github allenai/allennlp v2.3.0

latest releases: v2.10.1, v2.10.0, v2.9.3...
3 years ago

What's new

Added 🎉

  • Ported the following Huggingface LambdaLR-based schedulers: ConstantLearningRateScheduler, ConstantWithWarmupLearningRateScheduler, CosineWithWarmupLearningRateScheduler, CosineHardRestartsWithWarmupLearningRateScheduler.
  • Added new sub_token_mode parameter to pretrained_transformer_mismatched_embedder class to support first sub-token embedding
  • Added a way to run a multi task model with a dataset reader as part of allennlp predict.
  • Added new eval_mode in PretrainedTransformerEmbedder. If it is set to True, the transformer is always run in evaluation mode, which, e.g., disables dropout and does not update batch normalization statistics.
  • Added additional parameters to the W&B callback: entity, group, name, notes, and wandb_kwargs.

Changed ⚠️

  • Sanity checks in the GradientDescentTrainer can now be turned off by setting the run_sanity_checks parameter to False.
  • Allow the order of examples in the task cards to be specified explicitly
  • histogram_interval parameter is now deprecated in TensorboardWriter, please use distribution_interval instead.
  • Memory usage is not logged in tensorboard during training now. ConsoleLoggerCallback should be used instead.
  • If you use the min_count parameter of the Vocabulary, but you specify a namespace that does not exist, the vocabulary creation will raise a ConfigurationError.
  • Documentation updates made to SoftmaxLoss regarding padding and the expected shapes of the input and output tensors of forward.
  • Moved the data preparation script for coref into allennlp-models.
  • If a transformer is not in cache but has override weights, the transformer's pretrained weights are no longer downloaded, that is, only its config.json file is downloaded.
  • SanityChecksCallback now raises SanityCheckError instead of AssertionError when a check fails.
  • jsonpickle removed from dependencies.
  • Improved the error message from Registrable.by_name() when the name passed does not match any registered subclassess.
    The error message will include a suggestion if there is a close match between the name passed and a registered name.

Fixed ✅

  • Fixed a bug where some Activation implementations could not be pickled due to involving a lambda function.
  • Fixed __str__() method on ModelCardInfo class.
  • Fixed a stall when using distributed training and gradient accumulation at the same time
  • Fixed an issue where using the from_pretrained_transformer Vocabulary constructor in distributed training via the allennlp train command
    would result in the data being iterated through unnecessarily.
  • Fixed a bug regarding token indexers with the InterleavingDatasetReader when used with multi-process data loading.
  • Fixed a warning from transformers when using max_length in the PretrainedTransformerTokenizer.

Removed 👋

  • Removed the stride parameter to PretrainedTransformerTokenizer. This parameter had no effect.


c80e175 improve error message from Registrable class (#5125)
aca1623 Update docstring for basic_classifier (#5124)
059a64f remove jsonpickle from dependencies (#5121)
5fdce9a fix bug with interleaving dataset reader (#5122)
6e1f34c Predicting with a dataset reader on a multitask model (#5115)
b34df73 specify 'truncation' to avoid transformers warning (#5120)
0ddd3d3 Add eval_mode argument to pretrained transformer embedder (#5111)
99415e3 additional W&B params (#5114)
6ee1212 Adding a metadata field to the basic classifier (#5104)
2e8c3e2 Add link to gallery and demo in README (#5103)
de61100 Distributed training with gradient accumulation (#5100)
fe2d6e5 vocab fix (#5099)
d906175 Update transformers requirement from <4.5,>=4.1 to >=4.1,<4.6 (#5102)
99da315 fix str method of ModelCardInfo (#5096)
29f00ee Added new parameter 'sub_token_mode' to 'pretrained_transformer_mismatched_embedder' class to support first sub-token embedding (#4363) (#5087)
6021f7d Avoid from_pretrained download of model weights (#5085)
c3fb97e add SanityCheckError class (#5092)
decb875 Bring back run_sanity_checks parameter (#5091)
913fb8a Update mkdocs-material requirement from <7.1.0,>=5.5.0 to >=5.5.0,<7.2.0 (#5074)
f82d3f1 remove lambdas from activations (#5083)
bb70349 Replace master references with main in issue template (#5084)
87504c4 Ported Huggingface LambdaLR-based schedulers (#5082)
63a3b48 set transformer to evaluation mode (#5073)
542ce5d Move coref prep script (#5078)
bf8e71e compare namespace in counter and min_count (#3644)
4baf19a Arjuns/softmax loss documentation update (#5075)
59b9210 Allow example categories to be ordered (#5059)
3daa0ba tick version for nightly
bb77bd1 fix date in CHANGELOG

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