github amplication/amplication v0.5.2

latest releases: v1.16.4, v1.16.3, v1.16.2...
3 years ago

Today, we are excited to release v0.5.2

This version contains breaking changes, you may need to manually resolve conflicts in your custom code. Read below for more details.

Upgraded TypeScript to v4.2.3

Amplication server and the generated apps were upgraded to use TypeScript v4.2.3

Upgraded Prisma to version v2.19.0

  • Amplication server was upgraded to use Prisma v2.19.0
  • The generated apps were upgraded to use Prisma v2.19.0

How to upgrade your existing app

After generating a new version of your app, follow these instructions:

  • Uninstall @prisma\cli to avoid conflicts with the new prisma package (Prisma CLI is now part of prisma package)
$ cd server
$ npm un @prisma/cli
  • Run npm i in the server folder to upgrade to the new packages
$ npm i
  • Generate the new Prisma client
$ npx prisma generate
  • Delete the ./server/prisma/migrations folder. This folder contains migrations in the old format.

  • Run npx prisma migrate dev to generate new migrations. This command will also reset (delete and recreate) the DB, so make sure you run on your dev environment.

$ npx prisma migrate dev
  • Recreate the seed data in the DB with the default user (admin:admin)
npm run seed 

Note that upgrading Prisma version comes with some breaking changes.

You can read the Prisma release notes to learn more about all the changes that come with the new version -

Breaking changes in the generated app

Specifically, these changes impact the following areas in the generated apps:

  • We've renamed FindManyEntityArgs to EntityFindManyArgs to align with the changes in Prisma
  • We've renamed FindOneEntityArgs to EntityFindUniqueArgs to align with the changes in Prisma

Breaking changes in Amplication server

If you are running with a local Amplication server, you need to reset your development DB to start working with the new version of Prisma migrate.

This command will delete all the data in the development DB and will reset the migrations table

npx prisma migrate reset

Implement Helm Chart

Added support to deploy Amplication on a Kubernetes cluster using Helm charts.
Read more about it here

Fixes and improvements

#1298 - DSG: WhereUniqueInput is missing @field property decorator
#1272 - Docker build fails when entities with reserved words are used.
#1293 - Validation for entity name plural vs singular form

Big thanks to @AndrewTraub, @EndersDev, and @MatanForU for reporting these issues.


Huge thanks to @almogbhl, @TimDurward for helping!
Thanks to @prisma/prisma for their great format for release notes which we learned from and adopted.

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