- Fix color mode switching not being remembered on startup
- Fix folder left behind on deletion if app bundle was not in the root of Applications folder - via #22
- Reformat layout for mini mode top buttons and search bar
New Features
- Instant Search: Enable in settings to load app files on startup
- Semantic Versioning: Going forward will use semver (Ex. v0.0.0)
- Feature Alert: For each version, a feature alert will popup once on startup to show details
- Leftover File Cleaning: Search your mac for files leftover by uninstalled apps - via #23
- Sidebar Drag Handle: Resize the sidebar in regular mode
- Redesign UI/Settings/Icon: Some new buttons, layout changes, new official app icon and pear color theme accents
- File Sort: Sort files alphabetically or by size
- Socket File Removal: Finds socket files that aren't even visible in Finder with show hidden files enabled
- OSLog Output: Will print errors to the Console app for easier troubleshooting