github aliyun/aliyun-cli v3.0.1

latest releases: v3.0.204, v3.0.203, v3.0.202...
6 years ago

This is the first golang release of Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface.Please enjoy it and give us some feedback on issues!

Alibaba Cloud Command Line Interface Version 3.0.1

  aliyun <product> <operation> [--parameter1 value1 --parameter2 value2 ...]

  configure       configure credential and settings
  oss             Object Storage Service
  auto-completion enable auto completion

  --mode              use `--mode {AK|StsToken|RamRoleArn|EcsRamRole|RsaKeyPair}` to assign authenticate mode
  --profile,-p        use `--profile <profileName>` to select profile
  --language          use `--language [en|zh]` to assign language
  --region            use `--region <regionId>` to assign region
  --access-key-id     use `--access-key-id <AccessKeyId>` to assign AccessKeyId, required in AK/StsToken/RamRoleArn mode
  --access-key-secret use `--access-key-secret <AccessKeySecret>` to assign AccessKeySecret
  --sts-token         use `--sts-token <StsToken>` to assign StsToken
  --ram-role-name     use `--ram-role-name <RamRoleName>` to assign RamRoleName
  --ram-role-arn      use `--ram-role-arn <RamRoleArn>` to assign RamRoleArn
  --role-session-name use `--role-session-name <RoleSessionName>` to assign RoleSessionName
  --private-key       use `--private-key <PrivateKey>` to assign RSA PrivateKey
  --key-pair-name     use `--key-pair-name <KeyPairName>` to assign KeyPairName
  --secure            use `--secure` to force https
  --force             use `--force` to skip api and parameters check
  --endpoint          use `--endpoint <endpoint>` to assign endpoint
  --version           use `--version <YYYY-MM-DD>` to assign product api version
  --header            use `--header X-foo=bar` to add custom HTTP header, repeatable
  --body              use `--body $(cat foo.json)` to assign http body in RESTful call
  --pager             use `--pager` to merge pages for pageable APIs
  --output,-o         use `--output cols=Field1,Field2 [rows=jmesPath]` to print output as table
  --waiter            use `--waiter expr=<jmesPath> to=<value>` to pull api until result equal to expected value
  --dryrun            add `--dryrun` to validate and print request without running.
  --quiet,-q          add `--quiet` to hide normal output

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