github amplication/amplication v0.11.2

latest releases: v2.0.5, v2.0.4, v2.0.3...
2 years ago

We are happy to announce the patch release of Amplication 0.11.2. 🥳

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In this release, we upgrade the core libraries and tools to the latest stable releases, along with other fixes and additions. 💜

Better User Experience ✴️

We take community feedback very seriously and it's always our first priority!

We got some feedback about the user experience and the UI flow of the Commit/Rebuild process.

Previously, the Commit/Rebuild option was on on left of the screen causing an inconistent UI experience. To improve the flow we shifted it to the right of the screen. The UI flow is now more consistent. 😉

We have also added a skeleton loading animation on the bottom bar whenever the user launches the Commit/Rebuild function. 🎉


General 📑

Issue Description
Added Cache to the setup script GitHub dev action.
Updated the default react icon with amplication icon.
The new issue templates were updated and made more accessible.
A new PR template, with PR guidelines, was added for welcoming and helping contributors on their way to contribute changes.

Amplication Server 💾

Issue Description
Improved the UX when app gives error message when trying to login with a user that doesn't exist .
Fixed the bug where there is no warning displayed when we want to create a new app but with the name of another app.
New dedicated @amplication/server Dockerfile.
Added a dedicated docker file to @amplication/client .
Moved commit button from the bottom to the right of the screen.
Dependency lodash updated from version 4.17.20 to version 4.17.21
Upgraded version of react-scripts from 3.4.4 to 5.0.0.
Removed @rmwc library completely and replaced it with @mui/material.
Upgraded react version from 16.13.1 to17.0.2.
Upgraded react-dom version from 16.13.1 to17.0.2.
Upgraded styled-components version from 5.1.1 to5.3.3.
We have upgraded @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin version from 4.28.3 to5.9.1.
Upgraded @typescript-eslint/parser version from 4.28.3 to5.9.1.
Upgraded eslint version from 7.17.0 to8.6.0.
Upgraded eslint-config-react-app version from 6.0.0 to7.0.0.
Upgraded eslint-plugin-import version from 2.23.4 to2.25.4.
Upgraded eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y version from 6.4.1 to6.5.1.
Upgraded eslint-plugin-react version from 7.24.0 to7.28.0.
Upgraded eslint-plugin-react-hooks version from 4.2.0 to4.3.0.
Removed the storybook library temporarily to avoid the conflicts.
Removed the react-device-detect version 1.14.0.
Upgraded react-select version from 3.1.1 to5.2.1.
Added @types/classnames version 2.3.1.
Removed @types/react-select version 3.0.27.

Amplication App 📱

Issue Description
Added comment to all files in entities base folder to tell developer to not to change code manually, it'll be overwritten.


Issue Description
Fixed conflicting option in the Amplication's CLI (entities:fields:update).

The complete list of all issues resolved in this release can be found on the 0.11.2 milestone on Github

Credits 👏

For this release, we had the help of many contributors – thank you all very much!

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