012158290

Raw notes

373acbc ๐Ÿ› Values returned by setInterval must be greater than 0. (#27323)
99e80ed ๐Ÿ“– Add frontmatter to amp-layout reference (#27277)
054d3e3 ๐Ÿ› Make amp-carousel.css use .i-amphtml-carousel-has-controls instead of [controls] (#27278)
cbb8f1d ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200315 (#27376)
7d6e568 Experimental flag for preview (#27367)
6f90ee3 Babel Following Closure Compilation (#26779)
b9ddc1d Validator Roll Up (#27412)
6ba1573 ๐Ÿ—โœจโœ… Add tests for gulp serve --new_server to CI workflow (#27396)
81f54b3 ๐Ÿš€ Use native CSS.escape in ESM build (#27395)
6eb5881 Validator rollup (#27419)
d328abc Revert "Disable x-scrolling on iOS when iframed" (#27422)
6e712d9 Rever reset-scroll-X (#27423)
dd42002 Story education shadow reset. (#27421)
f56b419 Fixed error handling for amp-next-page remote url fetching (#27400)
2fcbe0f Allow clip-path for animations (#27424)
2af7009 Skip flaky tests (#27435)
72e2b39 Initial smatr-ads-net (#27382)
8e70173 ๐Ÿ› amp-subscriptions-google: Re-enables E2E test (#27436)
2cc748f โœจ Add support for wrapper attribute (#27389)
affb2fd Wait for amp-date-display to build in unit tests (#27431)
361631a Add unit tests for amp-timeago v2 (#27243)
4ee722f ๐Ÿ—Move from resorcery to remapping (#27433)
2fadaff ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿš€ Speed up pre-closure babel transforms (#27426)
d0632df ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @ampproject/filesize to v3.2.1 (#27443)
9bb8244 access-expr: cache evaluations (#27359)
9b444cd ๐Ÿš€Only resize viewport during constructor when embedded (#27416)
26c21e2 ๐Ÿ— Remove outliers when testing performance (#27413)
292d825 amp-app-banner: Support apple-itunes-app lookup in AmpDocShadow (#27346)
65bead6 3p-recaptcha: Minor test improvement (#26915)
d5b64c4 Enable amp-autocomplete in AMP4Email with doc level opt-in (#27174)
acd0508 ๐Ÿ“– [amp-bind] Improve documentation on how to debug amp-state (#27417)
59d32d7 ๐Ÿ“– [amp-bind] Fix documentation on binding data- attributes (#27406)
025a0f4 Auto advance from audio on story cover page. (#27366)
adae783 amp-mustache: emit a developer error for faulty mustache templates (#27434)
9f38a37 โœจ Add consent macros support in rtc callout url (#26251)
b4a9f0d ๐Ÿ— Add โ„๏ธ Flaky tests as a categorizing emoji for pull requests (#27458)
911cfdc โ„๏ธ Disabled multiple flaky visual diff tests (#27457)
c0bff85 config: Check doc head for custom URLs (#26829)
bcde1ec ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿš€ Babel compile with sourcemaps (#27447)
5dc2404 ๐Ÿ› Make amp-consent position: fixed !important (#26819)
4fb74b1 amp-access: avoid spying on private func. (#27445)
9e10b95 make the module build report as esm (#27410)
8c4f107 amp-script: remove all console errors from tests (#27459)
b1bd1c2 โ™ป๏ธMore attributes added in webengage amp-analytics vendor config (#27429)
fb1156c ๐Ÿ› Don't expand array trigger (#27387)
a2bdfa3 caches: Fix bing cache hosts (#27472)
7a06ca9 ๐Ÿ“ Fence literal mention of amp-next-page (#27477)
d4f4226 ๐Ÿ—โœจ Enable lazy-build and watch modes for minified code (#27471)
6b6f722 ๐Ÿšฎ Clean up amp-auto-ad-no-op experiment (#27111)
ea87bcf add a module build explainer (#27385)
f9354ec Only show the swipe education if the swipe capability is present. (#27465)
ba24fe0 โœ… Unflake amp-accordion visual test (#27461)
fc69bcf ๐Ÿšฎ Eliminate elementName method (#27470)
4cc0ba3 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency rollup to v2.3.1 (#27384)
cc5f5e9 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency terser to v4.6.8 (#27485)
23d7c14 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency browserify to v16.5.1 (#27481)
c9f06d5 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx to v7.9.4 (#27380)
48042e5 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency autoprefixer to v9.7.5 (#27372)
6bc7963 ๐Ÿ— Add an override for closure compiler concurrency (#27491)
04ef79c ๐Ÿ– Hide pagination arrows in story embedmode=1 and embedmode=3 (#27463)
e7def6b Expose the advancementMode with the selectDocument messaging. (#27444)
703645c SwG release (#27486)
66af7f9 ๐Ÿ› : Clearer Error for Form Element Mutations (#27490)
84f4d6e Add unit, e2e tests for amp-carousel exposed actionTrust (#27157)
67e4997 Dark more drawer header color update. (#27488)
da09fca ๐Ÿ—โœจ Trigger Travis push builds for the nightly branch (#27492)
9b172d1 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency jsdom to v16.2.2 (#27474)
00aff59 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency terser to v4.6.9 (#27494)
7163971 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency gulp-prettier to v3 (#27349)
b6313e3 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency prettier to v2 (#27350)
8316eb3 amp-list: user().fine debug info for template rendering (#27439)
06ff72e cl/303432005 Revision bump for #27174 (#27506)
cfa32ac fixed some heading errors (#27464)
720f670 ๐Ÿ— Refactor babel-plugin-transform-function-declarations (#27438)
6c93cd9 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency terser to v4.6.10 (#27502)
161cab0 [amp-sidebar] re-enable flaky visual tests (#27495)
c714050 ๐Ÿ“– Remove reference to diaonomi (#27509)
1a5aaaf Fix build vs. reparent race in resource.js (#27498)
370a2e7 Add support for amp_ad rakutenunifiedads (#27475)
e68c13d ๐Ÿ“– amp-subscriptions: Marks error field in entitlements object as deprecated (#27451)
d75636d โ™ฟ Remove 'role' attribute on amp-list when 'single-item' is specified. (#27314)
2a86dea Update document for amp_ad rakutenunifiedads (#27517)
b2f2198 ๐Ÿ› Mark initMessagingChannel timeout as expected error (#27514)
2984894 add new error reporting url experiment (#27501)
e015e81 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.26.1 (#27526)
286a630 ๐Ÿ› nit: fix logic for deep-parsing on amp-next-page (#27519)
733f361 amp-timeago: Fix weird HTML formatting in doc (#27529)
14329bc [amp-list]: make layout=container and load-more mutually exclusive (#27521)

