github allenai/allennlp v1.1.0rc4

latest releases: v2.10.1, v2.10.0, v2.9.3...
pre-release3 years ago

Changes since v1.1.0rc3


  • Added a workflow to GitHub Actions that will automatically close unassigned stale issues and
    ping the assignees of assigned stale issues.


  • Fixed a bug in distributed metrics that caused nan values due to repeated addition of an accumulated variable.


87a61ad Bug fix in distributed metrics (#4570)
71a9a90 upgrade actions to cache@v2 (#4573)
bd9ee6a Give better usage info for overrides parameter (#4575)
0a456a7 Fix boolean and categorical accuracy for distributed (#4568)
8511274 add actions workflow for closing stale issues (#4561)
de41306 Static type checking fixes (#4545)
5a07009 Fix RoBERTa SST (#4548)
351941f Only pin mkdocs-material to minor version, ignore specific patch version (#4556)

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