⭐️ Features / Enhancements
- [Spring Cloud Dubbo] Removed Spring Cloud Dubbo module from main branch (#2398)
- [RocketMQ]Support RocketMQ anonymous group(#2511)
- [RocketMQ]Support blank header value(#2572)
- [RocketMQ]Improve RocketMQ examples and document(#2570)
- [Nacos]Support refresh specific configurationPropertiesBeans(#2437)
- [Nacos]Support without file extensions in Nacos Config(#2538)
- [Nacos]Add examples of shared-configs and extension-configs(#2562)
- [Nacos]Improve Nacos Config examples(#2551)
- [Nacos]Improve Nacos wiki(#2584)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- [Common] Fixed maven duplicate declaration(#2574)
- [RocketMQ]Fixed multi-broker offset error(#2572)
- [Seata]Optimize circular dependencies(#2568)
- [Sentinel] Fix Sentinel datasource init error in jacocoagent environment(#2477)
- [RocketMQ]Fixed RocketMQ binder with anonymous group cause error(#2464)
📔 Reference Document
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
- [Seata] Upgrade to 1.5.1(#2583)
- [RocketMQ] Upgrade to 4.9.3(#2568)
- [Nacos] Upgrade to 2.1.0(#2563)
- [Sentinel] Upgrade to 1.8.4 (#2556)
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!