- #986 Support arthas.properties ,支持外部配置文件
- #1029 新增加 perfcounter 命令
- #978 升极 asm 到 7.3.1, 支持 JDK 13
- #1076 新增加 echo 命令
- #1075 支持 'q' 命令退出
- #976 增加 tee 命令
- #1089 升级 async-profiler 到 1.7 支持 arm arch
- #999 修复 skywalking NoClassDefFoundError Lorg/apache/skywalking/apm/agent/core/plugin/interceptor/enhance/InstMethodsInter
- #1032 在k8s环境里,telnet 连接出错 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Handle this case gracefully bug
- #1072 batch mode运行不正常 bug
- #970 设置环境变量
导致启动失败 - #1077 When update logger level error, print better message
- #996 Avoid append spy jar to BootstrapClassLoader multiple times
- #985 Remove the logger.api dependency, use repackaged logger
- #1085 修改 com.taobao.arthas.agent package名,防止升级不兼容
- #1052 返回错误的 content-type,导致Edge浏览器访问arthas-output页面异常 bug
- #1028 dump -E这个参数怎么使用,没有看懂 question-answered
- #1024 Optimize the hints at the beginning, when choosing a process
- #1074 dashboard command delete unused -b option
- #1071 Update dependency version of fastjson
- #1033 Upgrade termd to
- #1031 Upgrade cfr to 0.149
- #994 Better output exception message, when toString method throw exception
- #990 简化AgentBootstrap里的逻辑,pid从int切换为long
- #982 建议将shutdown命令移除,完全用stop替代