github ampproject/amphtml 2003031842100

latest releases: 2406281604000, 2406271903000, 2406262239000...
4 years ago
Baseline release: 2002251816300

Raw notes

3199056 Quick fix for amp-form reference for AMP for Email (#26813)
5619b2c ⚠️ video-iframe integration warnings audit (#25412)
f9d8e7c Adding dock support for Brid player (#26877)
c66bfa9 🚮 Clean up ANALYTICS_VENDOR_SPLIT (#26797)
e45c22f Make amp-carousel always show controls in emails (#25714)
950ebea 📖Add documentation for amp-access-scroll (#26782)
ed10cc4 📦 Update dependency mocha to v7.1.0 (#26976)
dbd6938 Json fix (#26971)
2022af0 cl/297197875 Revision bump for #26877 (#26982)
c850b5c variable substitutions: Support whitelist lookup in AmpDocShadow (#26731)
39b4ad5 ✨ InaboxResources: Observe intersections for some elements' viewportCallbacks (#26942)
6e49702 🏗 Transform aliased configured components (#26541)
b25d04a 📦 Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200224 (#26986)
72ab99d Fixes update_tests flag on gulp validator (#26965)
a18848c ✅ Add Preact Enzyme tests (#26529)
f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
80a3bb9 📖 Clarify when max-age is required (#26956)
e740348 🐛 amp-ad type blade - fix bladeOnLoad callback (#26627)
b0744d3 🏗️ Update no-import lint rule to forbid sub-paths (#26531)
93f439b Gulp Dep Check: fail on unused entries (#26981)
2454849 🏗 Allow array destructuring on preact hooks (#26901)
97bcfa1 🐛 SwG now uses AMP sendBeacon interface (#26970)
88e75b8 DocInfo: replace metaTags with viewport in API (#26687)
a47f1b5 inabox-resources: Minor test improvement (#26916)
2bfbfac 🐛 Fix img url (#26987)
31fbacd dep-check: USE CAPS FOR IMPORTANCE (#26993)
daea9bf amp-consent fullscreen warning (#26467)
93cc2a3 viewport: Minor test improvement (#26931)
5d45fde url-replacements: Minor test improvement (#26930)
f0a4e78 📖 Make amp-bind doc valid, fix amp-form stories filter (#27003)
7d53b76 📖 Filter redirect info from emails (#27012)
59d5517 🐛 Fix unit tests broken by #26687 (#27000)
4847c7f ✨ amp-video-iframe integration: global jwplayer() singleton by default (#26969)
7785d74 ✨ Implements amp-analytics support for amp-next-page (#26451)
06f411a ♻️ Alias video.fullscreen action for symmetry with interface names (#27017)
8dadf03 navigation: Minor test improvements (#26926)
6086036 ✨ Add customization options to (#26714)
26fde84 amp-geo: Fall back to API for country (#26407)
0f740a4 Improve visibility event tests (#26847)
d3325ef 📖 documentation and validation (#26841)
b8b1997 ✨Implement Display Locking on amp-accordion (#25867)
7f76c5e Launch amp-next-page v2 & clean up experiment (#27035)
aaba384 ssr intrinsic layout: support svg using apostroph (#26294)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
1db4550 🐛 only log first error for ignored embed-size in amp-iframe (#27034)
f958f8b ✨amp-delight-player: Additional analytics support (#26631)
6c65d96 specified use of markdown in teaser (#27056)
99029dc Adds new touch capability to viewer integration (#27055)
b1b8fa2 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200224 (#26974)
3440444 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.24.0 (#27058)
91e93e7 🐛 Maintain ad-rolling state, use to init dock controls (#27006)
6584d23 fix single-pass to use transferSrcsToTempDir (#27045)
deff2b6 ✨ SwG version (#27054)
6ad078d Validator rollup (#27067)
d92844d gulp performance: emit status updates (#27030)
d32bf3b 🚮 Remove TransferLayerShadow (#27057)

