github amcharts/amcharts4 4.9.12

latest releases: 4.10.24, 4.10.23, 4.10.22...
4 years ago

[4.9.12] - 2020-03-26


  • New mouse cursor style added: am4core.MouseCursorStyle.text.
  • Export formatOptions now accessible via public property, e.g. chart.exporting.formatOptions.getKey("csv").disabled = true.


  • Using date format "i" to parse ISO dates now supports unlimited number of milliseconds. It was failing before if more than three digits were used for milliseconds.


  • If Label had its interactions disabled then re-enabled, its selectable property was being ignored.
  • Modal with closable = false could still be closed via curtain click.
  • openModal() ignored title (second parameter).
  • Pushing child elements in Label which has textValign set was resulting in error.
  • cursor.snapToSeries was not working properly with CategoryAxis.
  • Firefox was not measuring labels properly if a chart was lazy-loaded using onlyShowOnViewport.

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