github algorand/indexer 2.3.1-beta1
Algorand Indexer 2.3.1-beta1

latest releases: v3.7.0, v3.6.0, v3.5.0...
pre-release3 years ago

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2.3.0-beta releases are incompatible with these versions due to migration refactoring, a full indexer database rebuild is required to upgrade from 2.3.0-betas.

This release is focused on minor enhancements and bug fixes, including:


  • Cumulative rewards are now computed and stored in the account "Rewards" field.
  • Round at which things are added or removed from the database are now reported. There is also a 'deleted' flag for each of these indicating whether the record is currently deleted:
    • account: 'created-at-round', 'closed-at-round'
    • asset: 'created-at-round', 'destroyed-at-round'
    • asset holding: 'opted-in-at-round', 'opted-out-at-round'
    • application: 'created-at-round', 'deleted-at-round'
    • account application: 'opted-in-at-round', 'closed-out-at-round'

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for negative asset integer bug seen on BetaNet
  • JSON encoding import issue

Known Issues

  • This release is not compatible with the other 2.3.0-beta releases due to migration refactoring, a full indexer database rebuild is required to upgrade from 2.3.0-betas.
  • Application state rewind has not been implemented, and returns a generic error. We are implementing a better error message for this state.
  • Multiple writer daemons will cause double accounting leading to invalid data. The only fix for this is a full indexer database rebuild.
  • Asset holding accounting does not currently handle default-frozen = true correctly. This currently only effects a single asset on betanet.



  • Add 'deleted' flag to the database and API
  • Add basic benchmark queries against a database to help prevent query performance regression
  • Move db.CommitRoundAccounting out of the accounting package

Bug Fixes

  • Fix asset close accounting issue
  • Fix handling of some transactions whose JSON encoding would fail to be received by PostgreSQL
  • On account close, delete a bunch of fields out of account.account_data because they'd be cleared by algod
  • When local state delta had a single key deletion did not happen

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