Breakdown by component

ads (3) 2cc748f โœจ Add support for wrapper attribute (#27389)
370a2e7 Add support for amp_ad rakutenunifiedads (#27475)
2a86dea Update document for amp_ad rakutenunifiedads (#27517)
amp-a4a (1) 9f38a37 โœจ Add consent macros support in rtc callout url (#26251)
amp-access (2) 9bb8244 access-expr: cache evaluations (#27359)
4fb74b1 amp-access: avoid spying on private func. (#27445)
amp-accordion (1) cfa32ac fixed some heading errors (#27464)
amp-ad (2) c714050 ๐Ÿ“– Remove reference to diaonomi (#27509)
370a2e7 Add support for amp_ad rakutenunifiedads (#27475)
amp-ad-network-doubleclick-impl (1) 6f90ee3 Babel Following Closure Compilation (#26779)
amp-ad-network-smartads-impl (1) 72e2b39 Initial smatr-ads-net (#27382)
amp-analytics (1) b1bd1c2 โ™ป๏ธMore attributes added in webengage amp-analytics vendor config (#27429)
amp-animation (1) 2fcbe0f Allow clip-path for animations (#27424)
amp-app-banner (1) 292d825 amp-app-banner: Support apple-itunes-app lookup in AmpDocShadow (#27346)
amp-auto-ads (1) 6b6f722 ๐Ÿšฎ Clean up amp-auto-ad-no-op experiment (#27111)
amp-autocomplete (1) d5b64c4 Enable amp-autocomplete in AMP4Email with doc level opt-in (#27174)
amp-bind (2) acd0508 ๐Ÿ“– [amp-bind] Improve documentation on how to debug amp-state (#27417)
59d32d7 ๐Ÿ“– [amp-bind] Fix documentation on binding data- attributes (#27406)
amp-carousel (2) 054d3e3 ๐Ÿ› Make amp-carousel.css use .i-amphtml-carousel-has-controls instead of [controls] (#27278)
84f4d6e Add unit, e2e tests for amp-carousel exposed actionTrust (#27157)
amp-consent (1) 5dc2404 ๐Ÿ› Make amp-consent position: fixed !important (#26819)
amp-date-display (1) affb2fd Wait for amp-date-display to build in unit tests (#27431)
amp-iframe (1) d328abc Revert "Disable x-scrolling on iOS when iframed" (#27422)
amp-list (3) 8316eb3 amp-list: user().fine debug info for template rendering (#27439)
d75636d โ™ฟ Remove 'role' attribute on amp-list when 'single-item' is specified. (#27314)
14329bc [amp-list]: make layout=container and load-more mutually exclusive (#27521)
amp-mustache (1) adae783 amp-mustache: emit a developer error for faulty mustache templates (#27434)
amp-next-page (4) f56b419 Fixed error handling for amp-next-page remote url fetching (#27400)
7a06ca9 ๐Ÿ“ Fence literal mention of amp-next-page (#27477)
cfa32ac fixed some heading errors (#27464)
286a630 ๐Ÿ› nit: fix logic for `deep-parsing` on `amp-next-page` (#27519)
amp-script (2) 8c4f107 amp-script: remove all console errors from tests (#27459)
66af7f9 ๐Ÿ› : Clearer Error for Form Element Mutations (#27490)
amp-sidebar (1) d328abc Revert "Disable x-scrolling on iOS when iframed" (#27422)
amp-story (7) 7d6e568 Experimental flag for preview (#27367)
025a0f4 Auto advance from audio on story cover page. (#27366)
5dc2404 ๐Ÿ› Make amp-consent position: fixed !important (#26819)
f9354ec Only show the swipe education if the swipe capability is present. (#27465)
04ef79c ๐Ÿ– Hide pagination arrows in story embedmode=1 and embedmode=3 (#27463)
e7def6b Expose the advancementMode with the selectDocument messaging. (#27444)
67e4997 Dark more drawer header color update. (#27488)
amp-story-education (2) dd42002 Story education shadow reset. (#27421)
f9354ec Only show the swipe education if the swipe capability is present. (#27465)
amp-subscriptions (2) b9ddc1d Validator Roll Up (#27412)
e68c13d ๐Ÿ“– amp-subscriptions: Marks `error` field in entitlements object as deprecated (#27451)
