github algorand/go-algorand v3.20.1-beta
Algorand BetaNet 3.20.1

7 months ago

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Optimizations and a bug fix for catchup.



  • Cgo: Properly manage memory passing from cgo to go on Batch Verifiers (#5700)
  • Chore: Cut out some useless allocations when computing payset commitments (#5840)
  • Chore: Remove one allocate per hash by using generics. (#5829)
  • Config: add EnableGossipService option (#5832)

Bug Fix

  • Catchup: Fix empty cert if ledger already has a block (#5846)

Protocol Upgrade

This release does not contain a protocol upgrade.

Additional Resources

vFuture changes are not yet available in MainNet or TestNet but can be used in private networks.

  • State Proofs: add block hash to LightBlockHeader (#5663)

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