github amcharts/amcharts4 4.9.28

latest releases: 4.10.24, 4.10.23, 4.10.22...
3 years ago

[4.9.28] - 2020-06-29


  • New adapter xlsxWorkbook in Export. Will allow decorating a Workbook object before it is exported.
  • chart.exporting text-based API functions (getSVG(), getCSV(), getJSON(), getHTML()) now have third parameter (boolean). If set to false they will return a raw output, rather than data:uri.
  • zoomable property added to all axes (default: true). Setting it to false will make axis not react to zoom events from scrollbar/cursor.


  • Removed focusable from map chart background series.
  • Polyfills in .js file will now only load on-demand, making it with some frameworks that override default objects.


  • Regression plugin: the regression line was not being drawn correctly on a chart with horizontal ValueAxis.
  • Export: images exported on zoomed-out pages sometimes were showing visual artifacts.
  • If a chart cursor was visible (because of soft or hard triggerMove() calls) but the real mouse was out of the plot area, the cursor used to react to clicks even though it shouldn't have.
  • ForceDirectedNode's fill and stroke adapters were not working properly if nodes were initially collapsed.
  • Sprite.hitTest() method was not working properly with nonScaling = true.
  • If a MapChart had geodata loaded via geodataSource.url, the map used to disappear after div size changed.
  • If a legend of a MapChart was disposed, a JS error might happen in some cases.

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