github amplication/amplication v0.7.0

latest releases: dsg/v4.2.0, v3.1.0, dsg/v4.1.2...
2 years ago

Today, we are excited to release v0.7.0

App Settings

Starting today, you can now control some of the database parameters from Amplication UI.
The parameter values are injected into the generated code and allow finer control on the development environment.


Parameter - Host

The name of the database host.

Parameter - Database Name

The database name. By default is field is empty.
You can use this field to deploy two or more different apps on the same DB server in the development environment, by settings a unique name for the DB on each app.

Parameter - Port

Port number to connect to at the server host.
You can use this field to run two or more separate PostgreSQL containers for different apps in the development environment, by settings a unique Port number for the DB on each app.

Parameter - User

PostgreSQL user name to connect as.

Parameter - Password

Password to be used to connect to the DB.
The password appears in clear text in the generated app.
It should only be used for the development environment password and should not include sensitive data.

Read more here about PostgreSQL connection string

Impacted files

The following files in the generated code are impacted when the DB parameters are changed:






Starting with this version, a new environment variable "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME" is added to the server .env file.
This variable is used to allow running multiple applications generated with Amplication on the development environment.
Without this parameter, when using docker-compose to run the DB docker image, the image gets the same name for all apps generated with Amplication.
See issue #1423 for more details

Dependencies updates

The dependencies in the generated app were updated using renovate ( and are now up to date.

Fixes and improvements

#1420 - Server build: Build process failure due to a missing dependency
#1425 - Admin UI: password field is disabled

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