github amcharts/amcharts4 4.10.19

latest releases: 4.10.24, 4.10.23, 4.10.22...
3 years ago

[4.10.19] - 2021-06-08


  • Export: dynamic CSS <style> added by Export was not applying global nonce option.
  • RangeSelector plugin: some pre-set period buttons were behaving incorrectly when there was no animated theme enabled.
  • In some cases labels for ValueAxis were prone to a floating-point issue.
  • OverlapBuster plugin. Was not always working properly without animated theme.
  • Minor tweak to multiple series tooltip arrangements.
  • JSON config: sometimes items pushed to children were not being created.
  • Truncation of Legend's labels sometimes were being knocked off by the XYCursor activities.

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