Breakdown by component

ads (1) e740348 🐛 amp-ad type blade - fix bladeOnLoad callback (#26627)
amp-3d-gltf (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-3q-player (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-access (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-access-laterpay (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-access-poool (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-access-scroll (1) 950ebea 📖Add documentation for amp-access-scroll (#26782)
amp-accordion (2) b8b1997 ✨Implement Display Locking on amp-accordion (#25867)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-action-macro (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-ad (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-ad-custom (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-ad-exit (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-ad-network-triplelift-impl (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-addthis (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-analytics (4) c66bfa9 🚮 Clean up ANALYTICS_VENDOR_SPLIT (#26797)
7785d74 ✨ Implements `amp-analytics` support for `amp-next-page` (#26451)
0f740a4 Improve visibility event tests (#26847)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-anim (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-animation (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-apester-media (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-app-banner (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-audio (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-auto-ads (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-autocomplete (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-base-carousel (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-beopinion (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-bind (2) f0a4e78 📖 Make amp-bind doc valid, fix amp-form stories filter (#27003)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-bodymovin-animation (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-brid-player (2) f9d8e7c Adding dock support for Brid player (#26877)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-brightcove (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-byside-content (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-call-tracking (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-carousel (2) e45c22f Make amp-carousel always show controls in emails (#25714)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-connatix-player (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-consent (2) daea9bf amp-consent fullscreen warning (#26467)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-dailymotion (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-date-countdown (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-date-display (3) a18848c ✅ Add Preact Enzyme tests (#26529)
2454849 🏗 Allow array destructuring on preact hooks (#26901)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-date-picker (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-delight-player (2) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
f958f8b ✨amp-delight-player: Additional analytics support (#26631)
amp-dynamic-css-classes (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-embedly-card (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-experiment (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-facebook (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-facebook-comments (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-facebook-like (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-facebook-page (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-fit-text (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-font (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-form (4) 3199056 Quick fix for amp-form reference for AMP for Email (#26813)
f0a4e78 📖 Make amp-bind doc valid, fix amp-form stories filter (#27003)
7d53b76 📖 Filter redirect info from emails (#27012)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-fx-collection (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-fx-flying-carpet (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-geo (2) 26fde84 amp-geo: Fall back to API for country (#26407)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-gfycat (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-gist (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-google-document-embed (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-google-vrview-image (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-hulu (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-iframe (2) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
1db4550 🐛 only log first error for ignored embed-size in amp-iframe (#27034)
amp-ima-video (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-image-lightbox (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-image-slider (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-imgur (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-inline-gallery (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-inputmask (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-instagram (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-install-serviceworker (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-izlesene (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-jwplayer (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-kaltura-player (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-lightbox (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-lightbox-gallery (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-link-rewriter (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-list (2) 7785d74 ✨ Implements `amp-analytics` support for `amp-next-page` (#26451)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-live-list (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-mathml (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-mega-menu (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-megaphone (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-minute-media-player (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-mowplayer (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-mraid (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-mustache (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-nested-menu (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-next-page (4) 7785d74 ✨ Implements `amp-analytics` support for `amp-next-page` (#26451)
d3325ef 📖 documentation and validation (#26841)
7f76c5e Launch `amp-next-page` v2 & clean up experiment (#27035)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-nexxtv-player (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-o2-player (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-ooyala-player (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-orientation-observer (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-pan-zoom (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-pinterest (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-playbuzz (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-position-observer (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-powr-player (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-reach-player (2) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-recaptcha-input (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-redbull-player (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-reddit (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-riddle-quiz (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-script (2) 80a3bb9 📖 Clarify when max-age is required (#26956)
79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-selector (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-share-tracking (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-sidebar (1) 79e2715 ♻️ Remove intro tables from extension files (#26383)
amp-skimlinks (1) 88e75b8 DocInfo: replace metaTags with viewport in API (#26687)
amp-soundcloud (1) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
amp-springboard-player (1) f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
amp-story (1) 6086036 ✨ Add customization options to (#26714)
amp-subscriptions (1) dbd6938 Json fix (#26971)
amp-subscriptions-google (1) 97bcfa1 🐛 SwG now uses AMP sendBeacon interface (#26970)
amp-video-docking (1) 91e93e7 🐛 Maintain ad-rolling state, use to init dock controls (#27006)
amp-video-iframe (1) 4847c7f ✨ amp-video-iframe integration: global jwplayer() singleton by default (#26969)
amp-viewer-integration (2) 88e75b8 DocInfo: replace metaTags with viewport in API (#26687)
99029dc Adds new touch capability to viewer integration (#27055)
amp-viqeo-player (1) 91e93e7 🐛 Maintain ad-rolling state, use to init dock controls (#27006)
build-system (12) c66bfa9 🚮 Clean up ANALYTICS_VENDOR_SPLIT (#26797)
6e49702 🏗 Transform aliased configured components (#26541)
72ab99d Fixes `update_tests` flag on `gulp validator` (#26965)
b0744d3 🏗️ Update no-import lint rule to forbid sub-paths (#26531)
93f439b Gulp Dep Check: fail on unused entries (#26981)
2454849 🏗 Allow array destructuring on preact hooks (#26901)
31fbacd dep-check: USE CAPS FOR IMPORTANCE (#26993)
26fde84 amp-geo: Fall back to API for country (#26407)
7f76c5e Launch `amp-next-page` v2 & clean up experiment (#27035)
6c65d96 specified use of markdown in teaser (#27056)
6584d23 fix single-pass to use `transferSrcsToTempDir` (#27045)
d92844d gulp performance: emit status updates (#27030)
package updates (4) ed10cc4 📦 Update dependency mocha to v7.1.0 (#26976)
b25d04a 📦 Update dependency google-closure-library to v20200224 (#26986)
b1b8fa2 📦 Update dependency google-closure-compiler to v20200224 (#26974)
3440444 📦 Update dependency @percy/agent to v0.24.0 (#27058)
src (10) 5619b2c ⚠️ video-iframe integration warnings audit (#25412)
c850b5c variable substitutions: Support whitelist lookup in AmpDocShadow (#26731)
39b4ad5 ✨ InaboxResources: Observe intersections for some elements' viewportCallbacks (#26942)
f930778 ♻️ Consolidate players as .i-amphtml-media-component (#26967)
88e75b8 DocInfo: replace metaTags with viewport in API (#26687)
4847c7f ✨ amp-video-iframe integration: global jwplayer() singleton by default (#26969)
06f411a ♻️ Alias video.fullscreen action for symmetry with interface names (#27017)
26fde84 amp-geo: Fall back to API for country (#26407)
91e93e7 🐛 Maintain ad-rolling state, use to init dock controls (#27006)
d32bf3b 🚮 Remove TransferLayerShadow (#27057)
third_party (1) deff2b6 ✨ SwG version (#27054)
validator (4) 2022af0 cl/297197875 Revision bump for #26877 (#26982)
d3325ef 📖 documentation and validation (#26841)
aaba384 ssr intrinsic layout: support svg using apostroph (#26294)
6ad078d Validator rollup (#27067)

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