amp-subscriptions-google (2) 2af7009 Skip flaky tests (#27435)
8e70173 ๐Ÿ› amp-subscriptions-google: Re-enables E2E test (#27436)
amp-timeago (2) 361631a Add unit tests for amp-timeago v2 (#27243)
733f361 amp-timeago: Fix weird HTML formatting in doc (#27529)
build-system (15) 6f90ee3 Babel Following Closure Compilation (#26779)
6ba1573 ๐Ÿ—โœจโœ… Add tests for `gulp serve --new_server` to CI workflow (#27396)
81f54b3 ๐Ÿš€ Use native CSS.escape in ESM build (#27395)
72e2b39 Initial smatr-ads-net (#27382)
4ee722f ๐Ÿ—Move from resorcery to remapping (#27433)
2fadaff ๐Ÿ—๐Ÿš€ Speed up pre-closure `babel` transforms (#27426)
26c21e2 ๐Ÿ— Remove outliers when testing performance (#27413)
bcde1ec ๐Ÿ—๏ธ๐Ÿš€ Babel compile with sourcemaps (#27447)
a2bdfa3 caches: Fix bing cache hosts (#27472)
d4f4226 ๐Ÿ—โœจ Enable lazy-build and watch modes for minified code (#27471)
6b6f722 ๐Ÿšฎ Clean up amp-auto-ad-no-op experiment (#27111)
fc69bcf ๐Ÿšฎ Eliminate elementName method (#27470)
6bc7963 ๐Ÿ— Add an override for closure compiler concurrency (#27491)
cfa32ac fixed some heading errors (#27464)
720f670 ๐Ÿ— Refactor babel-plugin-transform-function-declarations (#27438)
package updates (13) cbb8f1d ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200315 (#27376)
d0632df ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @ampproject/filesize to v3.2.1 (#27443)
4cc0ba3 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency rollup to v2.3.1 (#27384)
cc5f5e9 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency terser to v4.6.8 (#27485)
23d7c14 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency browserify to v16.5.1 (#27481)
c9f06d5 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx to v7.9.4 (#27380)
48042e5 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency autoprefixer to v9.7.5 (#27372)
9b172d1 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency jsdom to v16.2.2 (#27474)
00aff59 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency terser to v4.6.9 (#27494)
7163971 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency gulp-prettier to v3 (#27349)
b6313e3 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency prettier to v2 (#27350)
6c93cd9 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency terser to v4.6.10 (#27502)
e015e81 ๐Ÿ“ฆ Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.26.1 (#27526)
src (12) 6f90ee3 Babel Following Closure Compilation (#26779)
81f54b3 ๐Ÿš€ Use native CSS.escape in ESM build (#27395)
d328abc Revert "Disable x-scrolling on iOS when iframed" (#27422)
6e712d9 Rever reset-scroll-X (#27423)
9b444cd ๐Ÿš€Only resize viewport during constructor when embedded (#27416)
c0bff85 config: Check doc head for custom URLs (#26829)
9e10b95 make the module build report as esm (#27410)
f9354ec Only show the swipe education if the swipe capability is present. (#27465)
fc69bcf ๐Ÿšฎ Eliminate elementName method (#27470)
1a5aaaf Fix build vs. reparent race in resource.js (#27498)
b2f2198 ๐Ÿ› Mark initMessagingChannel timeout as expected error (#27514)
2984894 add new error reporting url experiment (#27501)
third_party (2) 6f90ee3 Babel Following Closure Compilation (#26779)
703645c SwG release (#27486)
validator (4) b9ddc1d Validator Roll Up (#27412)
6eb5881 Validator rollup (#27419)
d5b64c4 Enable amp-autocomplete in AMP4Email with doc level opt-in (#27174)
06ff72e cl/303432005 Revision bump for #27174 (#27506)

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