⭐️ Features / Enhancements
- [Governance]Support resolving rules from Istio Control Plane, and support authentication and label routing based on Istio Control Plane(#2715, #2826, #2832, #2836, #2840, #2911, #2919, #2922, #2969, #3045)
- [Seata]Add document for seata and update the version of mysql-connector-java(#2927,#2633)
- [Seata]Transfer XID using feign.RequestInterceptor(#1946)
- [Nacos]Refactor NacosWatch and add GatewayLocatorHeartBeatPublisher and modify the switch of NacosWatch in additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json(#2904)
- [Nacos]Polish code and extract commonalities(#2849)
- [Nacos]Support both register IPv4 & IPv6 address(#3029)
- [Nacos]Replace "UP" and "DOWN" character string to static const in NacosServiceRegistry(#2854)
- [Nacos]Fix the inconsistent between nacos examples readme.md and nacos user's docs(#2811)
- [Nacos]Support comment in json config(#3051)
- [RocketMQ]Reuse RocketMQ producer(#2699)
- [RocketMQ]Remove the redundant log(#2790)
- [RocketMQ]Change default group name to "anonymous"(#2950)
- [Sentinel]Fix a grammar typo in README (#2821)
- [Example]Add an integrated example for local and k8s deployment of Spring Cloud Alibaba(#2870,#2828,#2711)
- [Example]Fix spring-cloud-alibaba-examples grammar(#2793)
- [Example]Refactor nacos-discovery-example(#2940)
- [Example]Fix typo in the integrated example(#2943)
- [Example]Fix invalid urls in examples(#2945)
- [Example]Make the module names consistent for integrated examples(#2959)
- [Adoc]Correct a spelling mistake in ans.adoc(#2820)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- [Nacos]Automatically find IPv4 when there is no IPv6 found(#2810)
- [Nacos]Fix filter invalid IPv6 address wrong logic(#3026)
- [Nacos]Fix Nacos config namespace(#2876)
- [Nacos]Fix network interface test case issues(#2774)
- [RocketMQ]Disabled NacosWatch and avoid tests failed(#2871)
- [RocketMQ]Resolve errors in generating javadocs by mvn install(#2787)
- [RocketMQ]Change logger from parent class to log in current class(#2788)
- [Maven]Fix MavenReportException problem(#2776)
📔 Reference Document
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
❤️ Contributors
Thanks for the contributors who worked on this release!