🔥 Deauthentication Attacks Now Work on (ONLY) the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W with the newer wifi chip 🔥
- Removed all dependency on Kali-Pi 💥 🎉
pwnagotchi is now completely old stable Buster lite... no more janky inconsistent user and kernel spaces that caused more problems then it solved - Upgraded to Old Buster Lite 2023-05-03
- Upgraded to Go v1.20.6
- Fixed subtle bugs in pwnlib and bettercap-launcher that caused firmware crashes (e.g., checking if mon0 is up, bringing down wlan0, turning off power saving, changing how the status of a device is checked)
- Recompiled nexmon from source only for the Pi Zero 2 W and patched the chip firmware (a real pain in the ass given the nexmon Makefile convoluted structure)
- Installed aircrack-ng as part of the base image
Given the complete removal of Kali-Pi and that deauthentication attacks now work again, bumped this up to v1.7.x
This will NOT work on RPiZ2W have use the older wifi chip (e.g., 43430 vs 43436).
I did not install the nexmon firmware and driver for other Raspberry Pis so its almost certain this image will not work on Raspberry Pi 3/4 or the original Pi Zero W. I may... at my discretion and time permitting... recompile nexmon for other Raspberry Pis and patch their chip firmware. I only use the Pi Zero 2 W so it was not a priority for me. If you're in a hurry, you can install my image, clone nexmon and do the compiling and patching yourself.
I want to acknowledge the invaluable help I received from DrSchottky in resolving the problem with deauthentication attacks and the firmware crashes that the packet injections were causing. I would not have been able to fix this without his (her?) help.