#2095 classloader 命令增加jar包统计功能
#2118 增加 memory命令,dashboard命令展示空间有限,会丢弃超出的内容
#1677 恢复对 enum 类增强支持,并且对过滤掉的类在日志中打印具体原因
#2085 arthas和skywalking8.9.1的fastjson插件冲突,( 3658 Connection refused)
#2110 arthas tunnel server里的 jackson 反序列化 null时,会抛出异常 bug
#2081 jad 的 http api 返回格式不是合法 json bug
#2089 Upgrade async-profiler to v2.6
#2048 Upgrade cfr to 0.152
#2120 启动arthas之后,输入dashboard报错:process dashboard failed: Memory Pool not found
#2074 GlobalJobControllerImpl 不能保证线程安全问题 bug
#2086 change RetransformCommand and DumpClassCommand limit option description to match
annotation -
#2070 add cloud toolkit hotreload sphinx
#2068 Remove repeated conditional judgments.
#2043 Bump netty-codec-http from 4.1.59.Final to 4.1.71.Final dependencies
#2044 Bump log4j-core from 2.12.1 to 2.12.4 in /core dependencies