github aldostools/webMAN-MOD 1.47.45
webMAN MOD 1.47.45

latest release: 1.47.46
11 months ago

🅱️ Added option to select external ps1_bios.bin (PSXONPSP660.BIN) in /setup.ps3 🆕
🐞 Fixed critical bug applying lv2 patches on 4.90 DEX / PEX
🐞 Fixed dev_bdvd mounting error PS2 (issue #943)
🐞 Fixed instant freeze using combos SELECT+L1 / SELECT+R1 used for last game (issue #891)
📦 /download.ps3 & /install.ps3 now close the PS3 Internet browser if called using /xmb.ps3 (issue #877)
🎲 Added /clock.ps3 command for randomize system_plugin.rco
🆔 Now IDPS/PSID buttons in /setup.ps3 set the default values in memory instead of set the fields to zeroes
✅ Fixed text in German transtalation of webMAN.xml (thanks @ozapft)
☑️ PS2 config database updates with fixes by @mrjaredbeta, @agrippa, @kozarovv
🚀 Cumulative update (includes over 46 commits to the suite of tools after 1.47.44)

💡 If you like webMAN MOD, then feel free to contribute with a *small donation*, I'd really appreciate it! or (Funds are mainly to cover the high server costs)

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