#2036 vmtool support support macOS/ARM64
#2035 Upgrade async-profiler to 2.5, support macOS/ARM64
#1909 WebConsole支持配置向上回滚的数据行数
#2023 改进低版本jdk attach高版本jdk可能抛出 Non-numeric value found - int expected 的处理
#2017 arthas-spring-boot-starter 加载配置文件失效 bug
#1970 webconsole修复resize event在websocket关闭情况下报错的bug
#2034 Optimize string splicing.
#1987 reduce memory waste in UserStatUtil.
#1993 potential NPE in Base64Command
#1998 potential NPE in PackageInternalsFinder
#1921 Bugfix: PackageInternalsFinder support file path with white space and Unicode characters bug
#1913 Fix:修复logFile路径在window中展示的问题