github alvr-org/ALVR v13.1.0+server
ALVR v13.1.0+server

latest releases: v20.8.1, v20.8.0, v20.7.1...
3 years ago

alvr_web_server.exe has been removed to make the installation and connection process more reliable.

Please read the new installation and usage instructions in the README.

  • You should NOT register the driver anymore, it is handled automatically. This resolves incompatibilities with Oculus Link. You should still register the driver if you want to use Driver4VR for full body tracking.
  • The lag frames before the stream have been reduced.
  • Now SteamVR must be ALWAYS running to use ALVR. If you close SteamVR the client will not connect anymore.
  • Connection to the client may take more time now. Please be patient and wait for SteamVR to restart.

Other changes:

  • Fix autoupdater checks. You may have to install this update manually.

The latest client version is still v13.0.0.

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